Dark Prog
Posts: 60
Visited by: 154 users
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
14.10.2006 - 03:35
For many years Progressive Metal was ruled by "upbeat" bands. Rush, Queensryche, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Threshold, etc. all had this sort of feel good sound to them. Yes, I know, Dream Theater has Awake and Queensryche has Operation: Mindcrime which are much darker, but as a whole, these and other bands all seemed to have a lighter feel to them Yet, in recent years, a much darker vein has grown in Prog Metal. Bands like Evergrey, Green Carnation, Opeth, Nevermore, Agalloch, Tool, Deadsoul Tribe, Dornfall, and even Pain Of Salvation (to a degree) are taking Progressive Metal to a much darker place. This new vein of Progressive Metal is exciting. It is really a throw back to what Prog is supposed to be all about. Being progressive! These bands are trying new things, and for the most part it seems to be working well. Lets hope they continue to progress and not get stuck playing the same basic style over and over *cough*Symphony X*cough*.
---- (space for rent)
Opium Magnet Account deleted |
14.10.2006 - 04:37 Opium Magnet
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If you are including combinations between prog, then I would also be including Manticora, as they too express a darker version of prog metal, despite being Prog Power metal... I would disagree with Nevermore being prog, they are more Thrashy Power metal, as it says in their band description... The do have odd timings in some of their songs, but methinks that is not enough to cetegorise them as progressive by any means, though it does shine in some points of their music...
Dam3k |
14.10.2006 - 18:56
Well, I'm not agree including Tool as a progressive metal band... I'm not even sure if they are a metal band and I really doubt if they are progressive... anyway I know what u want to mean, it's interesting find bands who try smthing new or just develop a same thing (progressive metal) in a different way, not making fusions but making their own style
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
15.10.2006 - 01:41 Written by Dam3k on 14.10.2006 at 18:56 Just on a side note, Tool is a Progressive Metal band. They fall into the sub-genre of Psychedelic/Space Metal, along with Psychotic Waltz, Ayreon, Deadsoul Tribe, Porcupine Tree and Star One. Written by Dam3k on 14.10.2006 at 18:56 I was thinking about this today as I was driving, and Dream Theater really approached this with their album Train Of Thought.
---- (space for rent)
Dam3k |
15.10.2006 - 17:33 Written by Dane Train on 15.10.2006 at 01:41 Mmmm, could u tell me plz why? ![]()
Vidrageon Account deleted |
15.10.2006 - 20:59 Vidrageon
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Space Metal! That's a Star One album, and which describes a niche of power/prog metal that deals with extraterrestrial happenings and suchlike, but it's a very broad term. Vintersorg sing about the cosmic, but aren't space metal, while Ayreon, Star One, and, yknow, Gamma Ray, have a little more spacey lyrical approach. Psychotic Waltz, Deadsoul Tribe and Procupine Tree are more psychedelic metal.
Dam3k |
16.10.2006 - 00:34
@Vidrageon: c'mon guys these is going so far... space metal...u know... ![]()
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
16.10.2006 - 05:25 Kap'N Korrupt
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Zero Hour is a really strange 'dark' technical mid-paced melodic progressive metal band that has been coming out with some pretty obscure and odd sounding dischortic noise recently (their last two albums) and especially their new album Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond...they used to be a bit less chunky and dischortic with earlier albums but now they fit into this weird dark sounding noisy technical prog that I can honestly say I don't like at all...
