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Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 04:56
....So, taking into account that I am feeling somewhat un-original right now, I shall start this thread with a description, stolen from Wikipedia.

"Therion is a Swedish symphonic metal band. Its name originates from Greek, where therion means simply beast; the name refers to the beast of the Christian Book of Revelation, however the band's name itself originates from the Celtic Frost album To Mega Therion. Therion was founded by Christofer Johnsson in 1987. Beginning as a death metal band, they later turned to combining orchestral elements with their metal music employing heavy use of choirs and classical musicians.

Therion's music takes its themes from different mythologies and is based on concepts ranging from occultism, magic and ancient traditions and writings. The majority of their lyrics are written by Thomas Karlsson, head and founder of the magical order Dragon Rouge of which Johnsson is a member. The band has seen many changes in line-up and style throughout its history"

This band to me, are absolutley sublime. The elements they combine are not only multifarious, but beautiful in the way they are placed and presented. Lemuria / Sirius B was an instant classic for me, so much more so than the bands previous endevours.

What do you all think of this terrific ensemble?
06.03.2007 - 17:54
Account deleted
They are my biggest love
I love Therion!!!
they are Progressive now, and that is great!
My favorite song is Lemuria...
I like new album!
Therion rules!
06.03.2007 - 20:36
The Voice
Account deleted
I don't like Gothic Kabbalah as much as Sirius B which is not typical Therion, I know, but I hoped they were turning that way. Kingu, Pharaons, Rasputin, Persephone, Khali, Quetzalcoatl, Gurdjieff...listening to each song and turning the booklet pages at the same were something like being trasported to a different time and place. Lemuria, the song, is gonna be like the Therion's bard songs...when I saw them live one month ago it ORGASM!!

Therion rules!
15.03.2007 - 02:09
Lactation Cnslt
I've listened to Deggial and Secret of the Runes every day for at least the last two weeks. It took me forever to get into this band because I was expecting a more dynamic-sounding orchestra metal band. I consider some of their albums to be choir metal or something (lol), and the men's choir is actually my favorite part of the band. Unexpectedly, I was disappointed in hearing the awful vocals on Gothic Kaballah, and I really don't like their new approach.

Still, my favorite album by them is Ho Drakon Ho Megas...
15.03.2007 - 20:06
Grand Gardener
WTF do you mean by awful vocals??? These are rarely good vocals on GK.
15.03.2007 - 21:31
Lactation Cnslt
From the songs I heard, I didn't think the vocals on the new album were as good as previous ones. Who knows, maybe if I decide to ever listen to Gothic Kaballah again it will grow on me, but like you said, the vocals are "rarely" good.
15.03.2007 - 21:50
Bitch Boy
@ pyroleprechaun: you dislike all of the vocals, only one of them, or only the male or the female?
16.03.2007 - 00:16
Lactation Cnslt
I don't really care for the female solo vocals, and I find the solo male vocals to be cheesy in a fruity power metal way. However, it took me forever to get into their other albums, so maybe this album will grow on me, if I decide to listen to it again.
16.03.2007 - 00:46
Bitch Boy
@ pyroleprechaun: maybe you should try the band's earlier stuff, I think that fits better with your taste.
16.03.2007 - 00:51
Lactation Cnslt
Yeah, I prefer Ho Drakon Ho Megas, which counts as one of their old albums, but I still really enjoy Secret of the Runes and Deggial. I plan on buying Theli any day now
16.03.2007 - 00:54
Bitch Boy
The male vocals in Deggial are excellent. I think that Theli won't disappoint you
18.03.2007 - 02:24
I found GK at a record store today and picked it up. I've only had one listen but my first impressions are good, mostly. I enjoy the new/different intensity that the music has and some songs are really fun. One BIG change I noticed was the vocals: almost no classical sopranos or choral vocals! A few songs feature them but most either feature a female pop vocalist (who was quite good) or a power metal-esque male vocalist. VERY not what I expected!! I haven't decided if this is a good or bad thing for my ear, time will tell

