Posts: 250
I've heard the first three tracks on this album, and so I have to say that this sounds really good. I'm a sucker for those vocals, and the production on this album is pretty damn fantastic. I liked Head of The Pack a lot, but this might be even better than that one. Let's see how this one ages.
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
Posts: 1
02.01.2014 - 00:17Rating: 10
Posts: 1108  |
05.01.2014 - 21:16Rating: 9
Posts: 2
There are some weird effects on the vocals from what I've heard of the album so far. It's an odd choice, and not really one I like. However, it's still a pretty good album.
Album Release day (January 10, 2014)
Album Release day (January 10, 2014)
JohnDoe Account deleted |
JohnDoe Account deleted
A very enjoyable catchy album, this band is tight and their playing is top-notch
Posts: 208  |
20.02.2014 - 08:59Rating: 6
Written by deadone on 20.02.2014 at 06:40
This is let down by terrible vocals.
Vocalist is too gutless and irritating.
Shame as the actual music is pretty good.
Totally agreed with all points.
World won't end today - it's already tomorrow in Australia.
JÄY Metal slave
Posts: 1567  |
JÄYMetal slavePosts: 1567 
Wish there were more speedies and less rockies
Posts: 1506
Band has obviously been listening to a lot of 80s metal for inspiration, and there's a lot of proof in each of this album's nine songs. Nothing wrong with that though because instrumentation is very solid and catchy all the way through. The vocalist for me brings the quality down a notch or two, but I think you can get past that by considering how well done the solos are in songs such as the title track and "Sign of the warrior".
Posts: 541  |
15.12.2014 - 21:46Rating: 8
Really excited to see these guys live next year, from what I've seen they are a really awesome live band with a countless epic gigs all over the world. They play with an unmatching energy that seems to be feeding directly from the 80's and, if you ask me, that really can be felt on this record. Every song is really good and there are no dull moments whatsoever throughout this. It's quality Metal and a good lesson for all the young bands
Joe Zombie
Posts: 540  |
Pretty great stuff. Plenty of rockin' tunes and I'm liking the vocals a lot even if they do sound "synthetic." This is some straightforward speed metal fury, and there's nothing wrong with that.
JOPE OF STEELE Steelemeister
Posts: 3333  |
11.03.2016 - 00:20Rating: 6
In some ways this is a good album, maybe even better than the 1st LP when it comes to overall quality of songs. But for me it's really hard to find some really strong tracks from this album, except for "Sign of the Warrior" which is an older song from their 2010 EP.
My vision is augmented
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62579  |
This has better production, same times I like debut (no not EP ) better in some way, but dont said this is bad, simply things from firts in better mix, but then I like that one better, why I dunno.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
JOPE OF STEELE Steelemeister
Posts: 3333  |
01.04.2021 - 21:40Rating: 6
Written by Bad English on 01.04.2021 at 16:33
This has better production, same times I like debut (no not EP ) better in some way, but dont said this is bad, simply things from firts in better mix, but then I like that one better, why I dunno.
Same for me. I think they were more on the path of true steele on the 1st and here they tried to go more commercial. Works for some, didn't worked for me so much.
My vision is augmented