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Judas Priest Albums Ranked From Best To Worst

Thumbs up: +3
As You can see on the ratings I'm not the largest Priest fan even if I enjoy most of their records to some extent. There's something with their style that didn't click with me in the way other similar bands did (Iron Maiden, Saxon for example).
I would however never downplay the importence of their legacy in the history of metal. They are truly up there along with Black Sabbath, Scorpions, Deep Purple as the bands that early on shaped heavy metal.

Created by: majormalfunction | 09.10.2020

1. Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny
1976 Rating: 9 Top picks: The Ripper, Tyrant, Dreamer Deceiver/ Deceiver
2. Judas Priest - Painkiller
1990 Rating: 9 Top picks: Between The Hammer & The Anvil, Leather Rebel, Nightcrawler
3. Judas Priest - Nostradamus
2008 Rating: 8 Top picks: Alone, Nostradamus, Future of Mankind
4. Judas Priest - Stained Class
1978 Rating: 8 Top picks: Beyond the Realms of Death, Stained Class, Saints in Hell
5. Judas Priest - Sin After Sin
1977 Rating: 7 Top picks: Dissident Aggressor, Sinner, Here Come the Tears
6. Judas Priest - Demolition
2001 Rating: 7 Top picks: Bloodsuckers, Subturfuge, Jekyll and Hyde
7. Judas Priest - Firepower
2018 Rating: 7 Top picks: Never the Heroes, Rising from the Ruins, No Surrender
8. Judas Priest - Killing Machine (Hell Bent For Leather)
1978 Rating: 7 Top picks: Delivering The Goods, Hell Bent for Leather, Running Wild
9. Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
1974 Rating: 6 Top picks: Run of the Mill, One for the Road, Never Satisfied
10. Judas Priest - Defenders Of The Faith
1984 Rating: 6 Top picks: Freewheel Burning, Jawbreaker, The Sentinel
11. Judas Priest - Screaming For Vengeance
1982 Rating: 6 Top picks: Electric Eye, Screaming for Vengeance, Riding on the Wind
12. Judas Priest - Invincible Shield
2024 Rating: 6 Top picks: Gates of Hell, As God Is My Witness, Panic Attack
13. KK's Priest - The Sinner Rides Again
2023 Rating: 6 Top picks: Hymn 66, Keeper of the Graves, Pledge Your Souls
14. KK's Priest - Sermons Of The Sinner
2021 Rating: 6 Top picks: Hellfire Thunderbolt, Sermons of the Sinner, Return Of The Sentinel
15. Judas Priest - British Steel
1980 Rating: 5 Top picks: Breaking the Law, Metal Gods, Steeler
16. Judas Priest - Turbo
1986 Rating: 5 Top picks: Out in the Cold, Reckless, Hot for Love
17. Judas Priest - Redeemer Of Souls
2014 Rating: 5 Top picks: Redeemer of Souls, Battle Cry, Halls of Valhalla
18. Judas Priest - Jugulator
1997 Rating: 4 Top picks: Cathedral Spires, Burn in Hell, Blood Stained
19. Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
2005 Rating: 4 Top picks: Judas Rising, Angel, Eulogy
20. Judas Priest - Ram It Down
1988 Rating: 4 Top picks: Blood Red Skies, Ram it Down, I'm a Rocker
21. Judas Priest - Point Of Entry
1981 Rating: 3 Top picks: Desert Plains, Heading Out to the Highway, Turning Circles

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 14   Visited by: 114 users
13.01.2024 - 13:27
Nostradamus and Demolition are too high in the list.
I would not put KK's Priest in there. They are too high in there as well.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
14.01.2024 - 06:01
Written by John_Doe on 13.01.2024 at 13:27

Nostradamus and Demolition are too high in the list.
I would not put KK's Priest in there. They are too high in there as well.

I like those albums. Lots of great songs on both of them. Sadly they have equally weird production choices. And yeah putting KK's Priest albums in here was maybe a bad choice, it's just that I try to get as many albums into somekind of list as it makes it cleaner looking on the file I have on my own computer. I should try to make a good excel file where that isn't a issue.

