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Premiere New Single
Mar 26
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Drop New Track
Mar 25
Page: 1
Andy, English first goal against Latvia was like David Backhem scored it
09:22 - Bad English
Argentina smashed Brazil at Monumental
08:06 - M C Vice
Imagine how long phone numbers would be if we used roman numerals
17:44 - Vellichor
Definitely a clever and memorable way to start an album. Love the way it just abruptly starts after the last line.
17:20 - X-Ray Rod
No. No. No. This is beautiful. This is art.
17:19 - X-Ray Rod
-- shout deleted --
15:08 - Vellichor
One of the most brutal opening tracks
Steven Wilson The Overview |
Fange Purulences |
Ainsoph Affection & Vengeance |
Warbringer Wrath And Ruin |
Spiritbox Tsunami Sea |
Pyres Yun |
Nephylim Circuition |
Frogg Eclipse |
Euphrosyne Morus |
Hierarchies Hierarchies |
Guests: 774