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1990-  Martin Schulman - bass
2019-  Henrik "Hea" Andersson - vocals
2019-  Jörgen Kristensen - guitars
2020-  Florian Rehn - drums
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1990-1991  Per Guselius - drums
1990-1998  Mattias Lamppu - vocals
1990-1998  Andreas Evaldsson - guitars
1991-1995  Joakim Gustafsson - drums
1992  Erik Håkansson - vocals
1993  Daniel Fägnefors - guitars
1994-2001  Kenneth Wiklund - guitars
1996-1999  Kalimaa - drums
1998-2006  Johan Jansson - vocals
1998-2006  Jonas Kjellgren - guitars
1999-2003  Kennet Englund - drums
› 2014-2019  -//-
2002-2006  Johan Ahlberg - guitars
2003-2006  Ronnie Bergerståhl - drums
2014-2018  Alexander Högbom - vocals
2014-2019  Sverker "Widda" Widgren - guitars
2019-2020  Nicke Olsson - drums
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2000  Robban Kanto - vocals
2002  Stefan Westerberg - drums
2014  Ronnie Bergerståhl - drums
1992  Fred Estby - vocals
2016  Eki Kumpulainen - guitars

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As you can see in the track list, this new DVD produced by the Polish label Metal Mind is a nice compilation of the bands which performed last year at the XX edition of the famous festival of Katowice. As always with this "Metal Mania" DVD,...
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