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2006  Zach Slaughter - vocals, bass
› 2007-  -//- vocals, guitars
2011-  Casey Guest - bass
2014-  JJ Tartaglia - drums
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2006  Vassil - drums
2006  Sir Shred - guitars
› 2010-2011  -//-
2006  Lexx Stryker - drums
2008  Johnny Overdose - guitars, backing vocals
2009  Chris Keel - bass
2009  Teddy Turbo - bass
2009-2011  Alison Thunderland - drums
2010  Caleb Beal - guitars
2011-2012  Jake Purchase - drums
2011-2021  Johnny Exciter - guitars
2013-2014  Chris Steve - drums
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2014  Chris Steve - drums
2011  Johnny Exciter - bass
2012-2013  Chris Steve - drums
2014  JJ Tartaglia - drums

Latest reviews

Did the band name themselves after the Fistful Of Metal cover?
Review by omne metallum ››
Gee whiz, I thought speed metal was dead - subsumed by thrash on the darker side and power metal on the more glorious side. Evidently, Skull Fist are doing their absolute darndest to prove me wrong.
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››

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