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Metal Storm - Now Also On .EU

The staff of Metal Storm are happy to announce that our website is now also reachable on the .eu domain. We hope that this move will allow us to be treated as a more international metal magazine and open doors for us in terms of co-operation with labels and festivals. We are proud of the Estonian origins of this webzine but we feel that having another domain will make it easier to highlight our international nature. Don't worry, the .ee address will still work and our logo isn't going to change.

From now on, besides the primary address, we can also be reached on Staff members can also now be reached on their corresponding .eu email addresses.
Posted: 07.05.2008 by jupitreas

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08.05.2008 - 15:07
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Arian Totalis on 08.05.2008 at 14:49

What the hell is the difference?

Read the comments left by Jupitreas and Promo.

It just makes more sense to get a more international extension than the Estonian .ee one.

For example at gigs here in the Netherlands it happened quite a few times that people found out I am staff here at Metalstorm and are surprised that my Dutch is so brilliant for an Estonian, so every time I have to explain that I am Dutch, that Metal Storm started in Estonia but is now an international website etc. etc.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

08.05.2008 - 17:44
Account deleted
Yes indeed, a step further, though a quite small one.
08.05.2008 - 17:58
lol i didnt knew there were any other metalstorms and i was surprised to see that one of them is in my language i wonder which storm was the first to wreak havoc on the world

and congratz for the .eu guys,smart move
i'm super, thanks for asking
08.05.2008 - 18:33
hi-fi / lo-life
Written by dancingdecember on 08.05.2008 at 17:58

lol i didnt knew there were any other metalstorms and i was surprised to see that one of them is in my language i wonder which storm was the first to wreak havoc on the world

and congratz for the .eu guys,smart move

the weapons company was first as for metal mags, we were definitely the first.
08.05.2008 - 19:44
Lord TJ
...What if we were to donate enough money that Ivan could buy .com off the other metalstorm?
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
08.05.2008 - 19:52
hi-fi / lo-life
Written by Lord TJ on 08.05.2008 at 19:44

...What if we were to donate enough money that Ivan could buy .com off the other metalstorm?

if you really think we can easily raise a few million dollars, why not???
08.05.2008 - 19:56
Lord TJ
Written by jupitreas on 08.05.2008 at 19:52

Written by Lord TJ on 08.05.2008 at 19:44

...What if we were to donate enough money that Ivan could buy .com off the other metalstorm?

if you really think we can easily raise a few million dollars, why not???


I really didn't have any ideas on what the price would range lol.
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
08.05.2008 - 21:11
Lone wanderer
Metal Storm.mtl hahahha
08.05.2008 - 21:17
Lord TJ

Well either way, I'm glad that Metalstorm has taken one step further. I like seeing good things here!
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
08.05.2008 - 21:36
The Ancient One
was www.metalstorm./m/ not available?


(slightly adjusted ascii-horns as it doesn't like the backslash....)
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
08.05.2008 - 23:21
There goes the exotic flavour of metal storm.

Is it asked too much from the WTFers to once poke their noses over a map ? Metal Storm used to be a great ambassador for Estonia. Every halfway intact mind would sooner or later try to lift the secret of the .ee domain.

Well, good luck with the new domain anyway.
08.05.2008 - 23:51
Your Ad Here!
What is the Internet domain of Blashyrkh?

Is it .666?
08.05.2008 - 23:53
Written by albatros on 08.05.2008 at 23:21

There goes the exotic flavour of metal storm.

Is it asked too much from the WTFers to once poke their noses over a map ? Metal Storm used to be a great ambassador for Estonia. Every halfway intact mind would sooner or later try to lift the secret of the .ee domain.

Well, good luck with the new domain anyway.

The .ee domain will remain the main one for the time being, everything is served from it. .eu is simply a forwarder to .ee. No more, no less.

09.05.2008 - 00:35
metalstorm rules!
keep on metallizing
09.05.2008 - 00:48
Written by Lord TJ on 08.05.2008 at 19:56

Written by jupitreas on 08.05.2008 at 19:52

Written by Lord TJ on 08.05.2008 at 19:44

...What if we were to donate enough money that Ivan could buy .com off the other metalstorm?

if you really think we can easily raise a few million dollars, why not???


I really didn't have any ideas on what the price would range lol.

EFF that.... .ee will beat .com any time...always... I love .ee and MS is the best thing to come out of the nature....and the ale we produce here....
09.05.2008 - 01:21
It's good to see that metalstorm is growing every day
My music blog - Updated regularly.
To live is to think - Cicero
09.05.2008 - 04:43
Account deleted
Oh boy! We're moving up in the world!
09.05.2008 - 09:41
Eternal Flames
Fuck that, it's so much easier to type .ee than .eu (even though I have the site bookmarked).

But yeah, nice to see the site going places.
09.05.2008 - 11:31
I love the old shit yet
just ee
09.05.2008 - 15:50
The Sasquatch
.ee is just way more epic and true than .eu
09.05.2008 - 18:56
god luck wiht the bigger staying with the .ee
10.05.2008 - 20:57
It's not a question of staying with the .ee or not. Obviously we love the .ee thing, hell I even love it when talking with people at festivals or concerts who are looking like there's an internal bug freezing their minds when you say "metalstorm dot ee". Then, a few seconds after the reboot, they have this questionning look, meaning "err... what? you said what? dot what?"
".ee" you say again, adding that this is for "Estonia", and then you're in for another ten minutes explaining them that Estonia is not a poor unknown and abandoned country, that it is located where it is and that "where it is" means north of Latvia and Lithuania, south of finland, west of Russia.

After that, I always feel proud for I taught those people something amazing about the world they live in and that they had never suspected before. Sometimes I go as far as stating that Estonia is a far better country than theirs (and mine).
Yet it also happened that they just turn away thinking I'm pulling their leg after I said that .ee was for Estonia (truth!)

No really, the main reason of that is to secure the .eu address.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
10.05.2008 - 21:14
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Eternal Flames on 09.05.2008 at 09:41

Fuck that, it's so much easier to type .ee than .eu (even though I have the site bookmarked).

But yeah, nice to see the site going places.

Sorry to come across a little (or a lot) blunt) but can't you people read?

One can still type www.metalstorm.EE if one wants. We OWN BOTH domains.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

11.05.2008 - 05:18
Eternal Flames
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 10.05.2008 at 21:14

Written by Eternal Flames on 09.05.2008 at 09:41

Fuck that, it's so much easier to type .ee than .eu (even though I have the site bookmarked).

But yeah, nice to see the site going places.

Sorry to come across a little (or a lot) blunt) but can't you people read?

One can still type www.metalstorm.EE if one wants. We OWN BOTH domains.

*sigh* Yes, I did notice you own BOTH domains. Was just trying to sarcastically imply that I'd still be using .ee due to habit and convenience, as I'm sure many previous users would as well.
29.08.2010 - 19:10
Don't like the .net that much, I prefer the .ee, BUT I do understand why.

Good thing

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