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17.05.2006 - 03:40
Daru Jericho
What do you think of the Norwegian band Arcturus? I'm a big fan of them. I love the black ambience they produce along with their avant-garde music. Definitely an original band by most measures. What did you think of their latest album 'Sideshow Symphonies'? I enjoyed it. Not my favourite but highly enjoyable, no doubt.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

17.05.2006 - 03:41
I love them... a lot. They're amazing. As Daru Jericho stated, I love the black amabience. I have not heard their latest album, however.

-ZEdarkangel (a.k.a. ZD/ZeeDee)

666, Number of the Beaaaaaast!!!!!!
17.05.2006 - 03:43
The Ancient One
listening to Sham Mirrors right now - I like them, although I must admit I only have the Garm years.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
17.05.2006 - 06:26
Yeah, I was expecting Sideshow Symphonies to be just as good as the earlier releases, particularly since Sverd always wrote everything, but Garm's arrangements are sorely missed... SS sounds like a decent Borknagar to me, which isn't good at all if you ask me.
17.05.2006 - 18:32
Account deleted
I love them.I bow to their intelligence.IMO La Masquerade Infernal was their finest moment.The best ambient black metal band along with Dodheimsgard.If you really like Arcturus you should check Dodheimsgard album 666 International.It is bad that Garm left Arcturus but i think that Vortex is the best remplacement.I can't wait to watch their new DVD.
03.06.2006 - 00:18
Account deleted
Yea, Arcturus is a pretty cool band
I like them, I don't have many songs of Arcturus, but the ones I have, I listen to, quite frequently
03.06.2006 - 04:31
Proud Autumn
Account deleted
Arcturus is one of my favorite bands, and, funnily enough, one of the first metal bands I listened to seriously.

In my opinion their finest moment was Sham Mirrors, I absolutely love the feel on that album, it's so original. La Masquerade Infernale is a close runner up. I'm not sure what I think of the new one yet. While I still listen to Sham Mirrors constantly, Sideshow Symphonies simply has not been in the stereo, which is definitely a sign. It doesn't quite measure up, but without Garm's presence it's rather silly to expect anything that tops the previous albums, even if the lineup is still extremely talented.

The album art in the new one is pretty amusing though
03.06.2006 - 14:47
Ba'al Peor
Account deleted
Very interesting band, who definately deserve the title avant garde. The album Sideshow Symphonies was not as good as i was expecting, but still has some very cool songs on it, namely Moonshine Delerium and Hufsa - being my favourites on the album. Im still a strong believer that the Sham Mirrors is their strongest album. Im looking forward to another release (if there will be one) as they will always continue to appeal to me as a band.
07.06.2006 - 21:55
It's a shame Garm left. He really had a lot of influence on Arcturus. La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors are both masterpieces. Although I like The Sham Mirrors the most. Simen isn't that much of a good singer compared to Garm. I don't really like their newest stuff, so I kind of stopped following them because I'm not really expecting anything great from them anymore.

Ah well, I still got La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors, so I'm happy.
08.06.2006 - 09:05
there were one or two threads about Arcturus. mmmmh... at least before the forum changed =)
08.06.2006 - 13:24
That's why there is a new one.
08.06.2006 - 18:48
Daru Jericho
Written by Twilight on 07.06.2006 at 21:55

It's a shame Garm left. He really had a lot of influence on Arcturus. La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors are both masterpieces. Although I like The Sham Mirrors the most. Simen isn't that much of a good singer compared to Garm. I don't really like their newest stuff, so I kind of stopped following them because I'm not really expecting anything great from them anymore.

Ah well, I still got La Masquerade Infernale and The Sham Mirrors, so I'm happy.

Yes, Garm's vocals were amazing operatic ones. ICS Vortex has dramatic vocals but not like Garm's. I do like the new material, just not as good as the old stuff though.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

08.06.2006 - 23:55
John Barleycorn
I seem to belong into the minority who thinks that "Sideshow Symphonies" is Arcturus´ best work. Although I love Garm those new vocals fit better into this kind of theatrical and bombastic music.

