L.A. Guns
New Single Out
New Single Out
Mar 08
Page: 1
I am afraid France will take 6 Nations this year ;(
21:24 - Bad English
why always before car inspection something always fucks up and it happens in a weekend when stores are closed
18:33 - X-Ray Rod
I can respect if people think the interludes are too much but I don’t give a fuck, they are nicely written and performed. Brilliant palette cleanser.
18:29 - X-Ray Rod
Yeah so far there are no big differences between releases besides some minor production differences. Not like it matters when the songwriting is this towering.
18:26 - Kaos svarta mar
Nice! The albums is quite alike and I switched them around too much. Then I stuck to DD and probably favour it too much over the others.
18:20 - X-Ray Rod
Currently listening to Nine Graves EP. After that it is the massive Domedon Doxomedon. It Will be my first time so Im beyond excited. Got candles and everything here haha.
18:06 - Kaos svarta mar
As NC stated in the Bardo interview they couldnt do much after Domedon Doxomedon as theyve accomplished the peak there, 10/10 from me.
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