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Ekklesiast - The Band Releases ''Cold''

"Flame Of Desires": ...After the time of grief comes the time of joy, and it finally has come. And the colours of ancient icons have all faded away, and the stern faces of Eternity appear. And coming down to rest in peace you'll just smile - because all that was has gone...

Russian doom-metal label Solitude Prod. proudly presents its 3rd release - the album 'Cold', which is the latest work for this very moment of Russian doom-metal legend from Novgorod - Ekklesiast. 'Cold' tells us the fifty-minute story about life and death, about joy and sadness. This story was created with harmonious combination of melodic death-doom and marvelous lyrics. The lyrics of the band are considered as the most sincere and the most thoughtful on Russian doom-metal scene (and on the whole heavy music scene in Russia).

The music of Ekklesiast will get deep into your soul and the lyrics - deep into your heart.


Solitude Prod. site:
Ekklesiast official site:
Posted: 19.12.2005 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Aeternus - Release Postponed

Aeternus News. 17.12.2005

Hello Folks of the Metalized world! HeXaeon has been delayed again due to waiting-line regarding mastering. It has just been mastered and we're now looking into the mastering, checking it and so forth. The release is therefore again set further ahead to February 2006. It sux, but what can one do when a mastering studio is booked, it's booked?one has to simply wait it out and wait your turn.

As far as live shows, we have nothing planned so far.

Ok, that was all for now!


Band profile: Aeternus
Posted: 19.12.2005 by Jason W. | Comments (0)

Poisonblack - Poisonblack Entering Studios

Poisonblack entering studios early 2006 to finish up the new album!

Poisonblack will enter studios early 2006 to finish up the new album. At the moment they are composing and rehearsing new songs. Release date is not known yet but they hope it would come out before summer 2006.

We will add more news as soon as there's something sure to tell and more updates to the site will be follow before new albums comes out.

Band profile: Poisonblack
Posted: 19.12.2005 by Abougrej | Comments (0)

Cristiano Bertocchi - Official Website's Open

The new official website of Cristiano Bertocchi, bass player of the Italian band Labyrinth, is now open.

On this page, you'll be able to find news, biography, discography, pictures and and a lot of other stuff about the musician...

Just check it !!!

Source: Cristiano Bertocchi
Band profile: Labyrinth
Posted: 18.12.2005 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Unearthly Trance - Start Recording New Album

Relapse Records announced on their latest newsletter that the band Unearthly Trance started the recording of their third album and the debut with Relapse. The band entered at Electrical Audio Studios in Chicago with engineer Sanford Parker.

The title of the album will be "The Trident", and there are already some song titles: "Decrepitude", "You Get What You Want", "The Air Exits, The Sea Accepts", "Permanent Ice", "Firebrand", "Scarlet" and "Where The Unbelievable Is Ordinary". The album is expected to be released during the spring of 2006.

Ryan Lipynsky commented: "The production is over the top as far as heaviness. The tone is still as oppressive but the songs develop at a more quickly and Darrens drumming takes a lead role more than ever. Some songs have more vocal melody than before and other songs sound like His Hero Is Gone doing Darkthrone covers!! We also drew upon our catalog of unrecorded songs and have revamped some excellent old tunes."

Source: - Relapse Records Newsletter -
Posted: 17.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Turisas - Guitarist Recovering From Accident

The following message was posted at Turisas' official website:

"Dear friends,

One and a half months has now passed since Georg's car accident took place. We are now happy to tell you that the time of intensive care is finally over and in the rehabilitation process will take over soon. He has now been transferred back to Hämeenlinna Central Hospital where he was yesterday taken off the respirator - meaning that he now is breathing fully on his own - and moved to the regular ward.

His general condition is improving, vital functions are recovering and his kidneys are working again. He is more awake now and even though we haven't been allowed to visit him yet, his family has told us that he is fully conscious and understands what they speak to him, and now that he is no longer connected to the respirator, he is also able to talk.

Both we and Georg's family would like to thank you all for the enormous support you have given both us and Georg during the last one and a half months. You have all played an important role in the battle for Georg's life, which, despite it appearing hopeless at times, has never been given up. Thank you for the hundreds of greetings you have posted in our guestbook and on our forums. They have all been forwarded to the hospital personnel who have been reading them to Georg and the same will be done with all your future greetings as well. A long way still lies ahead, so your support is still more than welcome. Many people have also approached us asking if there's an address where to send possible cards, letters, presents etc. Here it is:

Georg Laakso
Kanta-Hämeen keskussairaala
Osasto 5 B, Huone 1
FIN-13500 Hämeenlinna

We would also like to inform you, that despite the regrettable circumstances, the battle machinery has not, and will not, come to a halt. The work on the new album is progressing and we have also confirmed a row of new shows for 2006 to be announced later. We are hoping to finish the work on the upcoming album by summer 2006 and then directly head out for new battles across Europe. Booking enquiries should be directed to booking


The Members of Turisas"


Band profile: Turisas
Posted: 15.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Solitude Aeturnus - Recording Of "Alone" Delayed

Due to legal paperwork the recordings of the upcoming Solitude Aeturnus album entitled "Alone" have to be delayed (at least) until mid January, this "assuming all goes well".