As I look at this list it's seems like quite a mess, maybe some of the ratings could change a bit but the order seems correct.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
14.01.2024 - 09:31
Written by majormalfunction on 14.01.2024 at 06:01

As I look at this list it's seems like quite a mess, maybe some of the ratings could change a bit but the order seems correct.

There is no such thing as a correct list, ranking lists are the most subjective. Just that I disagree.
At least I think the number 1 there is fine. Such a groundbreaking album!
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
14.01.2024 - 12:57
Sad Wings Of Destiny will always be the best Judas Priest album. I wouldn't put Painkiller in the top 3 myself, but as longs Wings is number one, I don't care enough to withhold my thumbs up.
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15.01.2024 - 03:28
A Real Mönkey
Oh hell naw this list is whack. KK’s Priest being on there is bad enough (Better off trashing them and replacing them with Ram It Down and Angel of Retribution) not even getting into Demolition being so high and Nostradamus being higher than Stained Class and Sin After Sin. I would also swap Sad Wings with Defenders of the Faith, but let’s be honest: Painkiller reigns above all.

This list is a big ol no from me, dawg.
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15.01.2024 - 07:43
Written by A Real Mönkey on 15.01.2024 at 03:28

Oh hell naw this list is whack. KK’s Priest being on there is bad enough (Better off trashing them and replacing them with Ram It Down and Angel of Retribution) not even getting into Demolition being so high and Nostradamus being higher than Stained Class and Sin After Sin. I would also swap Sad Wings with Defenders of the Faith, but let’s be honest: Painkiller reigns above all.

This list is a big ol no from me, dawg.

Painkiller reigning above all is a "a big ol no from me, dawg".

I will do a Judas Priest list soon, just to see how many will disagree with me.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
15.01.2024 - 08:33
Written by [user id=329624] on 15.01.2024 at 08:16

I'll never understand what some people see in Nostradamus. That album is an abortion.

Oh my God... that's harsh
It's an uneven mess of an album but still that was very harsh.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
15.01.2024 - 08:39
Written by [user id=329624] on 15.01.2024 at 08:35

Written by John_Doe on 15.01.2024 at 08:33

Written by [user id=329624] on 15.01.2024 at 08:16

an abortion.

uneven mess

so, you agree

is it the same though?!
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
15.01.2024 - 15:11
Written by A Real Mönkey on 15.01.2024 at 03:28

Oh hell naw this list is whack. KK’s Priest being on there is bad enough (Better off trashing them and replacing them with Ram It Down and Angel of Retribution) not even getting into Demolition being so high and Nostradamus being higher than Stained Class and Sin After Sin. I would also swap Sad Wings with Defenders of the Faith, but let’s be honest: Painkiller reigns above all.

This list is a big ol no from me, dawg.

No way, Ram it Down or Angel of Retribution are nowhere close to Demolition or Nostradamus when considering the entire albums Both filled to the brim with either fillers or even washaway tracks.

Yes, Stained Class could probably be switched with Nostradamus. Sin After Sin maybe as well. Since making the list I've returned a couple of times and listened to Nostradamus, still like it a lot but maybe I overrated it with one point. So yeah it's possible that it's a bit too high in the list.

Written by [user id=329624] on 15.01.2024 at 08:16

I respect the bold ratings, but I'll never understand what some people see in Nostradamus. That album is an abortion.

Despite it's obvious flaws (too long, sounds like shit, horrible concept) I think the songs are on a quite high level all the time. Even the songs that feels average usually have something that keeps them intresting. When it was released I thought it was pretty bad as well...
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
15.01.2024 - 21:17
A Real Mönkey
Written by majormalfunction on 15.01.2024 at 15:11

Written by A Real Mönkey on 15.01.2024 at 03:28

Oh hell naw this list is whack. KK’s Priest being on there is bad enough (Better off trashing them and replacing them with Ram It Down and Angel of Retribution) not even getting into Demolition being so high and Nostradamus being higher than Stained Class and Sin After Sin. I would also swap Sad Wings with Defenders of the Faith, but let’s be honest: Painkiller reigns above all.