I also agree with whoever said that they should have narrowed it down to one disc. The good songs are good but the rest are definite filler.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
18.03.2007 - 08:14
Have you ever listened to the old stuff, nothing to do with the actual Therion, anyway both material are the best, the arranges, the lyrics, the voices, the choirs, all is great. I have all of their albums, the album that I listen the most is Theli, as Johanson says, its his masterpiece!!!
07.04.2007 - 01:54
Lactation Cnslt
I blame Therion and only Therion (not my lack of self discipline, of course) for my current state of sleep deprivation. I keep on having my own little Therion marathons at night, where I listen to like 3 of their albums in a row (that's like over 3 hours) and it makes me stay up until 2 or 3 AM, and I have to wake up at 7
07.04.2007 - 09:19
The Amputator
I ordered 'Deggial' the other day, it's the only one of their Symphonic albums that I don't have in some shape or form, and though I've only heard it in its entirety a few times, it left a very awesome impression, so much so that I felt it's a 'must-have' in my collection.

EDIT: What's the DVD like? I've heard from a few people that watching it in its entirety is to give yourself a Therion overload, so much so that you won't want to listen to them again for a while!
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
07.05.2007 - 05:58
it got that kabalah cd yesterday...heard the cd once, and i....yeah, i'm just..idk

to be honest, i think therion lost what made therion 'therion'. i mean, ignoring their first albums, you would always think of therion as the band with the insane choir, melodic instruments, and overall epical orgasms. but this album, though i only heard it once, i cant seem to find anything that closly resembls that. sure, they may have one soprano singer, or maybe 2...but shes in it for a minimal time. and the male vocalist is just bizare. kirstian(sp) the guitarist has gotten really random. before he used to follow 4 by 4s, but i'm failing to follow that pattern. and idk...

i'm not really impressed by the 'new' therion. sure, they may change their sound with every album, but to this extreme? i'll have to listen to it a couple of times to MAYBE change my mind. and i hope i can, coz therion has been my favorite band for couple of years now. dont want to see them fade.

and also, through out both discs, i was craving somthing like kali yuga, or something with a heavy riff that will make you headbang even if you have a broken neck...all i'm getting is kristan being random. and i dont mean random as in fast, coz i can follow yngwie malmsteen just fine...but idk, its just strange. and the sound quality i wasnt too impressed iwth either. plus, the album is WAY more expensive than what i paid for lemurai/sirius b. i paid for siris b/lemurai 25 bucks. this one cost me 38 bucks....why? i fail to see that

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
07.05.2007 - 20:29
Bitch Boy
@ Soliloquy: you've said it all: Therion lost what made them 'Therion'. I got very used to really symphonic/orchestral/epic stuff, but I think that this album isn't that bad.
09.05.2007 - 02:37
I haven't listened to this band much until recently. I got a copy of "Lemuria" and gave a few songs a listen, and really loved what I heard. Their music is really different from most other bands, which is why I love what I've heard so far.
10.05.2007 - 01:00
Account deleted
Whew i really didnt dig Gothic Kaballah. I think this is the first album in ten years that i didnt get into first listen.
13.06.2007 - 17:44
I really got into Lemuria, its my first therion album after a long time of brushing them off. I love every song off of the album, so epic and creative, it looks like alot of work and effort went into this album regarding the symphony and string accompanyment.

Any recommendations? Im really excited to check out other stuff by therion.
13.06.2007 - 19:38
Written by Sunioj on 13.06.2007 at 17:44

I really got into Lemuria, its my first therion album after a long time of brushing them off. I love every song off of the album, so epic and creative, it looks like alot of work and effort went into this album regarding the symphony and string accompanyment.

Any recommendations? Im really excited to check out other stuff by therion.

yeah lemuria and sirius b were my first therion albums and my favorite ones!!!!

i cant stand gothic kabbalah at all dont know its too... hm how shall i describe it??
13.06.2007 - 21:20
Bitch Boy
Written by Sunioj on 13.06.2007 at 17:44

I really got into Lemuria, its my first therion album after a long time of brushing them off. I love every song off of the album, so epic and creative, it looks like alot of work and effort went into this album regarding the symphony and string accompanyment.

Any recommendations? Im really excited to check out other stuff by therion.

