JÄY Metal slave
Posts: 1567  |
26.01.2010 - 19:12Rating: 9
JÄYMetal slavePosts: 1567 
The reviews for this album aere so mixed! its like people give it a 9/10 or 2..jesus!
i just listened to it for the first time and i liked it....im also not into death metal that much, but would like to be.....epitaph seems like a good starting place to me.
super technical...like slightly more hardcore wintersun maybe
Posts: 499  |
I just purchased this album a month or so ago and really enjoyed it. Onset of Putrifaction might be more brutal, but that album didn't catch me the way this one did. They really seemed to perfect their sound on Epitaph, and I hardly think there is any wankery on the album, which comes from someone that isn't a real fan of technical metal.
Posts: 104  |
30.05.2010 - 00:19Rating: 8
Great Muhammd !
" Je me crois en enfer, donc j'y suis. " [Arthur Rimbaud]
(I believe I am in Hell, therefore I am.)
Carl Berg Carl Berg
Posts: 589  |
15.06.2010 - 16:15Rating: 10
The kings of Death Metal.
Posts: 9260  |
30.12.2010 - 17:54Rating: 9
Best part about this album is stefan fimmers 7-string bass sweeps in "only ash remains"
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
31.12.2010 - 19:27Rating: 9
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by Boxcar Willy on 30.12.2010 at 17:54
Best part about this album is stefan fimmers 7-string bass sweeps in "only ash remains"
Fuck yeah its great !!!!
Posts: 120  |
22.03.2011 - 22:14Rating: 8
Tech-death doesn't get any better.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
24.05.2011 - 20:08Rating: 9
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by Heka69 on 22.03.2011 at 22:14
Tech-death doesn't get any better.
Hell yeah it gets even better, see Anata... or Spawn of Possession or Decrepit Birth
Posts: 120  |
25.05.2011 - 15:44Rating: 8
Written by Guib on 24.05.2011 at 20:08
Hell yeah it gets even better, see Anata... or Spawn of Possession or Decrepit Birth 
They don't have that depth in their songs... it's tech-death, yeah, and fast as hell and difficult to play, but songwriting of Suicmez (or however it's written  ) is so far ahead... IMO.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
25.05.2011 - 18:10Rating: 9
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Posts: 120  |
25.05.2011 - 19:58Rating: 8
Written by Guib on 25.05.2011 at 18:10 Well actually its more like a whole bunch of random notes but anyways 
Yes, LIKE A BUNCH OF RANDOM NOTES, but when look at it more closely it suddenly makes sense. I find it cool.
Posts: 352  |
04.03.2012 - 21:55Rating: 9
After Onset Of Putrefaction, Necrophagist is still here! Muhammed Suiçmez and Christian Muenzner have done some wonderful things together
Don't cry for my English
Posts: 119  |
Incredible technical, well done!
Illog1cal Account deleted |
Illog1cal Account deleted
There is a sharp focus on more interesting song structures and riffs, whilst also keeping the excessive but brilliant soloing that was on the debut and pushing the technical factor even further. The production is so much better, everything is perfectly balanced, and with the addition of an actual drummer and an even more talented bassist it adds an extra element. 'Seven' is an amazing song.
Posts: 10  |
17.02.2014 - 05:07Rating: 9
Dis is d first technical dm album iv heard....nd im nt dissapointed rathr flattered by d creativity of this band:thumbup: ...hope they return soon...
Posts: 116  |
06.03.2014 - 01:10Rating: 9
Technical death that actually incorporates some melody. Very listenable. The guitar playing is nothing short of absolute perfection. Overall quite a solid effort and waay better than anything Nile has ever done in my opinion.
Dr. Strawberry
Posts: 698  |
17.08.2014 - 21:17Rating: 8
This guy is great.
- I really don't classify their genre as technical ( btw I don't know what does "Technical" mean...other genres don't involve techniques ? very funny ).
- It's Brutal Death + Progressive, he throws you very impressive solo progressive riffs to kill you in every track, at the same time he handles brutal part very well, it's great he tones down the brutal vocals a bit in order to match with progressive riffs...
- Still their first album is the best.
- I would say this is improved version of Death (band), althoght there is no Progressive in Death. The concept is very close to Death later albums.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted
Doesn't share any characteristics of brutal death, though. Or barely any anyway. This is a practically archetypal tech death album. Technical does not mean the same as technique.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
18.08.2014 - 01:22Rating: 8
Thankfully God Buster doesn't get to set genre tags around here. Compare Necrophagist to Vulvectomy and tell me you still think Necrophagist is a brutal death metal band.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 1334
18.08.2014 - 01:48Rating: 8
Lol at improved version of Death.
Ilham Giant robot
Posts: 5161  |
18.08.2014 - 02:09Rating: 7
IlhamGiant robotPosts: 5161 
I actually use this album as a "control sample" for tech death.
Posts: 1334
18.08.2014 - 05:30Rating: 8
Written by Ilham on 18.08.2014 at 02:09
I actually use this album as a "control sample" for tech death.
Haha funny way of putting it. I do the same, come to think of it.
Frank Comstock
Posts: 81  |
04.11.2014 - 21:33Rating: 8
Great album, but something is not quite there at times. The solos are godly though, particularly with Muhammad. This isn't Christian's best work, though.
"You travel within the glory of my memories, insect. I can feel your fear as you tread the endless expanse of my mind. Make yourself comfortable... before long I will decorate my home with your carcass."
Posts: 653  |
01.03.2021 - 10:03Rating: 10
The ending of "Only Ash Remains" just shows how well classical music and metal go together.
Ride a horse that's cleaving through the air and space of dreams.
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3182  |
02.03.2022 - 23:49Rating: 8
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3182 
Fantastic technical death metal with strong vocals and incredible guitar playing on all songs! I especially like the riffage on "Diminished to B"
Written by JÄY on 26.01.2010 at 19:12
super technical...like slightly more hardcore wintersun maybe
This is an interesting and somewhat apt description
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5589  |
23.04.2022 - 07:10Rating: 7
Very good, there's technical masterwork at hand, but I prefer the song structures on Onset Of Putrefaction
Gag reflex
Posts: 138  |
04.05.2022 - 20:39Rating: 10
A masterpiece!
'The thoughts of dead babies
Wiped away with my semen'
Posts: 9260  |
08.02.2023 - 04:10Rating: 9
This album rips so hard. What a talented musician.