Posts: 9236  |
Im already depressed
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
This list makes me wanna kill myself, but in a good way.
InnerSelf proofread free
Posts: 2701  |
Hails for mentioning Lacrimas Profundere, they don't get enough credit for their earlier Doom stuff
nice list by the way
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
Doesn't make much sense to mention Alternative 4 on a doom list. :/
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 89  |
Written by InnerSelf on 30.11.2011 at 19:10
Hails for mentioning Lacrimas Profundere, they don't get enough credit for their earlier Doom stuff
nice list by the way 
Thanks! I agree, their old stuff is so underrated.
Written by Troy Killjoy on 30.11.2011 at 19:19
Doesn't make much sense to mention Alternative 4 on a doom list. :/
Yeah, I know it's not Doom, but I love that album so much I had to put it somewhere  Ok, ok. Explanation sucks. Maybe I'm gonna replace it by The Silent Enigma one day.
ThunderAxe1989 Account deleted |
ThunderAxe1989 Account deleted
To be honest, some of the albums on that list, I've never sat down and heard/listened to. Gives me some stuff to check out though.
Posts: 820
Great list, but I'm missing Trouble's Psalm 9 on it. I also prefer Lords Of Hypocrisy by Pagan Altar over Volume 1, but both are really great.
Posts: 89  |
Written by Aristarchos on 12.10.2012 at 16:04
Great list, but I'm missing Trouble's Psalm 9 on it.
Thanks. Actually I've heard a lot of times that this is a great album, but have never listen to it till now. Guess I should give it a try
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
Great list. I'd add A Wintersunset... (Empyrium), Paradise Belongs To You (Saturnus), Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light (My Dying Bride) and Reason (Officium Triste). Those are all amazing albums... I'm using your list for getting to know some more great bands/albums if you don't mind.
Posts: 89  |
Written by Erik M. on 12.11.2012 at 20:29
Great list. I'd add A Wintersunset... (Empyrium), Paradise Belongs To You (Saturnus), Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light (My Dying Bride) and Reason (Officium Triste). Those are all amazing albums... I'm using your list for getting to know some more great bands/albums if you don't mind. 
Of course not, I'm always glad to spread some good music  I hope you'll find something you like.
Actually, you're right, A Wintersunset should be in. I didn't add Paradise Belongs To You because there are already 2 albums of Saturnus and I didn't want to have too much of the same band in the list. As for the rest... I simply have not heard them (yet), so thanks for the suggestion
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
Written by ~Starchild~ on 13.11.2012 at 15:39
Of course not, I'm always glad to spread some good music I hope you'll find something you like.
Actually, you're right, A Wintersunset should be in. I didn't add Paradise Belongs To You because there are already 2 albums of Saturnus and I didn't want to have too much of the same band in the list. As for the rest... I simply have not heard them (yet), so thanks for the suggestion 
I figured that was the reason Paradise Belongs To You wasn't in it (I think it's their best though). And nice to see you added A Wintersunset. I recently made a list of all My Dying Bride albums (best to worst), so check it out if you're interested. The Dreadful Hours is in your list, and while it is a terrific album, I still think it's not MDB's best work.
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
I just noticed: No 40 Watt Sun?
Posts: 89  |
Written by [user id=101272] on 20.11.2012 at 07:22
I just noticed: No 40 Watt Sun?
Oh you're absolutely right! How could I forget about them? *shame on me*
Posts: 711  |
Seems a balanced list, but, I apologize, I can't help myself from mentioning a few favorites you might have missed, or luckily that you've not had the pleasure to peruse yet.
Winter - Into Darkness/Eternal Frost
Virgin Black - Mezzo Forte
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire For Palatable Flesh
Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt
Dolorian - Dolorian
The Gathering - Mandyllion
The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand
Process of Guilt - Erosion
Procession - Destroyers of the Faith
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave
Forest of Shadows - Where Dreams Turn To Dust
Esoteric - Paragon Of Dissonance
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
Corrupted - El Mundo Frio
I really hope there's something you'd enjoy among those few albums, and if you need some more I'd be happy to oblige.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
Written by Mikyz on 28.04.2013 at 13:27
The Gathering - Mandyllion
I don't see why this should be on the list.  Would be totally out of place if you ask me. Their debut "Always..." would be a far better choice, although it's completely different and not so good as Mandylion (still very good though).
