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A Rant About Death

Written by: jupitreas
Published: December 29, 2009

There are certain things in everyday society that never cease to piss me off. In order to function better, we have created a huge amount of norms and little social contracts, many of which are actually quite nice and helpful. Others simply make no sense.

One such thing is the way we deal with death as by-standers. By that, I mean as people who are not directly hurt by the passing of another human being. The deceased might have been only a casual acquaintance, a friend-of-a-friend or indeed, a public figure such as a musician, actor or politician. Life is not Star Wars, my friends. After death, Hitler was not completely forgiven for all his wrongdoings. What is it about the very idea of death that makes every person act weird? After all, it happens to absolutely, and without any exception, all of us.

A musician most likely was not as evil as Hitler but the principle remains the same - we should treat them and see them exactly as we did when they were still alive. If we disliked their music and maybe them personally, dying shouldn't change that. Unfortunately, grief is cool and gives people the opportunity to flaunt their 'sensitivity'. This is grief as a commodity, a fetish with value in society. A selfish tool of achieving self-importance and acceptance by means of hypocrisy. Sadly - hypocrisy based on the death of another individual - the very thing that we're all supposed to be very sensitive about.

Have you ever had anyone close to you die prematurely? Now imagine someone making a huge spectacle of grieving heavily for this person. The catch is - the rabid griever didnt know the deceased all that well, or maybe even disliked them. Doesn't this phony grief cheapen your own pain over the passing of your close one?

Instead, out of respect for the deceased and their close ones, it is far better not to be a hypocrite attention-whore. Michael Jackson suddenly became the biggest American hero when he died because it was fashionable to grieve for the freak.

With this little rant out of my system, let me leave you with the lyrics to a song that I think sums up this whole issue pretty well.

Everybody Loves You (When You're Dead) by Cop Shoot Cop
Everybody loves you when you're dead
And everyone is suddenly you're dearest friend
Nobody talks no dirt about you
But life it just goes on above your head
When you're dead

Everybody miss you when you're gone
They'll reminisce about you
When they hear your favorite song
They'll think that they said something wrong
They'll wonder if there was something they shoud've said
When you're gone

And I'm never gonna tell a lie
And I'm never gonna wear a tie
And I'm never gonna say goodbye

Life is so much better when you're dead
Conversation's easy when there's nothing to be said
But it can get a little lonesome
Maybe you should take along a friend
Like I said

And I'm never gonna tell a lie
And I'm never gonna wear a tie
And if I can't walk, maybe I can fly
Don't ask the reason why
But I'm never gonna say goodbye

Written on 29.12.2009 by With Metal Storm since 2002, jupitreas has been subjecting the masses to his reviews for quite a while now. He lives in Warsaw, Poland, where he does his best to avoid prosecution for being so cool.


Comments: 48   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 187 users
29.12.2009 - 22:06
Darkside Momo
You're gonna piss some people off with this blog, Jupe.

While just saying/writing a simple R.I.P. can be good, I certainly agree that 'over-mourning' is not, and can be really indecent.
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
29.12.2009 - 22:14
Sometimes what happens, is that death makes you re-evaluate your views, to think through whether you actually disliked the person, his views, or his creation. In many cases you think of all of those as one, while you might actually later figure out that the person was okay, just his art was crap. Plus, losing your antihero is a blow in itself to some people and a reason to mourn. I agree, though, that mourning for the sake of mourning and joining the crowds ain't the way to go.

29.12.2009 - 23:01
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
So very true. I always stick by the motto "A dead asshole is still an asshole."

Thank you for posting this blog.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
30.12.2009 - 07:14
Lactation Cnslt
I don't get it either. I understand respecting the deceased's family and close friends by keeping your mouth shut around them, unless the dead person was the biggest asshole in the world, but if a musician who I or others don't like is reported to have died, especially the sell-out A7X drummer, I don't see why people get butt hurt when someone posts something negative. They always say to respect the dead, and ever since I was a child I've never understood it. Why respect the dead? What's the point, especially online?!?! What's the point in saying, "R.I.P."?!?! What is "R.I.P." supposed to do?!?

Posting someting negative online about a dead person on a site like this isn't like going to the person's mom's house and saying her kid sucked.