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
16.10.2006 - 20:09 Written by Dam3k on 16.10.2006 at 00:34 No, it isn't to far. The Psychedelic/Space Metal style is the Metal version of the Progressive Rock bands classified as Psychedelic/Space. Here is a breif description of them taken from Prog Archives. sychedelic Progressive: Emerging in the mid-'60s, as British Invasion and folk-rock bands began expanding the sonic possibilities of their music. These groups confined themselves to the brief, concise verse-chorus-verse patterns of rock & roll, they moved toward more free-form, fluid song structures. Just as important, the groups began incorporating elements of Indian and Eastern music and free-form jazz to their sound, as well as experimenting with electronically altering instruments and voices within the studio. Bands range from early Pink Floyd, and Djam Karet, to newer artists like Phish and Ozric Tentacles. These days, psychedelic commonly informs music space rock and space fusion. Space Progressive Rock: Space rock tends to be jam-orientated, with synthesizer and guitar effects approximating that propulsive "interstellar traveller" sensibility of vintage science fiction films. Hawkwind is the genre's key innovator. Examples: Hawkwind, Alien Planetscapes, Quarkspace, Amon Düül (the English lineup). Some key bands in this movment were: Pink Floyd Camel (their early material) Porcupine Tree Hawkwind (The biggest influence for Arjen) Croma Key (Kevin Moore from Dream Theater) Eloy The Jelly Jam (Myung from Dream Theater, Ty Tabor from King's X and Rod Morginsteen from the Dreggs) Ozric Tenracles Nektar Dark Sun
---- (space for rent)
Dam3k |
16.10.2006 - 20:30 Written by Dane Train on 16.10.2006 at 20:09 Oh, it's cool thanks for the info, now I get what u wanted to mean, nevertheless, I don't like use that kind of tags I think it's pointless, all that bands are into the progressive genre so, the word "space" would be a shape in the genre. I mean do u think that genre (space metal/rock) is really that different from progressive rock/metal?I think no ![]()
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
17.10.2006 - 05:59
Well Psychedelic/Space Metal is different than Fussion Jazz Metal, which is different from Progressive Death Metal. Yet they are all Progressive Metal.
---- (space for rent)
Daru Jericho |
03.02.2007 - 02:14 Written by [user id=12867] on 14.10.2006 at 04:37 Nevermore have a clear prog influence at least. Just listen to the drumming ~ it's a far cry from that of thrash or power. Additionally, the guitars have their prog moments. As for dark prog, I guess this automatically counts the rise in prog death/black bands: Enslaved, Edge Of Sanity, Disillusion, Borknagar, Symbyosis etc. And of course, Ihsahn's solo work. I really enjoy the mood given of by this 'dark prog' description. I enjoy it better than the quirky prog stuff (Freak Kitchen, Spastic Ink, POS etc).
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
03.02.2007 - 02:45
If you guys want to know about possibly the Darkest Prog band out there, Listen to Into Eternity. They are just amazing, and all of their lyrics are ever so Depressing, but Good never the less. ![]()
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
03.02.2007 - 04:38 Kap'N Korrupt
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I enjoy Tad Morose...they're a great dark prog metal band...a lot of dark prog I have is pretty mid-paced and people will me that it's a bit boring, but that the hell do they know eh...
Opium Magnet Account deleted |
03.02.2007 - 05:54 Opium Magnet
Account deleted Written by Daru Jericho on 03.02.2007 at 02:14 I'd agree with influences there, but could you please give examples in relation to their prog-like drumming?
Black_Handed A village idiot |
03.02.2007 - 12:37 Written by Daru Jericho on 03.02.2007 at 02:14 well i think that Ihsahn sounds bit basic compared to Kadenzza for example. Kadenzza is japaneese one man symphonic black metal band, just check the review of The Second Renessaince and maybe some samples from his site too, youll get the idea. i have to mention Akercocke in this thread too. they manage to combine the best of prog/death/black/grind some electronica to make it sound fresh and new while still being catchy as hell. and what about uneXpect. i know, they play avantgarde, but still its pretty progressive and usually dark and "mocking". and what about Beyond Twilight. thats some pretty dark stuff too.
Daru Jericho |
03.02.2007 - 22:46 Written by [user id=12867] on 03.02.2007 at 05:54 It's rather offbeat. Just check out the song 'Sell My Heart For Stones'.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
BloodTears ANA-thema Elite |
03.02.2007 - 22:55
Among my favourites in the moment are Evergrey, Green Carnation and In the Woods... (which I recently discovered).
