AnGina-- Dark Phoenix
Posts: 3555  |
I'm going to be an absolute a**hole for saying a big no to this. The Tight Rope XX is just.... No. It would be better to just leave Comalies be Comalies.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
Posts: 823  |
Didn't know they were making new music.
Posts: 372  |
01.10.2022 - 02:47Rating: 6
When you have no passion to write a new music you just take the most rated album and re-record that 👎
Posts: 28  |
12.10.2022 - 21:53Rating: 7
Written by Litvin on 01.10.2022 at 02:47
When you have no passion to write a new music you just take the most rated album and re-record that 👎
They're already working on a new album along with this one.
Album Release day (October 14, 2022)
Album Release day (October 14, 2022)
Posts: 207  |
14.10.2022 - 07:01Rating: 8
Well ... it's different. if you separate the two releases and take it as a new experience, it's enjoyable enough, but comparing the songs side by side is not a good time. lacuna coil was a completely different band when they recorded comalies than they are now, and that most definitely shows here. i'd give a 7.5 if i could because of the stellar songwriting and better production, but it just feels ... weird?
Posts: 4  |
14.10.2022 - 07:27Rating: 7
Am a huge fan of the original. This is okay, far from my fav release but I think I like it more than the last 2 albums. Good production but doesn't stand up musically/atmospherically. Andrea's newer growl sound feels out of place, the moments he goes back to singing sound great though. Some songs(not all) feel like weird radio edits of the composition, rushed feeling. Also bummer the original album tracks included didn't get any remix or remaster love from what I can tell.
These were the hits to me: Humane XX, Ghost Woman And The Hunter XX, Angels Punishment XX
Posts: 263  |
14.10.2022 - 10:41Rating: 8
I like it, but if you ask me if it's beter than the original version, the answer is no. I've been a fan of the band for a very long time and I really enjoy the progression of Cristina's vocals, I feel her voice has really matured in a good way, so in this XX release it is an upgrade. I also like the modern arrangement of keyboards/symphonics.
However, this remake of Comalies lacks what made it great in the first place. The atmosphere. It was really something else back then to listen to Comalies. For example, the song "Daylight Dancer" is completely destroyed in this newer version. The growls are completely out of place.
The actual rating would be 6.5. If you take it as a standalone release of give it to someone who has never listened to the original, it's not a bad album.
Posts: 18  |
14.10.2022 - 13:28Rating: 1
Im gonna give it a 1.
Completely unnecessary re recording of an already perfect album. These new recordings sound terrible and add nothing to the originals except making them worse.
Why not just remaster the album, add a couple new songs and a full live show. Then they could just book a tour to celebrate the album by playing it all.
The obvious reason for this release is a cashgrab. If you think otherwise, then you're being naive.
Posts: 96
A 1 because you are butthurt lol. Some of you are absolutely hilarious
Born Out Of Hate, Descending Upon The Earth
Posts: 186  |
14.10.2022 - 14:51Rating: 5
Comparing the two versions, the original really might have benefitted from a heavier production and Christina's updated vocals. I remembered her vocals to be much better. It might have also benefitted from occasional growls. OCCASIONAL. But why they replaced all of his beautiful vocal lines is beyond me, they were the highlight of the original - see Daylight Dancer.
"We are blind to the world within us, waiting to be born"
Gothic Metalhead Pro Introvert
Posts: 150  |
14.10.2022 - 19:07Rating: 5
Well... um there's a lot to unpack here.
I will start by saying this is a better listening experience than Black Anima. Black Anima was an unbearable listen for me with nothing to fall back on to get back to the album. Comalies XX has its moments. One of my favorite songs off Comalies "The Ghost Woman and the Hunter" still sounds good redone.
However, the problem I have is that most of my favorites off Comalies are my least favorite songs on Comalies XX. That mainly has to do with the redone vocals Andrea Ferro has done. It's just out of touch with the original vibe of the songs. And the same goes with the songs I didn't care about on the original like Humane which is another highlight of this album; everything is just reversed.