Written by jupitreas on 29.12.2009 at 20:37

Have you ever had anyone close to you die prematurely? Now imagine someone making a huge spectacle of grieving heavily for this person. The catch is - the rabid griever didnt know the deceased all that well, or maybe even disliked them. Doesn't this phony grief cheapen your own pain over the passing of your close one?


This happened to me when my friend died in 8th grade. The entire school acted like their best friend died, even this one asshole who picked on him.
30.12.2009 - 08:19
el parcero
I find this really absurd when it involves "celebrities" or public figures. Suddenly everyone became Heath Ledger's fan when he died, and his Joker performance was "oh-so-great-amazing-mind-blowing", as well as his other past movies which most of the people never even watched. Like you said, Michael Jackson was again the biggest star in the world just because it became "trendy" to mourn him. It sucks. Yes, I thought it was fucked up that MJ died, but I really didn't give a fuck. It's not like I had met him or anything. Same with Ledger. A friend of mine got pissed at me because I said he hadn't been that great. She said: oh, you don't know what you're saying, blah blah.

One of my best friends died just over 2 years ago, and it was really hard on me, but because I did know him, and was really close to him. I know that if a lot of people who didn't know him much started over-grieving him, like you call it, it would've pissed me off.
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
30.12.2009 - 09:26
hi-fi / lo-life
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bewildered by this whole 'fad grief' phenomenon. And just on the record - no, there is nothing really wrong with posting a "rip" or something but there is equally nothing wrong with posting something negative.

And unfortunately, that bit about someone close dying also comes from personal experience.
31.12.2009 - 21:38
X-Ray Rod
I somehow knew you were going to make a blog out of this when I saw your comment on the A7X thread.

And I'm glad you did because this is an issue I really dislike... If I'm gonna be sad about a person, is because I really loved them... I never cried at funeral because I was too young to give a fuck or I just didn't know them and was there just for formality.... I just kept my mouth shut.

Just like Doc Globin said: A dead asshole is still an asshole

This goes with Michael Jackson as well, I like some songs, you know... I really do. But he was an asshole, he ahd some pretty fucked up issues and it kinda piss me off that everyone acts like he was an american hero and so on...

I like Burzum...but Varg is one of the biggest assholes I can think off and if he dies I will still think that he was a big asshole. people should stay true to what they thinked about the person before that person died.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

01.01.2010 - 00:54
Fat & Sassy!
Wait. So you're *not* gonna go see that Micheal Jackson documentary in theaters? You indecent fuck! >:[
01.01.2010 - 01:10
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by X-Ray Rod on 31.12.2009 at 21:38

Just like Doc Globin said: A dead asshole is still an asshole

You spelt my name wrong, asshole.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
01.01.2010 - 01:39
X-Ray Rod
Written by Doc G. on 01.01.2010 at 01:10

You spelt my name wrong, asshole.

I don't fucking care.. I love you man! I'm druuuuuuuuuuuuuunk and if I die right now I will be a HAPPY drunk guy and I don't give a flying fuck if there's a guy who remembers me like "that asshole who spelt my name totally wrong" because what jupi said it's totally true, you can think whatever you want to think when I die....
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

02.01.2010 - 03:08
I appreciate the sentiment of this thread, and agree to an extent, considering certain cases.

However, often I find it goes the other way - that when someone dies, the conventional trendy reaction of 'the man on the street/at work/down the pub' tends to be to make fun of them and turn their death into a 'joke', for the purposes of attention seeking...
02.01.2010 - 03:19
Baz Anderson
Written by X-Ray Rod on 31.12.2009 at 21:38

This goes with Michael Jackson as well, I like some songs, you know... I really do. But he was an asshole, he ahd some pretty fucked up issues and it kinda piss me off that everyone acts like he was an american hero and so on...

As much as I agree on this whole death issue - something else that is very annoying to me is when people think they know a person they never actually met. The media tells you what to think whether you realise it or not.
02.01.2010 - 09:15
Jason W.
Outside of the usual 40 "RIPs" I see in every death report here on MS, I'd say my personal experience is similar to Richard's. So yes, I agree with you here that attention seeking based around the death of someone most people never met is not something worth appreciating, and is typically annoying.