This list is a big ol no from me, dawg.

No way, Ram it Down or Angel of Retribution are nowhere close to Demolition or Nostradamus when considering the entire albums Both filled to the brim with either fillers or even washaway tracks.

As opposed to Nostradamus which has like two or three good songs in almost 2 hours worth of music, half of which are pointless interludes. It's too long, too bloated, the synths sound dated as hell and its clear they're are trying too hard and are not used to the symphonic sound. It's an experiment that simply did not work.

Ram It Down and Angel have many more better songs and a better filler to killer ratio. You also place Turbo and Point Of Entry at the bottom but I would call them better albums as well (Point Of Entry in particular is quite an underrated album; generic sure but a number of good songs and a nice "cruisin'" feel). I think the only Halford-era Priest album Nostradamus beats is Redeemer of Souls, which is just boring.

The Ripper albums are trash-tier Priest material, definitely deserve to be bottom of the list. Not that its Ripper's fault mind you, he's a fantastic vocalist (certainly no Rob Halford though) but JP were unbelievable inspired during that time period. Kinda like Blaze-era Iron Maiden: Good vocalist, bad execution. Jugulator was promising but nothing special and they really sank with Demolition.

You know, the ironic thing is that as much as I'm slamming Nostradamus, the title track is one of my favorite Priest songs. That opening scream gives me chills every time.
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15.01.2024 - 22:06
Written by A Real Mönkey on 15.01.2024 at 21:17

No way, Ram it Down or Angel of Retribution are nowhere close to Demolition or Nostradamus when considering the entire albums Both filled to the brim with either fillers or even washaway tracks.

As opposed to Nostradamus which has like two or three good songs in almost 2 hours worth of music, half of which are pointless interludes. It's too long, too bloated, the synths sound dated as hell and its clear they're are trying too hard and are not used to the symphonic sound. It's an experiment that simply did not work.

Ram It Down and Angel have many more better songs and a better filler to killer ratio. You also place Turbo and Point Of Entry at the bottom but I would call them better albums as well (Point Of Entry in particular is quite an underrated album; generic sure but a number of good songs and a nice "cruisin'" feel). I think the only Halford-era Priest album Nostradamus beats is Redeemer of Souls, which is just boring.

The Ripper albums are trash-tier Priest material, definitely deserve to be bottom of the list. Not that its Ripper's fault mind you, he's a fantastic vocalist (certainly no Rob Halford though) but JP were unbelievable inspired during that time period. Kinda like Blaze-era Iron Maiden: Good vocalist, bad execution. Jugulator was promising but nothing special and they really sank with Demolition.

You know, the ironic thing is that as much as I'm slamming Nostradamus, the title track is one of my favorite Priest songs. That opening scream gives me chills every time.

I basically disagree with everything you said there Except for the last part, the title track on Nostradamus is a truly strong track (only beaten by Alone on that record). But to even it out I also think Turbo and Point of Entry has excellent songs, both Desert Plains and Out in the Cold are top-10 JP songs in my book. The title track on Ram it Down is also one hell of a song.

Jugulator is a trash record, mostly saved by having probably the best Judas Priest song to date (Cathedral Spires) but i've never will understand the dislike for Demoliton. Not really any bad tracks on there and IMO it offers both a coherent whole and variation. Angel of Retribution feels so unimagitive and cliche-filled compared to it.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
19.01.2024 - 04:14
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Nostradamus above Stained Class?
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

17.03.2024 - 21:25
Theory Snob
Which is wrong, the placement or rating of Invincible Shield? (8 between two 6's)
"I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense." - Proverbs 30:2
"Music? Well, it's just entertainment, folks!" - Devin Townsend

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18.03.2024 - 02:09
Written by 24emd on 17.03.2024 at 21:25

Which is wrong, the placement or rating of Invincible Shield? (8 between two 6's)

Thanks for the heads up. The rating was wrong.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands

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