John Perez commented: "Our apologies to everyone yet once again for another delay in getting this recording for "Alone" started. We are more than ready but we have to deal with some red-tape legal paperwork before we can start. It's not something we have control over unfortunately. Before we can get the necessary money to start recording we must first have these blasted forms/paperwork filled out for Massacre. Without going into every sordid and boring detail, let's just say that something went wrong with the necessary forms and we have to go through the process again, which takes about 4 weeks to complete."

In other hand a demo version of "Sightless" is posted online and can be found at:

Band profile: Solitude Aeturnus
Posted: 15.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Destroyer 666 - Update

Our hounour and respect to all those who have supported the band over the last few years. Finally a new site to clarify the rumours, statiate the curious and enthrall the devout. First off, Id like to thank and send Hails to our new webmaster L.Kaos.

Since 2004 D666 has a new bass player. Almost human Matt, (part) man behind London based Razor of Occam

We can announce that D666 will probably tour next April. We are hoping to organize a European tour along with REVENGE.

Im also working on getting D666 to Sth America. So I urge all the Sth American maniacs to send your death threats to Mutliation Records.

D666 has given permission to Hells HeadBangers label to release, later this year, the Pic. Disc version of "Cold Steel...for an Iron Age" It will come with a new revised cover, and will also come with a jacket/sleeve featuring different artwork again. This is off course important for the band. As the unsolicited artwork from the previously released CD/LP S.O.M version still ranks as one of the worst attempts at record cover design ever attempted.

This new version will feature an extra track form the "Cold Steel..." session entitled "The Dragon" and will also feature alternate versions of "The Calling" and "The Fall of Shadows".

We are currently working on an LP, featuring all D666 7" tracks. As well as 2 unreleased tracks which were originally recorded Oct.2003 as 7" to commerate that years aussie tour. Alas, I remained unsatisfied with the vocals, and the songs sat around forgotten till recently. We hope this will be of benefit for those still tormenting (me) for copies of the 7"s.
May be released Jan 2006.

KK / D666

Band profile: Deströyer 666
Posted: 14.12.2005 by Jason W. | Comments (0)

Winds - To Continue Recording New Album

Norway's progressive metal act Winds will be entering the studio this week for continued work on their as-yet-untitled follow-up to 2004's "The Imaginary Direction of Time" (to be released via The End Records).

Commented Tidemann: "We are entering the studio once again for the continued recording of the fourth WINDS album. The process of making this happen has taken a lot more time than first expected, both due to the complex material and a very busy schedule for everyone involved. We are entering studio again on December 16th for more recording sessions, expected to end around Christmas day.

"This session will include recording of the string section as well as all the vocal tracks. After this, all that remains to be recorded is my lead work and Andy's keys, which we will begin in January 2006. Strings will be recorded on location in a carefully selected timber church that was built in 1776 to achieve the best possible acoustic environment. To record the string section, we have hired famous Norwegian producer/engineer Truls Birkeland, who has worked with some of Norway's biggest names in pop and jazz. Truls has vast experience with location recording and we expect nothing less than a superb result with him in charge.

"The material on the new album is the most progressive and technically challenging, yet most melodic so far in the history of Winds. This is also the first time around we are bringing in additional voices for some of the lead vocal parts, which will add a new dimension to the classic Winds sound. We are really looking forward to this release, and hope everyone will enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed making it. Thanks a lot to everyone who is supporting our work!"

Band profile: Winds
Posted: 12.12.2005 by Daniell | Comments (0)

Rivendell - New Album Out Now

Austrian folk metal band Rivendell is finally releasing their album "Farewell - The Last Dawn" today via Perverted Taste. The album that was ready to be released early this year had to be delayed due to the end of the collaboration with Skaldic Art.

Posted: 12.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Falkenbach - Tribute To Be Released

A tribute to Falkenbach is going to be released this 31 of December 2006 via Skaldic Art. It will be limited to 300 copies. The tribute will be a double cd and it will consist of:

Anakron - Baldurs Tod
Armageddon Architect - Homeward Shore
Bewitched - The ardent awaited land
Bombensturm - Walkiesjar
Diamond Eyed Princess - Aduatuza
Eluveitie - Vanadis
Folkearth - Heathenpride
Forgotten Daylight - Winternight
Geist - Laeknishendr
Hildr Valkyrie - The Heralder
Hordak - When Gjallarhorn will sound?
Karna - Ultima Thule
Morgan The Bard - Galdralag
Racheengel - Into the ardent awaited land?
Rilauven - Roman Land
Theudho - Where blood will soon be shed
Vinterriket - Walhall

Source: - Skaldic Art Productions Newsletter -
Band profile: Falkenbach
Posted: 12.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Internal Suffering - To Record New CD/New DVD

Internal Suffering will be heading into the studio to record their fourth full-length studio album entitled Awakening Of The Rebel. The recording process will begin January 15th at Mana Studios in Tampa, FL (Cannibal Corpse, Hate Eternal, Krisiun, etc.), Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal, Ex-Morbid Angel/Ripping Corpse) will be once again in the engineering/production seat.