Oh, and Sverd is probably the best keyboard player in metal music. Usually keyboards in metal...well..suck.
09.06.2006 - 03:09
I haven't heard all of Arcturus' releases, but their debut full-length, Aspera Hiems Symfonia, is my favourite from what I've heard. This album was pretty big news at the time of release, and it was quite something to hear Nordic Black Metal with those strange carnival-like keyboards and prog rock elements.
09.06.2006 - 17:30
Ba'al Peor
Account deleted
Carnival-like is such a good explanation
15.06.2006 - 14:24
Hi there! Has anybody listened to the DVD called 'Shipwrecked in Oslo' yet? What is it like?

By the way, I like Arcturus with Garm, he is a genius but Vortex is not a smaller one, he has a unique voice, it fits to that music, great band.
15.06.2006 - 16:58
Daru Jericho
As far as I know 'Shipwrecked In Oslo' is a concert that was filmed last September in...well, Oslo obviously. I'd love to see it, as I haven't seen Arcturus live and they're one of my new favourites. I really hope Dimmu touring and promoting their new album next year doesn't stop Arcturus from getting out on tour
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

15.06.2006 - 17:09
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.06.2006 - 17:37
Daru Jericho
Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:09

I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic

Interesting fact: Arcturus were going to name one of their albums (I think it was AHS) 'The Satanist'.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

15.06.2006 - 17:41
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:37

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:09

I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic

Interesting fact: Arcturus were going to name one of their albums (I think it was AHS) 'The Satanist'.

I read it, but i dont think Arcturus are satanists how Mayhem and Varg, and rcturus mambers dont burn churchies, I hawnt hear about it, thay are lil' bit how Borknogar, maybe in teenage years thy was whit satanic simbols, but Runnig Wild, Celtic Frost, even Blind guardian early name was Lucifers heritage, but after some demo all bands stop us satanic lyrics, simbols, same about Arcturus.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.06.2006 - 17:43
Daru Jericho
Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:41

Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:37

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:09

I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic

Interesting fact: Arcturus were going to name one of their albums (I think it was AHS) 'The Satanist'.

I read it, but i dont think Arcturus are satanists how Mayhem and Varg, and rcturus mambers dont burn churchies, I hawnt hear about it, thay are lil' bit how Borknogar, maybe in teenage years thy was whit satanic simbols, but Runnig Wild, Celtic Frost, even Blind guardian early name was Lucifers heritage, but after some demo all bands stop us satanic lyrics, simbols, same about Arcturus.

I wasn't saying they were Satanic, just stating a randomo fact relating. Hellhammer is in Mayhem though. I remember coming across someone who called them Satanic. Honestly, I don't know for sure if they are or are not a Satanic band but I think they're not.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

15.06.2006 - 17:57
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:43

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:41

Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:37

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:09

I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic

Interesting fact: Arcturus were going to name one of their albums (I think it was AHS) 'The Satanist'.

I read it, but i dont think Arcturus are satanists how Mayhem and Varg, and rcturus mambers dont burn churchies, I hawnt hear about it, thay are lil' bit how Borknogar, maybe in teenage years thy was whit satanic simbols, but Runnig Wild, Celtic Frost, even Blind guardian early name was Lucifers heritage, but after some demo all bands stop us satanic lyrics, simbols, same about Arcturus.

I wasn't saying they were Satanic, just stating a randomo fact relating. Hellhammer is in Mayhem though. I remember coming across someone who called them Satanic. Honestly, I don't know for sure if they are or are not a Satanic band but I think they're not.