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
03.02.2007 - 23:17 Written by BloodTears on 03.02.2007 at 22:55 But then try In The Woods ''Heart of the Ages'' its good black metal only BM album of them +2 demo but leither, i never like them ok '' A Return to the Isle of Men'' are good to bu next ![]()
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
BloodTears ANA-thema Elite |
03.02.2007 - 23:25 Written by Bad English on 03.02.2007 at 23:17 Tks for the suggestion sakis ![]()
Bitch Boy |
11.06.2007 - 00:02
Dark Prog is cool, not that old prog school we are used to (Queensryche, FW, DT), but a cool sub-genre of an already cool genre. My favorite dark prog bands are Opeth, Evergrey, Tool, Pain of Salvation, The Provenance, etc. I think that also Symphony X and Adagio are becoming darkish; Symphony X from what we heard in the samples of the forthcoming album, and Adagio with the inclusion of grunts in the last album.
4look4rd The Sasquatch |
13.06.2007 - 02:57
I think that Pain of Salvation is quite disturbing, because everytime you listen to their albums you get a different feeling specially Remedy Lane and Entropia
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
27.06.2007 - 14:46 Written by 4look4rd on 13.06.2007 at 02:57 I woud say albums are boring, I can not listen full album, maybe one song but not albums
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
4look4rd The Sasquatch |
28.06.2007 - 03:24 Written by Bad English on 27.06.2007 at 14:46 Thats what I used to think about them, but as you pay close attention to the music and the lyrics, specially BE, The Perfect Element pt1, and Remedy Lane (probably the most disturbing one) you'll start to like them =D
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
02.08.2007 - 19:32
I am listening to Agalloch's Ashes Against The Grain right now. For the first time I really like it, but I still don't understand what the hype is/was all about. Oh, and Nevermore and Green Carnation rule.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Reverie |
03.08.2007 - 21:04
yeah, what a good "creation" this dark progressive... All with the progressive word seems to have a quality excellence. It means that the band isn't going to keep the rules and just play what it's more common... and that's exciting, how they can play with music, how music can be recreated. I'd rather admire more the progressive than other genres. About if the new progressive or the old progressive is better or not... well, I don't know, it's compare too different periods of time... I could say I like more the new progressive, but Dream Thearer is a excellent band. I think, in future, lots of bands would be using some characteristic things of progressive.
---- In the corner beside my window... There hangs a lonely photograph... There is a wound that's always bleeding... There is a road I'm always walking...
RhaegarTargaryen Telcontar |
25.12.2007 - 02:43
Well, as far as Nevermore they are a bit Thrashy-Powerish sound but they do ocassinaly have sam prog influence. I think thay cant be labaled as pure Power/Thrash/Prog band, more like a mixture of all three. But it dosnt quite matter, cause they are just simply great. I like most of the bands mentioned here. If you like this type of sound check out these three: 7Days - Swedish Prog, a bit darkish, Markus Sigfridsson on guitars, Thomas Vikstrom (Candlemass, Therion,Stormwind,Mehida) on vocals. Darkwater - Another band with Markus Sigfridsson, and a great one too. Tomorrow's Eve - German, Martin LeMar on vocals, first album is so-so, second one'Mirror of Creation' is good, but third "Mirror Of Creation 2 - Genesis II" is just fantastic. Oh yeah and i think Tad Morose is a bit more DarkPower, I dont think they are Prog, but they are very good.
---- ... For years I have traveled in coldness, But my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me... Nothing can never take away What I've seen with these tired eyes
BloodTears ANA-thema Elite |
25.12.2007 - 13:12
Yes Darkwater are extraordinary. They have been up there for me in terms of prog metal. Their debut album is simply stunning. And I cant wait for the second to come out. One of the biggest new prog bands for me alongside with Communic.
Warman Erotic Stains |
26.12.2007 - 01:59
Prog is great in all forms and this new era of dark prog is really no exception with great bands such as Opeth and Evergrey. ![]()
Opium Account deleted |
08.01.2008 - 08:52 Opium
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Checking out some Darkwater and Dornfall (I've heard of these guys before). Kinda got hooked on Evergrey again ![]() Oh, and I still stand by me point (albeit messy and unclear, I don't know what the hell I was doing then ![]() ![]()
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