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Profanatica - Crux Simplex review


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Band: Profanatica
Album: Crux Simplex
Style: Black metal
Release date: September 22, 2023
A review by: X-Ray Rod

01. Condemned To Unholy Death
02. Take Up The Cross
03. The First Fall
04. Meeting Of A Whore
05. Compelled By Romans
06. Wipe The Fucking Face Of Jesus
07. The Second Fall
08. Cunts Of Jerusalem
09. The Third Fall
10. Division Of Robes

Few black metal bands put as much emphasis on sheer disgusting blasphemy as Profanatica does. And while their image might look campy and excessive, they have always been serious about it. Even more so on Crux Simplex.

It takes dedication to stay kvlt for as long as Profanatica has done in its 3 decade long ride. Founder Paul Ledney and co had a rough start though. After two years of demos, the band disbanded. Most of their material at the time would end up as Havohej’s cult classic, Dethrone The Son Of God. It took Profanatica 15 years to get back from the dead and release their debut album. Making up for lost time, they have put out a steady stream of full lengths ever since.

And just like with Paul’s other project, Havohej, the premise here is rather simple but effective: Pure. Fucking. Evil. Aaaaaarrrrghhhh *puking noises*

But there is more to it than meets the eye. Now on their 6(66)th album, Profanatica is well aware of what elements to focus on in order to get a solid sound palette. The raw black metal riffs have a potent death metal influence. This is mainly due to the production that gives the guitars that classic chainsaw sound. In fact, I’d dare say this is their most professionally sounding album as the evil riffs truly shine and resonate well with just the right amount of droning feedback and dissonance. The drumming on the other hand is rooted in black metal with a constant blasting that feels very punk-ish during the fast, near thrashy sections. But it’s when Profanatica slows things down a bit that I find the most enjoyment out of Crux Simplex. These slower passages are absolutely crushing. Along with the raspy and filthy vocals, the result ends up being highly morbid and bestial. Tracks like “Take Up The Cross”, “Compelled By Romans”, and the ending piece “Division Of Robes” are borderline death/doom metal and add much needed variation. The last of these songs actually surprised me a fair bit with its oddly sophisticated ambient ending. With the rotten filth that came before it, the contrast ends up evoking unsettling images not unlike the ones I found at the end of the movie Hereditary which also used celestial music for a terrifying result.

I don’t want to drag this out any longer. Profanatica is a really transparent band and you know what to expect simply by looking at their artwork. Fans of sick, primitive black metal should take notice.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 7
Originality: 5
Production: 8

Written on 15.10.2023 by A lazy reviewer but he is so cute you'd forgive him for it.


Comments: 3   Visited by: 55 users
15.10.2023 - 19:16
Rating: 6
A Nice Guy
I checked this one out and was straight away taken back by the mean buzzsaw guitar tone. It's interesting to hear traditional black metal tremolo riffs played with a classic old-school death metal sound, there's an evil filthiness to it, something along the lines of Entombed meets Darkthrone, I guess? I've not taken to the songwriting though.
15.10.2023 - 20:08
Rating: 8
X-Ray Rod
Written by AndyMetalFreak on 15.10.2023 at 19:16

I checked this one out and was straight away taken back by the mean buzzsaw guitar tone. It's interesting to hear traditional black metal tremolo riffs played with a classic old-school death metal sound, there's an evil filthiness to it, something along the lines of Entombed meets Darkthrone, I guess? I've not taken to the songwriting though.

The death metal influences are not weird once you know that drummer/singer Paul Ledney was the first drummer of Incantation. He left the band after a demo or so because he wanted to focus on black metal. But he clearly shows that he till bears those sounds on his sleeve.

When the mood calls for it, I'm a total sucker for ritualistic, filthy black metal in this vein (it's borderline War Metal like Blasphemy, Revenge and the like). If you still want to give other works a try but don't know where to start then I would suggest Thy Kingdom Cum. Dumbass title aside, it' probably the most riff-tastic album of Profanatica and it's very well put together. If you want something really odd then you could try Profanatitas De Domonatia. It has a very bassy, sludgy production which makes the black metal sound very alien. Almost mechanical/industrial. Pretty unique sounding although I understand if it's not for everybody. The album I mentioned in the review, Havohej's Dethrone The Son Of God, is an excellent slab of simple yet potent black metal. One of the first examples of US black metal too and it also carries that death metal sound.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

15.10.2023 - 20:34
Rating: 6
A Nice Guy
Written by X-Ray Rod on 15.10.2023 at 20:08

The death metal influences are not weird once you know that drummer/singer Paul Ledney was the first drummer of Incantation. He left the band after a demo or so because he wanted to focus on black metal. But he clearly shows that he till bears those sounds on his sleeve.

When the mood calls for it, I'm a total sucker for ritualistic, filthy black metal in this vein (it's borderline War Metal like Blasphemy, Revenge and the like). If you still want to give other works a try but don't know where to start then I would suggest Thy Kingdom Cum. Dumbass title aside, it' probably the most riff-tastic album of Profanatica and it's very well put together. If you want something really odd then you could try Profanatitas De Domonatia. It has a very bassy, sludgy production which makes the black metal sound very alien. Almost mechanical/industrial. Pretty unique sounding although I understand if it's not for everybody. The album I mentioned in the review, Havohej's Dethrone The Son Of God, is an excellent slab of simple yet potent black metal. One of the first examples of US black metal too and it also carries that death metal sound.

Paul Ledney previously being drummer for Incantation explains alot as to where the death metal influences come from it seems. I'll have a shot at some their previous work then, Thy Kingdom Cum sounds more for me but I'll try some of the others you mentioned too.

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