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Thumbs up: +2
My Favorite Albums 2021

Same as before but for 2021. Have some more to add that I’ll get to sometime soon.

1.Chvrches - Screen Violence
2.Blackshape - Blackshape
3.Halsey - If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power
4.Jess And The Ancient Ones - Vertigo
5.Dvne - Etemen Ænka

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Created by Vellichor on 10.01.2024

Thumbs up: +1
Oldy's 2021 Album Ranked

1.1914 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet
2.Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
3.Iotunn - Access All Worlds
4.Stormkeep - Tales Of Othertime
5.Mare Cognitum - Solar Paroxysm

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Created by Oldy86 on 02.11.2023

Oldy's 2022 Albums Ranked

1.White Ward - False Light
2.Gaerea - Mirage
3.Dream Unending - Song Of Salvation
4.Morkera - Entangled Excavations
5.An Abstract Illusion - Woe

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Created by Oldy86 on 12.06.2023

Thumbs up: +6
MSA 2021 All Write-ins - Best Albums By Genre

For those interested in suggestions of albums by genre

- Trolls
- Limp bizkit outside of Alternative category
- albums already nominated. After the results, I will add the nominated albums that…

2.Heleven - Into The Oceans
3.Imminence - Heaven In Hiding
4.Lantlôs - Wildhund
5.Leprous - Aphelion

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Created by Maxder on 28.02.2022

Thumbs up: +2
2021: Stuff I Heard

So earlier in 2021, I actually finished a nine year old list, and I thought starting this in July and backfilling with previous listens would be a good idea. Turns out not jotting down some thoughts about…

1.Horndal - Lake Drinker
2.Unto Others - Strength
3.Obscura - A Valediction
4.Gatecreeper - An Unexpected Reality
5.Asphyx - Necroceros

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Created by LordFezzington on 08.07.2021

Thumbs up: +1
My Mostly Metal Playlist - Top 100 (so Far) of 2021

Good morrow
This is Prnzo
this list is probably for...
idk, the more adventurous...
jack-of-all-trades listener
lots of apples/oranges here
hopefully this top list helps
at least one MS'er
and if…

1.Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
2.Dordeduh - Har
3.Adjy - The Idyll Opus (I-VI)
4.The World Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die - Illusory Walls
5.Converge and Chelsea Wolfe - Bloodmoon: I

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Created by prnzokoshiroltra on 04.03.2021

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Best Of 2021

1.Trhä - Endlhëtonëg
2.Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst
3.Suffering Hour - The Cyclic Reckoning
4.Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
5.Belore - Artefacts

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Created by vermin scourge on 24.01.2021

Thumbs up: +14
2021: Jan-Jun

After clocking well over 700 albums in 2020, I'm hoping 2021 will be a bit busier IRL and thus slightly less comprehensively covered in these lists, but let's see - with all the new strains emerging,…

1.Vulgaris - Asundre
2.Dvne - Etemen Ænka
3.Heliocentric - Ishmael
4.Decline Of The I - Johannes
5.Dordeduh - Har

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Created by musclassia on 24.01.2021

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2021 Amusia's Recommendations

Manuel Castillo (Amusia) is a Mexican youtuber/reviewer specialized in heavy metal, who makes reviews without pression from the labels or distros. His passion and knowledge are the best tools he has and…

1.Asphyx - Necroceros
2.Nervosa - Perpetual Chaos
3.Therion - Leviathan
4.Labyrinth - Welcome To The Absurd Circus
5.Accept - Too Mean To Die

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Created by ChapuLviz on 23.01.2021

Dvatisícedvacetjedna (MMXXI)

1.Lorna Shore - ...And I Return To Nothingness
2.Harakiri For The Sky - Mӕre
3.Monolord - Your Time To Shine
4.Ethereal Shroud - Trisagion
5.Der Weg Einer Freiheit - Noktvrn

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Created by cerny_vi on 19.01.2021

Thumbs up: +4

1.Turnstile - Glow On
2.The Armed - Ultrapop
3.Lingua Ignota - Sinner Get Ready
4.Panopticon - . . . And Again Into The Light
5.Thirdface - Do It With A Smile

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Created by Marc-Antoine on 15.01.2021