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Testament - Begin Writing New Album

Bay Area thrash metal legends Testament have confirmed that they have begun writing new material for their upcoming 14th studio album, which will not only be their first since 2020's Titans Of Creation, but their debut with new full-time drummer Chris Dovas of Seven Spires. The record is expected to be released sometime next year.

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Band profile: Testament
Posted: 03.08.2023 by Metal God


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Comments: 5   Visited by: 43 users
03.08.2023 - 16:15
Awesome, I'm really looking forward to this. After all, it's the worlds most reliable thrash metal band we're talking about.
Kai Hansen über alles!
03.08.2023 - 21:17
Metal God
Written by BetterThanRaw on 03.08.2023 at 16:15

Awesome, I'm really looking forward to this. After all, it's the worlds most reliable thrash metal band we're talking about.

Couldn't agree more, man!
04.08.2023 - 06:21
For me its Sodom
06.08.2023 - 21:37
Where is Dave Lombardo For me that was news of the year - The Gathering is absolutely the best Testament album ever for me ;-)
13.08.2023 - 01:45
Written by NDNI on 06.08.2023 at 21:37

Where is Dave Lombardo For me that was news of the year - The Gathering is absolutely the best Testament album ever for me ;-)

Yet again, it conflicted with the many other useless bands he plays for in terms of touring, and left them hanging during half of the tour.

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