I highly recommend you some other epic stuff by them: "Deggial", "Vovin", "Secrets of the runes", "A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming", "Crowning of Atlantis", and "Sirius B".
13.06.2007 - 21:27
Written by Bitch Boy on 13.06.2007 at 21:20

Written by Sunioj on 13.06.2007 at 17:44

I really got into Lemuria, its my first therion album after a long time of brushing them off. I love every song off of the album, so epic and creative, it looks like alot of work and effort went into this album regarding the symphony and string accompanyment.

Any recommendations? Im really excited to check out other stuff by therion.

I highly recommend you some other epic stuff by them: "Deggial", "Vovin", "Secrets of the runes", "A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming", "Crowning of Atlantis", and "Sirius B".

All of them are really good but Theli is a masterpiece!one of the best albums ever
Don't turn away just take my hand and when you make your final stand i ll be right there i ll never leave all i ask of you is believe...
06.07.2007 - 08:49
Account deleted
when i have first listened to their song "The rise of Sodom and Gomorrah" it was great and very excellent (4 thumbs up!)
then ive came to look for a CD of their album, there is nothing eLse than their CD "Sirius B"
and its cool,...i like all the songs there especially SON OF THE SUN & DARK VENUS PERSEPHONE
my cousin who likes rock n roll and classic metal seems to like it when he have listened to it one time he came upon my place and playing the CD..
it was like a choral metal, he said...hehehehe

<---just sharing.. Ü
07.07.2007 - 02:16
Bitch Boy
Written by Grey_Dandelion on 13.06.2007 at 21:27

Written by Bitch Boy on 13.06.2007 at 21:20

Written by Sunioj on 13.06.2007 at 17:44

I really got into Lemuria, its my first therion album after a long time of brushing them off. I love every song off of the album, so epic and creative, it looks like alot of work and effort went into this album regarding the symphony and string accompanyment.

Any recommendations? Im really excited to check out other stuff by therion.

I highly recommend you some other epic stuff by them: "Deggial", "Vovin", "Secrets of the runes", "A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming", "Crowning of Atlantis", and "Sirius B".

All of them are really good but Theli is a masterpiece!one of the best albums ever

Oh yes I missed "Theli". Well almost every Therion album is good, but I wouldn't recommend the earlier releases (death metal era) nor GK for getting into them.
07.07.2007 - 12:58
Account deleted
i wish i could buy all of their albums here... ö
09.07.2007 - 03:20
Bitch Boy
Written by [user id=22754] on 07.07.2007 at 12:58

i wish i could buy all of their albums here... ö

You can buy them here in Metal Storm... well not "here", but below every album cover, there are two options: one for edting/rating the album and another one for buying it.
09.07.2007 - 07:53
Jason W.
Written by [user id=22754] on 06.07.2007 at 08:49

when i have first listened to their song "The rise of Sodom and Gomorrah" it was great and very excellent (4 thumbs up!)

This is the same song that made me fall in love with Therion as well And seeing the band perform it live made me realize how great that song really is. It's simple, yet the atmosphere is so complex and deep. If you get a chance, try to find their 3-DVD set, it's one of the best DVD collections ever made in my opinion. Martina Astner's performance during the song "The Rise Of Sodom And Gomarrah" on the DVD is just as good as the studio version I feel!
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
14.07.2007 - 15:47
Account deleted
also i really really love the live performance of their song "Son of the Sun' in Mexico City.... i like the chorals at the background... Ü
14.07.2007 - 15:55
Account deleted
Written by Bitch Boy on 09.07.2007 at 03:20

Written by [user id=22754] on 07.07.2007 at 12:58

i wish i could buy all of their albums here... ö

You can buy them here in Metal Storm... well not "here", but below every album cover, there are two options: one for edting/rating the album and another one for buying it.

aw!! but im minor, i dont have any credit card
well i just try to look here in the stores here..
15.07.2007 - 14:37
They're by far the pinnacle of gothic/sumphonic metal sub-genre. Christofer Johnsson is a bloody genius!!

And if there's an album out there that more musically grandiose, more breathtaking than Lamuria/Sirius B, I've never heard it.