The album will be released via California's Unique Leader Records and should be available in stores nationwide during Spring 2006. The final track listing is as follows:

Internal Suffering - Awakening Of The Rebel: CD 2006

1. Awakening Of The Rebel
Time Has Come? We Shall Conquer!
2. Magnificent Uranus Power
The Dark Side Of The Sun | Bringer Of Knowledge
3. Highest Key Of The Illuminati
Liber Samekh
4. Arrival Of A New Aeon
New Equinox Of The Gods
5. Evocation Of The Secret Gate
Crossing The Hidden Barrier... I Am Immortal!
6. Masters Of Sorcery
The Terrible Invokation Ov Tzeentch!
7. Ascension To Immortality
Apotheosis Of Freedom
8. Transfiguration Of The Devotee
Reborn Within The Womb Of Babalon
9. Thelemic Conqueror
The Splendor Of A New Law

The Brutal Domination Tour DVD will finally see the daylight on December 15th. This DVD is over 126 minutes in length. It is a double-sided DVD, with NTSC format on one side, and PAL format on the other side. This DVD is also being released with Regional Coding 0 - making this DVD compatible world-wide!. Click below for a 4:30 minute trailer of this DVD .
Brutal Domination Dvd Trailer :: 10.5 MB

Posted: 11.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Soilwork - Guitarist Part Ways With The Band

Guitarist Peter Wichers decided to part ways with the band, here is an statement by him explaining his decision:

"Dear All!

I have decided to part ways with Soilwork.

This has been one of my hardest decisions to make, and Soilwork has not only been my band but my second family and very good friends for almost 10 years.

I'm just worn out from all the touring and I have reached a point in my life where touring is just not possible for me anymore.

I need a break from the touring so that I can actually begin to build a more solid ground to stand on for the future.

I have on this journey met so many amazing people, made so many new friends, played in front of thousands of people, and I got to travel to places I have always dreamt of visiting.

Soilwork has reached a level I never thought was possible, and I am so proud to have been a part of this amazing band experience and working alongside with such amazing people like I have.

I know that in order for Soilwork to reach a new level there has to be even more touring done and I feel as if it's only fair that someone else therefore fills my spot now instead of later.

I have decided to continue with my second passion in life, which is Music Production & Recording, and in order to achieve this goal I need to put all my time and energy into this.

Soilwork and I will remain great friends and I wish them all the success in the future.

I also wish to extend a gigantic "THANK YOU" to all the Fans, The Label, Friends & Bands and Magazines for the great support and encouragement.

I can also say that this is not the end for me in music, but the beginning of something new!

Peter Wichers"

To read statements by Dirk Verbeuren (drummer) and Speed (singer) go to the news section of the Soilwork official website.


Band profile: Soilwork
Posted: 11.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Cannibal Corpse - Tracklist For New Album Revealed

Posted by Alex Webster on the official website:

"Hey everybody, here's the complete list of songs for "Kill":

1. The Time To Kill Is Now
2. Make Them Suffer
3. Murder Worship
4. Submerged In Boiling Flesh
5. Five Nails Through The Neck
6. Purification By Fire
7. Death Walking Terror
8. Barbaric Bludgeonings
9. The Discipline Of Revenge
10. Brain Removal Device
11. Necrosadistic Warning
12. Maniacal
13. Infinite Misery

This may not be the exact order of the songs for the album, but it should be pretty close.

We have only four more days of mixing, and then the album will be finished. At this point, it looks like the album will be released on March 21st, 2006. After that, we will begin touring, starting with the No Mercy festivals in Europe, followed by a headlining tour throughout Europe. We will hopefully be touring the States in the early summer months, but nothing is booked at this point. Check back over the coming weeks for more tour information as it develops."


Band profile: Cannibal Corpse
Posted: 11.12.2005 by Daniell | Comments (0)

Steel Attack - Sign With Massacre Records

Steel Attack inked a deal for one full length album with Massacre Records. John Allan commented: "Our long search for the perfect record company has ended. We finally were lucky to find the ultimate home and I have to say that it feels really good and it is a great relief". Steel Attack is going to enter in the studios on 12 of December 2005 to record "Astral Phenomena" which is expected to be out in April 2006.

Source: - Steel Attack Newsletter -
Band profile: Steel Attack
Posted: 10.12.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)