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Mar 05
Page: 1
Not sure but sometimes there’s other bands I feel like I remember that aren’t here anymore
20:19 - Boxcar Willy
Was Cuckoo's Nest ever on MS? I feel crazy thinking they were at one point. [link]
13:10 - Vellichor
Not really weird, she’s just doing her own thing. Hopefully it means more Jess by the Lake and we’re long overdue on more Exploding Eyes Orchestra too.
11:07 - M C Vice
She went down by the lake
11:05 - NastyHero
I was confused cause Jess left like a month ago. It is weird indeed, considering the name and all
09:40 - Ivor
Just The Ancient Ones
09:09 - M C Vice
No more Jess? :(
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