I personally have always kept my distance from anyone's death that I've never met or had any interaction with. No matter how much their work or writings may mean to me, on a personal level it's always a void until I make eye contact, and they have acknowledged my existence, or we've exchanged personal email/letters. Barry's right in that the media creates a persona that's not necessarily correct. Judging someone based on what you "know of" them is as baseless as talking about an album you hate but have never even listened to. Instead of wasting time blabbering on about dead people I've never met, I'd rather spend my time connecting with people who are still alive and worth my ever-dwindling time.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
02.01.2010 - 10:36
hi-fi / lo-life
Aye, but if it is indeed merely the simulacrum of a person that has died, all the more reason not to mourn or in fact to have any emotional reaction whatsoever...
02.01.2010 - 16:00
Erotic Stains
I completely agree with everything you said. Like the Avenged Sevenfold drummer being dead, I really don't care at all. I despised the music he played, why should I suddenly grieve over him and send some thoughts to the band? Same thing with MJ.
This doesn't mean I want those guys dead, it just means that I really don't care. People die young everyday, if we should feel sorrow about that we couldn't go on living.
02.01.2010 - 20:20
Totemic Lust
It is an annoying reaction when people go into over-mourning, maybe out of guilt perhaps? I remember mildly liking Pantera growing up and seeing the sudden explosion after Dimebag's death was strange. The market apparently opened up to profitability using his "fallen hero" status and I saw his face plastered on shit everywhere. The exploitation of tragedy is an easy way to make a quick buck because of the creation of a new market that rewards those quick to act without thinking it through.

I mean, look at this nonsense: LINK
02.01.2010 - 22:14
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Introspekrieg on 02.01.2010 at 20:20

It is an annoying reaction when people go into over-mourning, maybe out of guilt perhaps? I remember mildly liking Pantera growing up and seeing the sudden explosion after Dimebag's death was strange. The market apparently opened up to profitability using his "fallen hero" status and I saw his face plastered on shit everywhere. The exploitation of tragedy is an easy way to make a quick buck because of the creation of a new market that rewards those quick to act without thinking it through.

I mean, look at this nonsense: LINK

Th... that's not Kurt Cobain...
02.01.2010 - 23:17
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Introspekrieg on 02.01.2010 at 20:20

It is an annoying reaction when people go into over-mourning, maybe out of guilt perhaps? I remember mildly liking Pantera growing up and seeing the sudden explosion after Dimebag's death was strange. The market apparently opened up to profitability using his "fallen hero" status and I saw his face plastered on shit everywhere. The exploitation of tragedy is an easy way to make a quick buck because of the creation of a new market that rewards those quick to act without thinking it through.

I mean, look at this nonsense: LINK

That's one of the main reasons I despise Metal Hammer Magazine, they fully capitalize on Dimebag's death to no end. It fits in with this thread perfectly, as soon as someone dies suddenly we have to start giving a shit about them and their families, and the best way to show genuine concern is giving your money to Metal Hammer Magazine. Fuck 'em.

The only case in which I would give two shits about a celebrities death is if I was a fan of them, and it threatened any future output of the music. Take Ronnie James Dio's stomach cancer for example, I'm concerned because I would like to hear more material from him in the future. But when it comes to "Rev" from A7X...he wasn't all that unique of a drummer, and I'm sure A7X will carry on without any significant change without him. There's a fine line between being concerned, and being a douchebag.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
03.01.2010 - 00:42
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Doc G. on 02.01.2010 at 23:17

Take Ronnie James Dio's stomach cancer for example, I'm concerned because I would like to hear more material from him in the future. But when it comes to "Rev" from A7X...he wasn't all that unique of a drummer, and I'm sure A7X will carry on without any significant change without him.

Honestly, I am concerned about Dio, because he is looked at as a hero in the rock/metal community. It would be fairly depressing to some if he passed away. I would assume some kids look up to A7X's drummer (I don't know why though :/) as a musician, and they may feel a bit of sorrow for his passing on.

I think anyone's hero passing away would may them mourn at least a little bit.
03.01.2010 - 03:45
Totemic Lust
If Dio passed on and a7x fans started bashing him in retaliation (highly dramatized i know), how would you react? Merely hypothetical...
03.01.2010 - 04:19
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Introspekrieg on 03.01.2010 at 03:45

If Dio passed on and a7x fans started bashing him in retaliation (highly dramatized i know), how would you react? Merely hypothetical...

