Nejde and Netzach Stepping Down
Posts: 31
Visited by: 141 users
ScreamingSteelUS Editor-in-Chief Admin |
We are sad to say that Nejde has elected to step down from the Metal Storm staff after 16 months of being a moderator and our community manager. This was his decision and it comes after a long period of deliberation. Some of you may recall that he had previously announced his intention to retire from moderating; that occurred in the midst of other business that required our full attention, and he settled for taking on a reduced role instead. Now a couple of months have passed, the dust from that has settled, and Nejde feels that it is time to enact his original plan. Thus he will return to the ranks of the users. We would like to thank Nejde for his efforts both as a moderator and as a contributor to Clandestine Cuts, the Metal Storm Awards, and our other publications. He has been a visible and important part of Metal Storm's community for many years now and the rest of us on staff wish him the very best even though he will no longer reside in MS Towers. Additionally, Netzach will be leaving our ranks. The circumstances surrounding this are internal and personal, and out of respect for his privacy and our own we won't be going into detail about what was involved. Suffice it to say that this, too, is the result of a long process; there were mistakes and miscommunications on everyone's part and we've ultimately found that we aren't compatible as a team, so it is our feeling that this is for the best. While it's unfortunate that things are ending this way, there is no enmity between us and we do also wish Netzach success in the future. He is searching out other venues for his writing, so you will be able to keep up with his reviews somewhere else (TBD), and in the meantime you can always check out his own music.
---- "Earth is small and I hate it" - Lum Invader I'm the Agent of Steel.
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy Contributor |
Whatever the circumstances were it's sad to loose two valuable members of staff in such short space of time, wish both all of you all the best.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
Well written, ScreamingSteelUs! Personally, I've witnessed Nejde and Netzach make significant contributions to Metal Storm. I hope many share this sentiment, especially introducing numerous new bands to the community. Balancing work with personal life is a daunting challenge. I wish both of them all the very best in their endeavours. We hope they stick around and keep contributing to our beautiful community.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
Sadest day in history, it's like going to funeral actually.
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
Ms had lost few good users, but Netzach is one of what Ms will miss most, he is most higher ranked and most valuable user what leaves.
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Netzach Planewalker |
07.08.2024 - 23:56 Written by Bad English on 07.08.2024 at 23:30 I appreciate hearing that. Sadly, it has proven impossible for me to remain, and I will be making use of my talents elsewhere soon enough. I'll tell you where to find me, I'll just be one website away.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
Nejde |
08.08.2024 - 00:04 Written by Cynic Metalhead on 07.08.2024 at 20:51 Sadly this stops too. Sorry to disappoint you all. But thank you for the kind words.
---- Liebe ist für alle da.
Vellichor Posts: 746 |
08.08.2024 - 04:27
Bummer to hear, I really liked reading their reviews. Hope Nejde will still be around, he always gives good recommendations. And Netzach good luck with your Maladomni project, if you’re writing elsewhere I would still like to read your reviews!
---- 2025 Favorites
Netzach Planewalker |
08.08.2024 - 05:37 Written by Vellichor on 08.08.2024 at 04:27 Thank you. I have a few more or less finished songs for my next album, but I will take my time to create something much better and quite different from the debut - with a much better production. I don't expect to finish it this year, at least. I am currently looking for a new platform to write on, I will return when I know where you can find me.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
Redel Moderator |
08.08.2024 - 05:54
This is indeed some really sad news. The Metal Storm community loses two of its masterminds, a writer who continously contributed content of highest value, and a community manager who fought several painful battles to keep the forums in peace and order. And how much have I been battling this unfortunate outcome in my mind lately. Does it really have to come thus far, and why!? I have found the following answer for myself. In this beautiful community that we are creating here, we come together each and every day, and share our thoughts and feelings about almost everything that keeps us running, be it politics, events from our personal lifes, or our passions, primarily listening to metal music. And we are doing this merely by exchanging words in written text, there is hardly any chance to look each other in the eye. With these preconditions it is only of our human nature that there will occur misunderstandings, hard feelings, clashes, some hard ones at times. In the end we all just seek to convey messages and contribute to this great community. But luckily in our human nature there is also the gift to seek for alternative paths to follow in case the ultimate objectives we pursue appear to be at danger. We are able to part ways, in hope that it is for the better to go separate ways. Here, I wish for that the current decisions that have been made are for the better of you two, Nejde and Netzach, and that you will find an opportunity soon to start over again and contribute your valuable work to some other community, in hope that your contributions will eventually find the recognition which you seek for.
Netzach Planewalker |
08.08.2024 - 06:27 Written by Redel on 08.08.2024 at 05:54 It was absolutely not necessary for it to go far beyond what I was willing to put up with, in my point of view, no. Why it had to come to that point, you're going to have to ask the ones responsible for the toxicity that drove us both away from the staff. Don't worry. Any site would be happy to have me. You'll find my writings elsewhere soon enough.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.08.2024 - 11:43
Since I don't think musclassia, RaduP are new recruits, they have been here a while, only new writer and he is damn good, he is one of my fav(others no offense ) , since writing about my kind a bands, his name is AndyMetalFreak we have new writers and contributes, and nikarg is new gun to and he is not writing so much these days, so this is tragic, liked I told, a bit like funeral bell is tolling. I hope we will find some new people here.
