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2007-  HeavyHarms - guitars, vocals
2007-2008  R.I.P. Meister - guitars
› 2008-  -//- bass
2008-2012  Alkolust - drums
› 2014-  -//-
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2007-2008  Metalmagnum - bass
2007-2008  Kjell - drums
2012-2014  Rune Nesse - drums
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Of Death
Damn it. Seriously, god dammit. Where in the name of all norse whores is my groove? It crossed the Byfrost and is now resting in Asgard? Or maybe Loki took it? After all he is the most mischievous deity in the lands where even boobs are cold and frostbitten....
Review by Daniell ››
You know that feeling. You buy some obscure brand of beer you have never tasted before, also because it's quite new to the market. You expect nothing special when you take it out of your fridge. Just another run-of-the-mill brew. The moment you taste...
Review by Daniell ››

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