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Flotsam And Jetsam - I Am The Weapon review


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Band: Flotsam And Jetsam
Album: I Am The Weapon
Style: Thrash metal
Release date: September 13, 2024
A review by: omne metallum

01. A New Kind Of Hero
02. Primal
03. I Am The Weapon
04. Burned My Bridges
05. The Head Of The Snake
06. Beneath The Shadows
07. Gates Of Hell
08. Cold Steel Lights
09. Kings Of The Underworld
10. Running Through The Fire
11. Black Wings

So, not coming in peace, then?

It would be fair to say that Flotsam And Jetsam have had a mixed forty-year career; from promising beginnings that suggested the world was theirs for the taking, they never lived up to the initial hype, until emerging from relative obscurity with a late-career redemption arc that many could only dream of. While I have waxed lyrical about the band's recent works, even I was sceptical if the band could stretch this run to a fourth album, even though the band had given me no reason to think otherwise.

"A New Kind Of Hero" immediately blows any doubts out of the water like a nuclear-powered depth charge; I Am The Weapon is a WMD in sonic form, a precision strike of ferocity that will hit you squarely between the ears. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but many young bands would do well to learn from a band who are reaching for the crown, not the finish line. This isn't to say the band are a one-trick pony, as while the early fury seems unrelenting, it gives way to a more mid-paced yet groove-infused middle period that is no less catchy, thanks to the guitar work of Conley and Gilbert, with "The Head Of The Snake" striking with force.

The band's ability to match intensity and melody is the key to their formula, with Knutson's soaring vocals (that still show no signs of wear and tear) veering into power metal realms (see "Black Wings"), while Conley steers the track firmly back to the Bay Area. This ability to turn hard-hitting anthems into mini-epics is what makes the title track the hit that it is, finding the dopamine button in your brain and spamming it like a noob in the final boss battle. The not-so-silent weapon in Flotsam And Jetsam's arsenal is Mary, who provides propulsive and powerful drum work that threatens to steal the show throughout ("Gates Of Hell").

While it is far from diminishing returns, I Am The Weapon is the weakest release since the band turned the fire into an inferno back in 2016 with their self-titled album. There are moments that miss the mark slightly, with "Beneath The Shadows" suggesting the limitations in scope for the band's sound, while "Cold Steel Lights" highlights that while Flotsam And Jetsam still have several aces in their hands, they are playing with a weaker hand this time around. However, even during its weakest moments, I Am The Weapon is still enjoyable and has much to offer.

While the fire still rages on and is hypnotic in its glow, the fuel is starting to run low for Flotsam And Jetsam. The band aren't handing out burnt offerings just yet, but it will be interesting to see if they can somehow dig deeper into their reserves and scorch the Earth once more going forward.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 7
Originality: 6
Production: 8

Written on 01.09.2024 by Just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm not listening.


Comments: 5   Visited by: 99 users
01.09.2024 - 16:48
Virtue and Vice
The band that refused to be forgotten, despite that their fame it is fortuitous by the inclusion in Metallica of Newsted, unfortunately that was a curse for Flotsam And Jetsam, I think in the last years they released their best material since their debut. I was listening this record and is very enjoyable.
Invisible To telescopic eye,
Infinity. The star that would not die.

Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death

01.09.2024 - 18:04
Rating: 5
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Good review.

F&J have already hit the rock bottom after releasing the self-titled. It has become repetitive and uninspired, stale, manufactures yawn-inducing tracks getting increasingly difficult to get through them.
15.09.2024 - 20:27
Couldn't disagree more about Beneath the Shadows and Cold Steel Lights. The first is very catchy and a nice change of pace from all the speedy songs on the album and the latter has a great chorus and is one of the better songs on a very solid album.

The only criticism I would have is the same I had with the past few albums: With so many songs, there should be more slower songs/ballads to give a little breathing room with the speed and heaviness. F&J always excelled in this arena in the past, but there has been a lack of that lately.
26.09.2024 - 00:36
Rating: 7
This is a fair review. The last few Flotsam And Jetsam albums have been great, certainly enough to place them in the renaissance of classic thrash acts that happened across the last decade. I Am The Weapon is probably the weakest of these in terms of songwriting, but the band is still in excellent shape, they have lots of energy, and they have a great sound. This is a very enjoyable album even if it doesn't stand out quite as much, so while you could say it's a notch or two below the last couple, I'm not worried that I'll lose interest in them again any time soon.
"Earth is small and I hate it" - Lum Invader

I'm the Agent of Steel.
26.09.2024 - 12:57
Rating: 8
One of my favourites om this album is Burned My Bridges;

It really could be an Iron Maiden Song so I'm waiting for Flotz and Maiden recording an EP where they cover some of each other's songs.

In my mind I already hear Eric AK yelling 'Aaaaces Hiiiiigh', and Bruce Dickinson burling 'I can't liiiiiive without the ones I loooovveeee', it would be fucking killer!!!🤘🤘🤘
One day the Dutch broadcast companies will present a GREAT heavy metal show on radio and tv. We call this wishful thinking.....

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