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Nejde |
Written by Redel on 08.08.2024 at 05:54 Don't get me wrong, I definitely got the recognition and appretiation from the community, without even seeking it, and that's all that matters. Nothing I've done for Metal Storm has been for personal gain in any way. I've done it solely for the love of metal music and sharing it with you all is enough of a reward for me and I've enjoyed it to the fullest. I'm not gonna say too much but some people has taken that joy away from me and unfortunately this affects the whole community. This is their loss, not mine and it's on them, not me. I wish you all the best of luck.
---- Liebe ist für alle da.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.08.2024 - 11:47
About nejde, I have not talk whit him so much, but even before he was promoted, I saw he can be good, has potential. Best moment whit him was when I misspelled berley wine and second time on purpose brunie wien something. Maybe i should go to bolaget and buy one today,
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.08.2024 - 11:55 Written by Nejde on 08.08.2024 at 11:44 NO offense, but you dint nor write so much reviews, for many your job what is important is not so easy to notice, I mske new post about you under. I have symphaty about Che, even he wrote weird N good articles, reviews, I don't miss him for well l own reasons, but twe swedish guys be missed a lot, and it's maybe most honest thing I have said in ms.
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Netzach Planewalker |
Written by Bad English on 08.08.2024 at 11:43 I wish you all the best. Finding new people is not the issue. Finding people who put up with anything just to be allowed to stay at the top is harder.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
no one |
08.08.2024 - 18:20 Written by Bad English on 07.08.2024 at 23:16 Maybe take some time off work to mourn with loved ones.
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Blackcrowe Virtue and Vice |
Thank you for sharing this update with the community. It's always difficult to see dedicated members like Nejde and Netzach step down from their roles, especially after the significant contributions they've made to Metal Storm. Nejde’s commitment as a moderator and community manager has undoubtedly left a positive mark, and his work with Clandestine Cuts and the Metal Storm Awards will not be forgotten. I’m sure many of us will miss his presence on the staff, but we’re also grateful for his continued involvement as part of the user base. As for Netzach, it's clear that these decisions are never easy, and while the details are understandably private, it’s good to know that there is no animosity involved. I respect the team's honesty in acknowledging the challenges and miscommunications that led to this outcome. It takes a lot of integrity to recognize when things aren’t working and to make changes that are ultimately best for everyone involved. I wish Joel all the best in his future writing endeavors, and I look forward to following his work wherever he chooses to share it next. Thank you again for keeping us informed, and I hope that the transitions ahead bring positive growth for both the individuals involved and the Metal Storm community as a whole.
---- Invisible To telescopic eye, Infinity. The star that would not die. Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death
Netzach Planewalker |
09.08.2024 - 00:18 Written by Blackcrowe on 08.08.2024 at 23:57 That's the official version of it, anyway. Go figure.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
Blackcrowe Virtue and Vice |
Written by Netzach on 09.08.2024 at 00:18 Easy, man. We're all trying to process this, and it's not easy for anyone. Just calm down—I'm not looking for anything, just want things to settle. Im just trying to find the right words.
---- Invisible To telescopic eye, Infinity. The star that would not die. Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death
Nejde |
Written by Blackcrowe on 08.08.2024 at 23:57 Sorry, but that won't be the case either. Not as long as certain individuals can say or do whatever they want without any repercussions. But thank you for your kind words. That means a lot to me.
---- Liebe ist für alle da.
Netzach Planewalker |
09.08.2024 - 14:31 Written by Blackcrowe on 09.08.2024 at 00:55 Better be careful with your choice of words around here. This is not a threat, just friendly advice.
---- My "blackened synth metal" solo project: Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
ScreamingSteelUS Editor-in-Chief Admin |
As an unfortunate final cap on this whole saga, I must now announce this: The decision from the majority of staff to part ways with Netzach and Nejde as staff resulted from long-term and ultimately irreconcilable differences that made productive collaboration on any serious topics unachievable. We informed them that we no longer wished to continue working with them as staff, but they were welcome to return to contributor status, with no added restrictions to their active contributions as reviewers, forum posters or members of the Metal Storm Awards committee. They declined, electing to return to regular user status; we announced it here, and gave them freedom of this thread to allude to their grievances, electing on our part to not voice our own grievances regarding their behavior in return (from our perspective, while we are not blameless in the deterioration of these relationships, we are also by no means solely to blame). However, after they both elected to share confidential staff discussions publicly, despite being clearly advised upon joining the staff that this would be unacceptable and bannable behavior both while as part of staff and in the future should they ever subsequently leave staff, we have been forced to grant their accounts the bans that they were seemingly eagerly angling for to support their narrative of persecution. When we ban somebody, it is usually a collaborative undertaking that requires time to process, which they know and took advantage of; while we were discussing how to respond to them publicly, they felt at liberty to engage in behavior that we consider unacceptable from any user, let alone people who were recently part of our team, and thus built their own narratives while enacting various forms of revenge on the remaining staff. Out of the remaining respect that we have for these users and their contributions to Metal Storm over the years, we will not further divulge the circumstances that led to us reaching the decision to initially part ways with them; we recognize that in doing so, it will be easy to interpret us as overzealous control freaks intent on stifling dissent. Ultimately, we would prefer to risk users drawing conclusions that are unfavourable to our image rather than devolve into a mud-slinging fight with these users. Furthermore, while it is not an easy decision to demote the status of anyone involved with the site, the communication from Netzach and Nejde both towards us and elsewhere following us taking the decision have only made it clearer that it was a correct decision.
