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BitterCOld Profile

This is a reduced profile. To view BitterCOld's full profile, please log in. If you don't have an account yet, you can register here.

Posts and comments: 15307
Topics created: 313
Reviews written: 267
Articles written: 37
News posted: 38
Interviews posted: 4
Funny stuff posted: 2
Lists created: 19
Album collection: 1157
Wishlist: 49
Recount stats:
Title: The Ancient One
Position: Admin
Favorite bands: Godflesh, Enslaved, Ulver, Darkthrone, Baroness, High On Fire, Neurosis, Jesu, Ahab, Clutch, Mar De Grises, Minsk, Shattered Hope, Bolt Thrower, Acid Bath, Holy Terror, Sleestak, Kyuss, Cobalt, Faal, Process Of Guilt, Ortega, Tort, Skepticism, Altar Of Betelgeuze, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster

Articles and blogs

Latest Staff pick

Released 30 years ago, Bergtatt knocked my socks off first listen, lulling me in with the pretty calm and charming intro before unleashing the metal. The Thunderclap still takes me by surprise hundreds of listens later. Remains among my "Ten 10's" on Metal Storm. If you've heard this one before, no doubt you understand why I love it so much and if you haven't, stop what you're doing and go check it out now. You might be 30 years late to the party (and maybe 15-20 years later than my arrival) but it's still going.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: nikarg, X-Ray Rod, RaduP, Daniell

Top lists