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Featured albums

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Band - Album Year Rating
Bloodbound - Rise Of The Dragon Empire
2019 7.5
Lunatica - The Edge Of Infinity
Symphonic power
2006 7.9
Lunatica - New Shores
Symphonic power
2009 7.3
Dragonland - The Battle Of The Ivory Plains
Symphonic power
2001 7.6
Dionysus - Fairytales And Reality
2006 7.5
Dionysus - Sign Of Truth
2002 8
Machinae Supremacy - Redeemer
2006 8.1
Fairyland - The Fall Of An Empire
Symphonic power
2006 7.6
Nostradameus - Words Of Nostradameus
2000 7.8
Power Quest - Blood Alliance
2011 7.9
Conception - Parallel Minds
Progressive, Power
1993 8.5
Conception - In Your Multitude
Progressive, Power
1995 8.6
Conception - Flow
Progressive, Power
1997 8.4
Marshall Law - Warning From History
Heavy, Power
1999 7.8
Stormwarrior - Heading Northe
Power, Speed
2008 8.3
Stormwarrior - Heathen Warrior
Power, Speed
2011 7.7
Lord - Digital Lies
Power, Heavy
2013 7.6
Symphorce - Godspeed
2005 7.8
Mystic Prophecy - Savage Souls
2006 8.1
Mystic Prophecy - Killhammer
2013 7.9
Mystic Prophecy - Metal Division
2020 7.7
Symphony X - Underworld
Progressive, Symphonic power
2015 8.3
Twilight Guardians - Tales Of The Brave
2000 7.8
Circle II Circle - Burden Of Truth
Progressive power, Progressive heavy
2006 8.2
Circle II Circle - Reign Of Darkness
Progressive power, Progressive heavy
2015 6.8
Iced Earth - Tribute To The Gods
Heavy, US power
2002 7.5
Anubis Gate - The Detached
Progressive, Power
2009 8.3
Iron Fire - Blade Of Triumph
Power, Heavy
2007 7.9
Iron Fire - Beyond The Void
Power, Heavy
2019 7.7
Olympos Mons - Conquistador
2004 8.5