Posts: 711  |
Written by Erik M. on 28.04.2013 at 23:35
I don't see why this should be on the list. Would be totally out of place if you ask me. Their debut "Always..." would be a far better choice, although it's completely different and not so good as Mandylion (still very good though).
Well, I never thought of this album as only Gothic Metal, it has this heavy, doom-like weight to it I tend to enjoy when listening to doom releases. In a wholly, more evil way, I can say the same of Danzig's Selt-Titled. It really is all a matter of the way you choose to enjoy the album, there's really no need to sweat over details. Cheers.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
Written by Mikyz on 29.04.2013 at 08:51
Well, I never thought of this album as only Gothic Metal, it has this heavy, doom-like weight to it I tend to enjoy when listening to doom releases. In a wholly, more evil way, I can say the same of Danzig's Selt-Titled. It really is all a matter of the way you choose to enjoy the album, there's really no need to sweat over details. Cheers.
It's not because of Mandylion's genre, but simply because I don't think it's an album that has a feel of "darkness, despair, grief & sorrow" to it, if you catch my drift. Although it's less cheerful and "poppy" than Nighttime Birds, it still doesn't sound like a dark album to me. But for now let's just wait and see what the list creator will think of it.
And now that I'm here anyway, how about some suggestions? Here you go:
- Akelei - De Zwaarte van het Doorstane (Dutch atmospheric doom)
- Desire - Infinity... A Timeless Journey Through An Emotional Dream (melodic death/doom)
- Forest of Shadows - Departure (melancholic death/doom)
- Isole - Bliss of Solitude (epic doom... well, this is the only album I've heard by this band, but all of the albums fit this list I think)
- Mourning Beloveth - The Sullen Sulcus (yeah, I know you already have A Disease for the Ages on the list, but I think The Sullen Sulcus needs to be on it too, since it's their best in my opinion)
- October Tide - Rain Without End (I don't think I have to elaborate...)
- Officium Triste - Reason (death/doom... perfect for this list)
- Shattered Hope - Absence (death/doom)
- Yearning - Evershade (atmospheric doom... very dark and emotional with great lyrics... must be on this list for sure)
I noticed you haven't added any of my previous suggestions (aside from A Wintersunset...), so I hope I didn't just waste my time typing this, haha.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
The Gathering - Mandylion has nothing to do with doom, just like none of Danzig's albums have anything to do with doom, either.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Posts: 89  |
Written by Erik M. on 29.04.2013 at 20:55
I noticed you haven't added any of my previous suggestions (aside from A Wintersunset...), so I hope I didn't just waste my time typing this, haha.
haha, actually I'm having some serious issues with my ears since a while and I can't listen to music, that's why I couldn't check out the albums you suggested.
As for Mandylion... I don't think it has anything to do with doom either, but even if, it wouldn't be on this list, because I absolutely cannot stand Anneke's voice
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
Written by ~Starchild~ on 02.05.2013 at 18:15
haha, actually I'm having some serious issues with my ears since a while and I can't listen to music, that's why I couldn't check out the albums you suggested.
As for Mandylion... I don't think it has anything to do with doom either, but even if, it wouldn't be on this list, because I absolutely cannot stand Anneke's voice 
Ah, that sucks.  Well, hope it gets better soon.
And I agree (obviously, because I said it before already) with Mandylion not fitting into this list, at all. But I think Anneke's voice is great... not nearly the best female singer in metal, but still very good.
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
I second the thought of Esoteric going on this list, and maybe To the Void by Ixion.
Erik M.
Posts: 3104  |
This list is easily one of the best lists on MS. Just so many awesome albums here and even though it's still doom metal there's a ton of variety to be found here. You might also want to check out my "death doom" list, I'm sure you'll like it.
Constantine Account deleted |
Constantine Account deleted
Nice list, too bad i have listened to almost all of these.
Do you have some less known stuff?