What I think Lacuna Coil could have done with Comalies 20th Anniversary is remaster the album, make it a boxset of sorts and still kept these songs as a bonus for newer fans. Instead this is more of trying to drift deeper into alternative metal rather than embracing both eras of Lacuna Coil.
Slight improvement but still very lackluster. Honestly the best words to describe this is lazy and soulless. The worst part about this release is that any little trace of gothic music from Lacuna Coil will now be lost in they're live sets because I'm positive these will be the versions they'll be playing from now on. So This is another below average album from a band that I once called my all time favorite band.
Posts: 18  |
14.10.2022 - 19:36Rating: 1
Written by Icedburden on 14.10.2022 at 14:16
A 1 because you are butthurt lol. Some of you are absolutely hilarious
Im butthurt bc i have an opinion that doesnt align with yours? How old are you? 12?
Go buy it if you like it. Have fun.
Gothic Metalhead Pro Introvert
Posts: 150  |
14.10.2022 - 19:55Rating: 5
Written by Nightmare^ on 14.10.2022 at 10:41
For example, the song "Daylight Dancer" is completely destroyed in this newer version. The growls are completely out of place.
Daylight Dancer is one of my favorite songs off Comalies and now it's become my least favorite off this version... it's jarring that it got ruined by the growls and the change of structure.
A Real Mönkey
Posts: 1324  |
Damn why does this band exist?
Posts: 75  |
15.10.2022 - 04:39Rating: 4
Instead of messing up with something like Comalies, they should have spent their time, energy and money to improve this core-y approach they decided to follow since Delirium by recording a new album. I love Lacuna Coil, but this is just trash.
AnGina-- Dark Phoenix
Posts: 3555  |
I started with the last song because Comalies (the song) is still one of my favourites from the band. What can I say... Music brings emotions and Comalies brought so many of them, I just have no particular feelings for this new instalment; it does nothing much to me. It feels uninspired and as it has been done to please the masses - the post-Comalies fanbase, which fell for the Karmacode style.
While I do understand, what they wanted to achieve with this release, I can't seem to grasp it. The only song I enjoyed in the original and XX version is Entwined; the new version is a kickass song. But that is pretty much it. They should just release some new material with maybe 1-2 renewed versions IMHO. I can't seem to hold on to Andrea doing growls, for me his cleaning voice was a better suit for the sound.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
Posts: 80  |
I will never understand why bands spend time, effort and money to make a down-graded version of a classic album that no one asked for and will only get them hate. If you want to make the album relevant again by calling attention to it, do an anniversary tour. See also: In Flames, Sonata Arctica
Posts: 154
08.11.2022 - 13:10Rating: 5
I don't even think that the big problem is that they re-did their best album with the new style they've developed... which arguably doesn't fit super well, because the songs were obviously not written to fit this style to begin with, but on the other hand, they changed them up quite a bit, such that it *could* fit. And I appreciate that they didn't just re-record the album in a new style but actually put some thought into it. But for some reason they lost the ability to write catchy stuff. I mean sure, Delirium was a breath of fresh air with the change in style, but it was also super catchy to me, which is probably also a big factor to why I did enjoy it. Black Anima could have had similar impact, given that they didn't change much of their formula, but everything seemed so bland and uninteresting. Nothing really stuck after listening to it.
And it seems that this trend continues here - and highlights this problem even more, because the music is not unknown with it being a remake. The new versions lack the catchiness, they replaced a lot of nice vocal melodies with ones that may be more technical, but just pass me by without doing anything. On the contrary to most here, the growls don't even bother me too much although they overdid it here for sure. The production also isn't helping, sounds way less dynamic to me than the original.
WorpeX Made of Metal
Posts: 1355  |
WorpeXMade of MetalPosts: 1355 
Couldn't get past Daylight Dancer. I give up. Heaven's A Lie was awful, somehow Daylight Dancer was worse. Swamped was bearable. The reason I liked this band in the first place was that the dynamic of a metal band with clean female AND male leads was unique. That's completely thrown out the window now, they went all in on the beauty and the beast stuff. Andrea's growls aren't even that good, his cleans are so much more interesting.