I wouldn't be personally offended, but I would argue the case.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
03.01.2010 - 20:22
Valentin B
Written by Doc G. on 02.01.2010 at 23:17

That's one of the main reasons I despise Metal Hammer Magazine, they fully capitalize on Dimebag's death to no end. It fits in with this thread perfectly, as soon as someone dies suddenly we have to start giving a shit about them and their families, and the best way to show genuine concern is giving your money to Metal Hammer Magazine. Fuck 'em.

not only MH, but Dean Guitars too, they have no less than 35 models in their Dimebag guitar line... WTF

i don't mind someone posting something like "Rip X" but going all "omg he was such a great guitarist, i'm gonna cry for him after i buy all his albums on vinyl and never listen to them because i actually hate his music and a t-shirt of him i'll wear when painting the house, BRB" is disgusting.

actually i don't even need to say anything more, the way the media acted before Michael Jackson died, and the days after is pretty much the sad state of the collective mentality of the world when it comes to someone famous dying. everyone was all like "omg let's laugh at the freak" and after "oh noez the greatest entertainer of all time is dead!!". everyone remembers everyone when they die..
06.01.2010 - 10:02
Giant robot
Well, no one asked for my opinion, but I'm still going to give it.

Added to the excessive, fake, irrelevant grieving you guys talked about, I have to say I also have a little problem with the expression R.I.P. As I said, a little problem, because I am just looking for consistency : R.I.P. is a ROMAN CATHOLIC Latin phrase. Even if is it now commonly used by everyone, I still think a phrase that directly refers to a religious belief, should not be used by everyone, nor for everyone. By that, I just mean that if I claim to be an atheist, I will not wish for someone's soul to rest in peace, for logical reasons. And even more importantly, the fact I don't "pay my respects" to the dead by adding R.I.P. to my words when talking about somebody's death shouldn't be taken as an insult. Simply because I do not believe your soul will get out of your body, fly in the air and reach the sky, after you "passed away" choking yourself to death while your were jerking off, shouldn't make me look like a complete asshole. (EDIT : even if I might be, for other reasons)
06.01.2010 - 14:17
Adding to what the tank above says, I'm disappointed by the common, particularly here, illogical saying of "rest in peace" to/about a MUSICIAN. Seriously? Even if they do somehow manage to hear your message, now you're taking away possibly the one thing they enjoy the most? Some tribute. Keep that shit away from me.
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
13.01.2010 - 01:45
John Barleycorn

A good example how to deal with jerks after they have died
13.01.2010 - 07:22
I've actually heard someone say how they thought about someone they kind of knew before they died as an asshole and once they had died they actually stated how their opinion of that person had changed for the better in direct result of them dying. That pissed me off. Like stated in this thread before 'a dead asshole is still an asshole'.
"Hope is the greatest of all evils, for it prolongs the torment of man." - Friedrich Nietzsche
16.01.2010 - 04:44
On the death subject... recently a earthquake occured in haiti and killed many many people. I feel bad about the whole disaster. But i used to talk crap about haiti cause lots of the people came to my neighborhood and ruined it... not being racist.. just being honest. But like.. lots of other people who talked bad about haiti are being all two faced about it and are walking around feeling bad for it in a way to gain some sort of good public persona i guess. i dont say bad stuff about the country anymore out of respect but im not going to go beyond just being silent. Its sorta like the MJ incident, but less annoying. Hmm just wanted to get that off my chest haha
16.01.2010 - 15:03
hi-fi / lo-life
Saying that the Haitians ruined your neighborhood IS racist.
17.01.2010 - 04:16
I guess it is... yeah.... i just wasnt in a good mood... i recieved like 600 (exaggeration of course) chain messages asking me to donate to haiti and it was just extremely annoying. I was just ranting and i guess i went a bit over board im sorry. I hope i didnt offend anybody too much,
17.01.2010 - 05:29
hi-fi / lo-life
I doubt we have any members from Haiti so I guess nobody really gives a shit but the point is that it doesn't matter what part of the world the people who moved into your neighborhood are from.

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