Posts: 198  |
11.01.2011 - 16:06Rating: 2
Why the fuck is this crap band so hyped up ?? They can't play a single note right, the vocals are pathetic, the drums are always on 300 bpm, there is no guitaring AT ALL, the production is terrible to say the least. How can people say this creates a "dark, evil" atmosphere ?? The only thing I got out of this record is a fucking migraine.
Fucking piece of shit.
Posts: 373  |
Written by Destructo on 11.01.2011 at 16:06
Why the fuck is this crap band so hyped up ?? They can't play a single note right, the vocals are pathetic, the drums are always on 300 bpm, there is no guitaring AT ALL, the production is terrible to say the least. How can people say this creates a "dark, evil" atmosphere ?? The only thing I got out of this record is a fucking migraine.
Fucking piece of shit. 
Oh really, this album is great if you ask me and the atmosphere IS evil and dark. This is probably my favorite Portal album, I am listening to the album right now with my headphones and it doesn't give me a headache.
Posts: 2075  |
Written by Destructo on 11.01.2011 at 16:06
Why the fuck is this crap band so hyped up ?? They can't play a single note right, the vocals are pathetic, the drums are always on 300 bpm, there is no guitaring AT ALL, the production is terrible to say the least. How can people say this creates a "dark, evil" atmosphere ?? The only thing I got out of this record is a fucking migraine.
Fucking piece of shit. 
This album takes a lot of patience. To me it almost seems like an up-tempo drone album. The music is actually very impressive if you are willing to sit down and give it a proper listen. But if you don't enjoy it, that's still understandable.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
vezzy Stallmanite
Posts: 3493  |
vezzyStallmanitePosts: 3493 
Any album named after pork rind is worth checking out.
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Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
11.12.2011 - 00:13Rating: 6
Written by vezzy on 10.12.2011 at 22:06 Any album named after pork rind is worth checking out.
Ricky Bobby agrees.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 201  |
Interesting music to say the least...
Vombatus Potorro
Posts: 2403  |
I remember this being my first encounter with Portal, and played it at on vinyl at 33 rpm instead of 45, realising only months later of the error  No wonder the sound was so impenetrable, felt like an idiot haha ! (I hate when vinyl don't specify to play at 45  ).
Posts: 3593  |
Posts: 5785  |
13.02.2015 - 23:39Rating: 8
Written by Vombatus on 13.02.2015 at 22:39
I remember this being my first encounter with Portal, and played it at on vinyl at 33 rpm instead of 45, realising only months later of the error No wonder the sound was so impenetrable, felt like an idiot haha ! (I hate when vinyl don't specify to play at 45 ).
I wonder how that sounded like xD
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
Vombatus Potorro
Posts: 2403  |
Didn't sound bad, the difference is much less noticeable than with other bands coz it's already murky enough. But I like then more the normal way
Posts: 6  |
21.03.2016 - 03:38Rating: 10
One of the best album I have ever hear.
Posts: 44  |
25.01.2025 - 23:03Rating: 7
On Omenknow they totally dropped the ball and threw in some harmonious sequence of notes
And that’s when I realized that they’re just regular dudes, flesh and blood. Weaklings, couldn’t keep the vibe up, lol
But honestly, the album’s not bad. Larvae is probably the best track.