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Void Of Silence


1999-  Riccardo Conforti - drums, keyboards
1999-  Ivan Zara - guitars, bass
2017  Luca Soi - vocals
› 2018-  -//-
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2000-2002  Fabrizio Giannese - vocals
2002-2009  Alan Nemtheanga - vocals
2009-2010  Brooke Johnson - vocals
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2018  Déhà - vocals

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"There can be no return from this, I envy the dead."

The italian doom metal act Void Of Silence hail once again with a new effort, The Grave Of Civilization. A few years have passed since the monumental Human Antithesis saw the light of day...
Review by KwonVerge ››
Human Antithesis is the name of this release by Void Of Silence, Italian Doom Metal, strange Doom Metal that's for sure, and Antithesis is the word that would define the music contained in this Cd, because each element doesn't match the other,...
Review by Undercraft ››
The young italian label code666, interested in the darker side of metal music and in all kind of experimantations, now decided to publish this compilation which features all the bands in its roster. It ranges from the most important bands of the label...
Review by Sephiroth ››

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