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Hatebreed - The Divinity Of Purpose review


103 users:
Band: Hatebreed
Album: The Divinity Of Purpose
Style: Hardcore, Metalcore
Release date: January 25, 2013
Guest review by: Cynic Metalhead

01. Put It To The Torch
02. Honor Never Dies
03. Own Your World
04. The Language
05. Before The Fight Ends You
06. Indivisible
07. Dead Man Breathing
08. The Divinity Of Purpose
09. Nothing Scares Me
10. Bitter Truth
11. Boundless (Time To Murder It)
12. Idolized and Vilified

Whether you're an elitist, an American scene kid, a metalhead, a hardcore punk aficionado, or one of those old jaded folks at the back still clasping that Victory Records mail order from the 90s to your chest, you tend to get have certain amount of expectation of what Hatebreed's albums sound like. The Connecticut stompers signed up a new deal with Razor & Tie and you know what beauty comes with it: another mosh-inducing, pits-erupting brand new disc - namely The Divinity Of Purpose.

Did they do it differently from Hatebreed? What about their magnum opus in Supremacy? Or did they go a step further and record one the best Hatebreed albums ever released? Or will this just be another generic CD that won't stand out?

It's time to open the bag of Doritos.

Well, the album contains anthemic chugging riffs, full-on chanting choruses, adroit lyrics, jackhammer drumming, and consistently strong breakdowns, making for 38 minutes of the most bastardized moshable affair.


The high intensity journey starts knocking you down from the very first song, "Put It To The Torch", which explodes into a fast part with bouncing riffs and mounting tension. The vociferous Jamey Jasta creates aggressive vibes for you to jump over and start kicking the shit out of something. The message is clear: Make the point and move on. With the most pump-up song of the record, "Honor Never Dies" (which has a superb flow of melodic leads and squashing riffs), the message was well-articulated. The enraged atmosphere sets the tone for you to fight your inner monster, which continues with other testosterone-driven moshing bouncers such as "Own Your World" and "The Language". This is why I actually love being part of the Hatebreed army - they deliver their message, and more importantly, create strong music.

A fantasy of mine is to stand in the crowd as Jasta shrieks, "Who's got more heart than you?!" And a bunch of sweaty, angry, violent moshpit participants fire back, "No One!" This is what I was thinking about when I began wrapping up my notes of each song. I was in no mood to sit back and relax. Anyway, The Divinity Of Purpose carried same blistering passion and delivers a strong message throughout the album. With every song comes different hardcore music, attitudes, violence, and - as mentioned above - messages. This record reminds me of the Suicidal Tendencies' Join The Army era and Sepultura's Beneath The Remains era.

So once again, Hatebreed delivered an absolute slaughtering style of hardcore with this record, spewing 12 songs across your face to feel the heat. Well, it might get a little patchy if you analyze it too deeply, as it's sometimes a little too aggressive in trying to connect with the audience. Yes, it's a standout record and far better than what they've done up to now. I strongly feel this is one of the best records to shine in their discography. Well, if you hate the way Hatebreed express their messages, chances are you'll end up hating this one too. Mind you, no matter what, you will still like to play the disc again in future.

Highlights: "Honor Never Dies", "The Language", "Bitter Truth", and "Own Your World".

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written by Cynic Metalhead | 11.04.2014

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 6   Visited by: 62 users
11.04.2014 - 11:29
"The Quaker"
Nice review !
11.04.2014 - 13:41
Rating: 9
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by qlacs on 11.04.2014 at 11:29

Nice review !

Thank you.

Don't forget to listen this album.
11.04.2014 - 23:49
Rating: 9
All Hatebreed's albums are awesome and so is this one. Between them and Terror you cannot listen to their music and just chill. It pumps you the fuck up. Makes you want to destroy everything HAHAHAHA!!!
13.04.2014 - 01:28
Rating: 7
Good review. I enjoy the album quite a bit. Not the best in their discography, but quality for sure. I wouldn't give it a 9. I like the title track best. Hatebreed doesn't disappoint and remain incredibly consistent.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]
13.04.2014 - 11:26
Rating: 9
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Misfit74 on 13.04.2014 at 01:28

Good review. I enjoy the album quite a bit. Not the best in their discography, but quality for sure. I wouldn't give it a 9. I like the title track best.

I scotched my score on the (strong)basis of quality, production, incredible varieties and absolute powerful record. I didn't enjoy their debut-it was bleak, "Supermacy" and "Hatebreed" was their strongest material up-to-date but it didn't had much variation( more off a rip off "Supermacy") but "Divinity Of Purpose" - has it all to be rated 9. I didn't wrote review as my personal fav but injected words as if i'm non-listener of Hatebreed. It's'soul crushing.

Hatebreed doesn't disappoint and remain incredibly consistent.


They're becoming massive and powerful.
14.04.2014 - 12:59
Rating: 9
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by deadone on 14.04.2014 at 02:14

Nice review.

I like the concept of Hatebreed but I find them a bit tedious to listen to in batches of more than a few songs.


Yes, it's true in earlier albums it's good to get through with couple of songs but then it's gets repetitive. This record is something pretty different from other records. One of the best material recorded by Hatebreed. You'll see lot of variation, classic riffing with heavy pounding on drums and thick bass. Sets the mood right in.

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