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1997-  Torsten Wolf - guitars
1997-2003  Volker Trost - guitars
› 2009-  -//-
2000-2007  Apostolos Zaios - drums
› 2009-  -//-
2009-  Dirk Liehm - keyboards
2013-  André Hort - bass
2013-  Gustavo "Gus" Monsanto - vocals
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1997  Michaela Senger - vocals
1997-2000  Thomas Albrecht - drums
1997-2009  Pablo J. Tammen - bass
1999-2006  Jioti Parcharidis - vocals
› 2009-2010  -//-
1999-2009  Dirk Marquardt - keyboards
2000  Alessandro Gatto - drums
2003-2009  Frank Sawade - guitars
2006-2009  Arndt Krone - drums
2006-2009  Carsten Frank - vocals, guitars
2008-2009  Vincent Gongala - drums
2009-2013  Ingmar von Berg - bass
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1999-2000  Burkhard Becker - keyboards
2000  Michael Bormann - backing vocals
2003  Norbert Geiseler - guitar solo
2003  Andreas Kienitz - guitar solo
2008  Lisa Hinnersmann - violin, vocals

Latest reviews

I always thought the name Human Fortress could make for some gruesome artwork with a mass of body parts forming some sort of unholy burg. I didn't get anything like that though. This is safe melodic metal defined. No songs being particularly shocking,...
Review by Belegûr ››
"A classic is classic not because it conforms to certain structural rules, or fits certain definitions (of which its author had quite probably never heard). It is classic because of a certain eternal and irrepressible freshness."
- Edith Wharton...
Review by R Lewis ››
Human Fortress is from Germany and play Power Metal, Déja Vu anyone? Germany and Power Metal is like 1+1. But these guys [down] are really something special, not just because two of them are Greeks (born in Hanover, as the rest of the band), but...
Review by Malcolm ››

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