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MetalMac's Top 10 Overlooked Albums

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I'm a sucker for great hooks and catchy choruses. Some bands from this list will show that. Furthermore, I love technical, percise performances. I love the rise and fall of a song where the mood changes with the volume and pace. I love break downs and build ups to lyrically meaningful climaxes from the album's story. My number one, I believe, does all of that. The sound Anthriel is producing could, and maybe should, rival bands such as Symphony X and Dream Theater.

Created by: MetalMac | 08.08.2015

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 6   Visited by: 31 users
09.08.2015 - 11:03
A. Reader
In what way is any Megadeth album overlooked?
11.08.2015 - 22:09
Written by Nimlot on 09.08.2015 at 11:03

In what way is any Megadeth album overlooked?

Compared to other Megadeth albums, it seems to me, The System Has Failed is overlooked. Maybe I've got it wrong but I never see anyone talking about it as much as I like it. TSHF may have been inappropriate for this list but I really chose it, and all the others on this list, based on how much more I loved the album compared to the views of others. Hope that explains it.
12.08.2015 - 10:08
A. Reader

Compared to other Megadeth albums...

So The System Has Failed is relatively overlooked compared to their more acclaimed albums which get a disproportionate amount of attention. I don't think that's surprising at all. Its time in the spotlight passed 10 years ago. I don't know how often it gets mentioned nowadays but if it's not quite as frequently as other albums, I reckon it's because retrospective discussions like to focus on extremes, the best or the worst albums. In addition, there is a recency effect, where the most recent releases live out their hype in the forums during the short period after their release. These latest releases are compared with the previous albums, because we like to talk about trends in quality and style, as well as to their best and worst releases, because we keep those as reference points. These are the sort of discussions that occupy most of us, retrospective best/worst and recent releases fill up the conversation. At the time though, it still won the "Best Thrash Metal album of 2004" Metal Storm award, was reviewed favorably by a staff member, and has since been featured in 22 top lists, has 794 votes and is generally considered a return to form. I don't think it's overlooked as much as it's no longer relevant to the discussion.
12.08.2015 - 19:54
Written by Nimlot on 12.08.2015 at 10:08

Compared to other Megadeth albums... still won the "Best Thrash Metal album of 2004" Metal Storm award, was reviewed favorably by a staff member, and has since been featured in 22 top lists, has 794 votes and is generally considered a return to form. I don't think it's overlooked as much as it's no longer relevant to the discussion.

Well put. I agree with you! I will try to think of a replacement for #9. What do you think about the rest of the list?
13.08.2015 - 10:05
A. Reader
Written by MetalMac on 12.08.2015 at 19:54

...What do you think about the rest of the list?

I can't rightly say. I don't listen to these bands much. I've heard all of these albums at one point or another and, with the exception of DGM, haven't returned to them, and that one lost its appeal for me a long time ago (I think Different Shapes is their most popular). So in a way, I have overlooked the rest of the albums on your list and in that way it succeeds.
13.08.2015 - 19:37
Written by Nimlot on 13.08.2015 at 10:05

Written by MetalMac on 12.08.2015 at 19:54

" that way it succeeds."

Thanks for comments! This is the first time I've made a list on MS. I really don't say much on the forums ever. It was good chatting with you.


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