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Kostnatění - Úpal

7.4 | 56 votes |
Release date: 26 May 2023
Style: Black metal


7 have it
5 want it

01. Řemen
02. Hořím Navždy
03. Rukojmí Empatie
04. Opál
05. Skrýt Se Před Bohem
06. Nevolnost Je Vše, Čím Jsem
07. Slunce Svázáno S Krvácející Zemí

Staff review by
What happens when Melechesh and Deathspell Omega decide to opt for an orgy? Something like this, perhaps…

published 02.06.2023 | Comments (6)

It's true that some of us tend to favor some genres over others and thus tend to notice originality in those genres more, and black metal is near the top of that list. But there are albums like Úpal that validate that bias with how original the sound feels. Black metal has been oddball, progressive, psychedelic, melodic, mystical, and fascinated with other cultures before, but Kostnatění take each of those aspects and find new ways to make the sound feel vital. Taking inspiration from oriental folk in more than just vibe, but also with all its songwriting quirks that feel alien to us, like all its microtonalities and time signatures. This is coming from a band whose take on the dissonant Deathspell Omega already felt out of the usual box, but this feels like it turned the box inside out.

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Comments: 6   Visited by: 162 users
01.06.2023 - 16:25
Rating: 10
Tropical Goat
Awesome work on riffs exploration.

Edit: this albums becomes a 10 for me
15.06.2023 - 22:34
Heaven Knight
So how does a guy from Minnesota start a band with Czech name, song titles and lyrics?
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

15.06.2023 - 23:11
Written by Ellrohir on 15.06.2023 at 22:34

So how does a guy from Minnesota start a band with Czech name, song titles and lyrics?

I was wondering the same about someone from China starting a band with Greek name, song titles and lyrics.
Could it be that they believe that Czech and Greek respectively looks cooler than English?

Whatever the case, these two are among my favourite black metal releases this year.
24.06.2023 - 13:11
Rating: 8
Gag reflex
I'm loving this, trippy experience. As for the artwork, I'm not so sure, It looks like AI generated mess
'The thoughts of dead babies
Wiped away with my semen'
24.02.2024 - 21:58
Account deleted
With the exception of some epic-sounding (?) moments, this is just great. Skrýt se před Bohem is such a tune.
09.06.2024 - 12:34
Written by Ellrohir on 15.06.2023 at 22:34

So how does a guy from Minnesota start a band with Czech name, song titles and lyrics?

By being Czech or knowing Czech?

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