---- "Earth is small and I hate it" - Lum Invader I'm the Agent of Steel.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
It’s truly disheartening to see things end on such a sad note. Anyone who has contributed to Metal Storm understands the value of being part of a classic community like this. Being a dick in my initial days here, my love for metal and appreciation for this community has grown immensely. The dedication of the staff and contributors who spend countless hours managing the Metal Storm Awards, the database, the forums, and more, has always been fucking remarkable. This community holds a significant reputation among bands and labels, and it’s painful to see a few bad apples throughout the timeline is up for tarnishing Metal Storm's image with their behavior. Throughout my time here, I’ve never seen Metal Storm’s management fail to handle drama, even in situations far more extreme than this. They consistently uphold the legacy and professionalism that defines Metal Storm. I fully support the firm stance they’ve taken with immediate bans, regardless of how much someone has contributed if their behavior fails to align with the values and reputation of Metal Storm.
Blackcrowe Virtue and Vice |
12.08.2024 - 20:45
As the final pages of this chapter turn, it's regrettable that circumstances unraveled in such a manner. The sense of disrespect weighed heavy. Yet, it's crucial to emphasize that harboring any resentment is not in my intentions. While the outcome may not have been ideal, I stand behind the resolution and look ahead with optimism, choosing to leave behind the shadows of old disagreements. Just like the merging of a river with the vast ocean, it's now the moment to bid farewell to this chapter and set our sights on the promising horizons that await us.
---- Invisible To telescopic eye, Infinity. The star that would not die. Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death
12.08.2024 - 22:12
Not a good look, but not surprising.
19.08.2024 - 08:53
I wish you too BEST of life. Well, I ll always remember Nejde lizard dinosaur guy, and Netzach, philosopher scholar guy. Loosing you guys with good metal recommendation and forum debate is definitely loss for me. Wish you guys walking on BEST of life.
mz Account deleted |
25.08.2024 - 19:52 mz
Account deleted
Seems like I missed a bunch of drama, including the situation with Auntie Sahar.
Karlabos |
26.08.2024 - 00:19 Written by [user id=110592] on 25.08.2024 at 19:52 Yeah, a lot of well known, trustworthy people seem to have been banned lately... I wonder whatever could that mean...?
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei
musclassia Staff |
Written by Karlabos on 26.08.2024 at 00:19 It's a tricky situation, because anyone privy to the circumstances that led to each of these events is limited in what they can say about this, partly out of respect for everyone involved in the situations, and partly out of respect for the confidentiality that everyone agreed to when joining staff, as mentioned by SSUS in his comment above. Naturally, in the absence of information, users are rightly going to be concerned and sceptical about what has unfolded. Keeping the above in mind, I will try and give a small bit of insight for users, as someone who was more often on the periphery of discussions and events. In the case of Auntie Sahar, based on the nature of the messages that she sent to multiple users after announcing that she would delete her account on the site, I imagine that anyone who saw those messages would agree that a ban was firmly warranted. I also imagine that most people that had engaged with her inside and outside of the site in the way that many of us have would also have altered perceptions with regard to trustworthiness. I can't say anything more specific than that, but I do feel that the ban can only be considered controversial due to not being privy to the specifics of the situation. It's a very different situation with Nejde and Netzach. The move for them to leave staff, or at the very least for there to be a change in who was part of staff, was recognized by all the remaining staff as necessary; while it's not required for everyone on staff to be friends with one another, it is necessary for staff to all be able to collaborate productively with one another to keep the site functional, and that was gradually becoming no longer the case with each passing serious discussion. The easiest way to accomplish this was to return to the composition of staff before they were both promoted, but this doesn't mean that fault falls on them, or on anyone in particular. The ideal situation was for both of them to continue as contributors, and to use the site in the ways that they were doing so outside of their involvement in staff discussions, which was offered to each of them; that they both felt this wasn't a viable option is clearly concerning, and something that staff needs to take lessons from. It's an inevitability that there will occasionally be a clash of personalities when enough new people are incorporated into the staff team, but it's clearly necessary to figure out better ways to either facilitate those individuals working with one another in spite of differences, or to allow for amicable reversions so that individuals can return to their previous status and continue using the site happily, rather than allowing relations to deteriorate. Even with that all in mind, it would have been far preferable to not have to apply a ban, and for them to both use the site in the limited capacity they planned to, or to leave on their own terms, but ultimately our hand was somewhat forced, as covered in SSUS's post, which I think is sad and unfortunate. I hope in general that there is a bit of a reversal on the increased propensity for bans or threats of bans that's arisen in the past year or so.
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