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1990-  Carmelo Orlando - guitars, vocals
1997-  Massimiliano Pagliuso - guitars
2018-  Alessio Erriu - guitars
2022-  Yuri Croscenko - drums
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1990-2015  Giuseppe Orlando - drums
1993-1997  Antonio Poletti - guitars
1993-1999  Fabio Vignati - bass
1994-1996  Thomas Negrini - keyboards
1999-2001  Alessandro Niola - bass
2001-2002  Damian Cristiani - bass
2007-2008  Luca Giovagnoli - bass
2008  Valerio Di Lella - bass
2016  David Folchitto - drums
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2001  Ann-Mari Edvardsen - vocals
2007  Emanuele Casali - keyboards
2016  Tatiana Ronchetti - vocals
2016  Paolo Sapia - saxophone
2016  Anders Nyström - guitars

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The Blue
There is nothing like finding a great band that you had totally ignored before. Novembre is one of those combos with little exposure to a large audience but who would deserve to be playing center stage at any Metal festival. Mixing very progressive elements...
Review by Dream Taster ››
Novembre, God only knows why, is one of these bands that are totally underrated. I'm trying to understand why but I cannot find any reasons and unfortunately the band didn't find the success that its deserves. But the wheel turns soon or later...
Review by Jeff ››

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