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Trollfest - Brumlebassen review


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Band: Trollfest
Album: Brumlebassen
Style: Folk metal
Release date: August 24, 2012
A review by: wormdrink414

01. Brumlebassen
02. Böse Tivoli
03. Illsint
04. Hevlette
05. Finsken, Norsken And Presten
06. Mystisk Maskert
07. Apis Mellifera
08. TrinkenTroll
09. Verboten Kjærleik
10. Bråk
11. Sellout
12. Rundt Bålet
13. Konterbier [bonus]

I had a nightmare about a year ago that I'd gone home for a weekend, threw my shit into my family's living room, fixed myself a bourbon and water, grabbed a slice of pizza, and everything was good, I was happy. And so I practically skipped up to my old bedroom where my brother's currently squatting, knocked on the door for a moment, waited, got no reply, opened it a crack, then got a glimpse that's still scarring to this day of him?my brother and kin--engaging in the unspeakably gay acts that plagued my teen years.

Namely, listening to Eluveitie.

Turns out, that nightmare turned into a real?very real?reality. The guy's listening to Eluveitie now. A lot. And not just Eluveitie, but?gasp?Wintersun and Ensiferum, too.

Luckily for him, autumn's in the air, I'm not too pissed off, and I'm not gonna go headbutt those ghastly, really awfully jejune "tastes" out of him; in fact, I'm gonna recommend him and you all here a record. A record so fucking fun, and so fucking accessible that it makes me feel 18 again.

Now pass me a penis.

BRUMBLEBASSEN. A folk-based, Finntroll-vein, hard-hitting, FUN metal album. It's not dark, it's not dirty, it's not transcendent and metaphysical-like, it's not serious in any sense, it's just really catchy. That's about it. And frankly, about halfway through the first track, that's all I ended up wanting it to be.

It's not Korpiklaani-like. Stuff actually happens here. Songs go places--they build and explode and build and twist and stuff. They sound different, however slightly, from their counterpart tracks. Most of them even sound like they're from a place other than these guys' native country, Norway--which seems like a feat at this point. There's about a hundred shades?some of them Scandinavian, some of them some kind of Southern European--of straight, 100 proof merriment here.

It's basically a slightly less Northern-sounding Finntroll disc, but made by Norwegians, and instead of having lyrics in Swedish, some of them are in Trollsprak... a language these guys invented.

It's not to be missed stuff if you can stand approaching another stupid-looking folk metal album, and definitely not to be missed if you've got a solid supply of beer nearby. Or, you know, soda if you're a younger one and some kind of pussy.

Written on 30.10.2012 by Wormdrink's real name is George and he's an American.


Comments: 21   Visited by: 374 users
30.10.2012 - 22:57
Rating: 9
Although I don't see the problem with Eluveitie, Ensiferum and Wintersun, I agree with the rest of this review .. an extremely funny record .. good when you're in a shit mood
30.10.2012 - 22:59
Account deleted
And you dare condemn him for listening to Eluveitie D: ?
30.10.2012 - 23:26
Rating: 8
Awesome review! gotta check this out asap
31.10.2012 - 00:53
Funny ass review, wormdrink, will definately give this album a spin after reading this
31.10.2012 - 01:15
Bleeding angel
31.10.2012 - 02:58
I dont understand the condemnation of listening to Ensiferum or Eluveite. Enough with the elitist metal bs already.Oh the NOEs somethings popular!
31.10.2012 - 03:19
Hahahaa. wormdrink you think Eluveitie is gay? I wonder what your response would be if you caught me deep in a gaming session.... Celine Dion motherfucker!!!


seriously though its good battle music.
31.10.2012 - 04:14
I'll admit that where you cut of the intro to the review on the front page had me in suspense! And how elitist of you to consider Eluveitie anything but exemplary
31.10.2012 - 04:56
Boxcar Willy
Ahaha butt-hurts already. Love the review.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

31.10.2012 - 05:23
Didn't know what Eluveitie was or played. Just listened and instantly recoiled. Ahh feels good to still be a metal "elitest". Nice to see Trollfest has a sense of humor though.
31.10.2012 - 07:56
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
***stares aghast at the screen from the mental state of the "representatives" of metal*** Couldn't get past half of the second paragraph.
(Looks like a fun album- from the cover art.)
31.10.2012 - 10:16
Not exactly an album I would have guessed you liked wormdrink. I heard the album Villanden from 2011 and that was awfull...and I even like folk metal (including some Eluveitie, Ensiferum and Korpiklaani). Have to check this one out if not for the quality of the music then for the funny as hell review

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
01.11.2012 - 01:35
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by Pitwulf93 on 31.10.2012 at 16:05

How dare you insult Elu!

Yeah. It's a sad day in metal when a band as talented and even brutal (at times) as Eluveitie is considered "gay". I'm a 2nd-wave influenced black metal musician and I think this.
02.11.2012 - 05:36
Thrash Talker
I love how people dislike bands because of their notoriety nowadays, especially when they're not that notorious since they're playing metal. We don't need an inside war, we're already dealing with those who hates the whole genre. Quit the crap plz.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
02.11.2012 - 17:29
Written by Guib on 02.11.2012 at 05:36

I love how people dislike bands because of their notoriety nowadays, especially when they're not that notorious since they're playing metal. We don't need an inside war, we're already dealing with those who hates the whole genre. Quit the crap plz.

Hipsters ... Damn hipsters ...
02.11.2012 - 17:50
Thrash Talker
Written by Sir Thrashalot on 02.11.2012 at 17:29

Written by Guib on 02.11.2012 at 05:36

I love how people dislike bands because of their notoriety nowadays, especially when they're not that notorious since they're playing metal. We don't need an inside war, we're already dealing with those who hates the whole genre. Quit the crap plz.

Hipsters ... Damn hipsters ...

You said it my friend
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
02.11.2012 - 22:23
Account deleted
Forget about Eluveite for a second...Trollfest in the vein of Finntroll?!!! this is blasphemy. Finntroll play Humpaa Folk Metal and Trollfest play Balkan Area Folk Metal. They are entirely different.
03.11.2012 - 00:12
Lol I love this review , haven't checked the band yet but I will
03.11.2012 - 03:07
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by Guib on 02.11.2012 at 05:36

I love how people dislike bands because of their notoriety nowadays, especially when they're not that notorious since they're playing metal. We don't need an inside war, we're already dealing with those who hates the whole genre. Quit the crap plz.

No. Joke. Smart. Metal-fan.
04.11.2012 - 23:41
Saw them yesterday... It was really a holy-shit-experience. The vocals suck like hell and I really can't take metal bees serious.
05.11.2012 - 17:11
Funny review indeed... Slightly less northern sounding Finntroll but made by Norwegians.. ha ha ha this has got me cracking hard...

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