I undesrstand what you try sat that thay arent satanic band, and i just say example how some band sin teenage years are sataniststs and when grow older no,
about arcturus I hawnt hear nothing bad in lyrics so thaya re clean
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.06.2006 - 17:59
Daru Jericho
Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:57

Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:43

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:41

Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 17:37

Written by Bad English on 15.06.2006 at 17:09

I discover tham before 3-5 years in BM radio in internet and in that time name Arcturus specely cover was great, thsi cover where are this grean light, so i like this band and thay re great and amzing, old Arcturus is clasic and BTW one of fiew BM bands from norway who is not satanic

Interesting fact: Arcturus were going to name one of their albums (I think it was AHS) 'The Satanist'.

I read it, but i dont think Arcturus are satanists how Mayhem and Varg, and rcturus mambers dont burn churchies, I hawnt hear about it, thay are lil' bit how Borknogar, maybe in teenage years thy was whit satanic simbols, but Runnig Wild, Celtic Frost, even Blind guardian early name was Lucifers heritage, but after some demo all bands stop us satanic lyrics, simbols, same about Arcturus.

I wasn't saying they were Satanic, just stating a randomo fact relating. Hellhammer is in Mayhem though. I remember coming across someone who called them Satanic. Honestly, I don't know for sure if they are or are not a Satanic band but I think they're not.

I undesrstand what you try sat that thay arent satanic band, and i just say example how some band sin teenage years are sataniststs and when grow older no,
about arcturus I hawnt hear nothing bad in lyrics so thaya re clean

Yeah, just checking!

On the subject of lyrics, I think the lyrics on 'Sideshow Symphonies', their latest, are a real step down from their usual stuff.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

15.06.2006 - 18:26
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
@Daru Jericho seems our quote are to big
Actualy I never rwad new albums lyrics, only old what can find, maybe some day I will read them, but I stil belive thy can wrote hight quality lyrics.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.06.2006 - 18:57
Account deleted
I'm reemerging from beneath the soil, ending my hiatus from the internet for a bit ...

Arcturus are great. My (by FAR) favorite album has got to be The Sham Mirrors. Sideshow Symphonies was abysmally disappointing, as was the loss of Garm, the mastermind behind Arcturus. Vortex is an insufficient replacement.
15.06.2006 - 22:08
Daru Jericho
@Kariasakis7: They have very interesting lyrics. The older stuff is worth reading if you have the time.

@Nok: Yeah, The Sham Mirrors probably is my favourite too. I love 'Star Crossed' (beautiful keyboard intro) and 'Ab Adsurdum'. A lot of peole disliked SS as far as I know but I enjoyed it. The guitars played a lesser role but it seemed more adventurous than their other efforts.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

15.06.2006 - 22:29
Account deleted
Written by Daru Jericho on 15.06.2006 at 22:08

@Kariasakis7: They have very interesting lyrics. The older stuff is worth reading if you have the time.

@Nok: Yeah, The Sham Mirrors probably is my favourite too. I love 'Star Crossed' (beautiful keyboard intro) and 'Ab Adsurdum'. A lot of peole disliked SS as far as I know but I enjoyed it. The guitars played a lesser role but it seemed more adventurous than their other efforts.

Star Crossed is my favorite Arcturus song, in part because of that intro.
16.06.2006 - 07:04
Alastor Scourge
Account deleted
Curiously one of the first Black Metal bands i heard (along with Burzum and Borknagar)... Aspera Hiems Symfonia is so awsome. I haven't heard Sideshow Symphoniesm, so i can't wait to put it in my strangemachinetohearmusic.
21.07.2006 - 05:04
Arcturus is one of my favorite Norwegian bands. My favorite is "The Shame Mirrors". Yeah it is a shame that Garm left but I feel ICS Vortex is a better vocalist than Garm is. Not saying he can't sing but I just like ICS Vortex's range in vocals.
21.07.2006 - 05:35
Daru Jericho
It certainly is interesting to hear someone say Vortex is better than Garm! I personally like Garm better of course but Vortex did a good job on guest vocals before he joined the band formally on LMI. I really love 'Master Of Disguise'. Very curious lyrics.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
