GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Just learned that they will release a new album in December called Salt. I can't wait
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Damn they gave a good show yesterday at ProgPower. Too bad the sound wasn't the best though.
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Totally forgot to mention that I got my copy of Far From The Madding Crowd signed by the band on Friday
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
If some of you out there are interested, I've just uploaded my photos of WH from ProgPower. Go to the band page or click here to see them.
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
PM Hail Lusitânia
Posts: 89  |
PMHail LusitâniaPosts: 89 
Wow, a new album in December? That would be really cool!
Im anxious and curious, you never know what to wait from these mad dudes hehe... And let's hope they keep it that way !
PM is a pink elephant, and can be found at the bamboo forests of Greenland...
Dark Cornatus Powerslave ElitePosts: 4330  |
I cant wait to hear it (first time ive said that for a band in awhile). Most of the time i know the album wont meet my expectations before i even hear it.
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Anyone have any info about the new album? MA says it will be released on the 20th, but I can't confirm that anywhere
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Well it obviously hasn't been released yet. Hahaha.. can't find any information on the internet unfortunately..
Hopefully we'll soon find out what is happening with it and when we will be able to hear it!!
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Obviously it hasn't  It would have been cool to have it released before x-mas so you would have a chance to drown all the carols. Probably won't be out until next year
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Still no news about the album I guess  Too bad really, but I'm still very much looking forward to it.
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Ha! Found some news about the new album here. Looks like we still have a fair bit of waiting a head of us  but as long as things are moving it ain't all bad
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Posts: 489  |
I just listened to The Shadow Cabinet today I listened to the whole album 4 times. Every song felt like a masterpiece. And the vocalist! I'm kicking myself for never getting around to listening to this band sooner! Can't say I'm that surprised though, I love progressive power metal AND folk metal.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.
Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Written by Hrothdane on 18.03.2009 at 07:25
I just listened to The Shadow Cabinet today I listened to the whole album 4 times. Every song felt like a masterpiece. And the vocalist! I'm kicking myself for never getting around to listening to this band sooner! Can't say I'm that surprised though, I love progressive power metal AND folk metal.
Haha that's awesome dude. Welcome to the very exclusive WH-fan club  You must try Far From The Madding Crowd. It's not as dark as The Shadow Cabinet, but it's also very good
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Posts: 28  |
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
@RyanH: that's clever! A good song yes, but you could try expanding your otherwise intelligent post since I feel it lacks a bit
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Do we know when a new Wuthering Heights album might be ready yet?
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Written by Baz Anderson on 12.09.2009 at 12:53
Do we know when a new Wuthering Heights album might be ready yet?
Last time I talked to Erik (at the Sabaton and HammerFall show in Copenhagen) he said that they were busy recording and it should be ready at the end of the year. Would be nice with an update from them
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Hmm still no news about the new album. Probably not going to be out until 2010
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
So any one have opinions on the new song The Desperate Poet? I really like it (no surprise I guess). It's a typical WH song, so if you like FFTMC or Shadow Cabinet you'll probably like it too
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Yeh, I listened to it once - seemed very good. Can't wait to hear the whole thing.
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Has anyone been able to find the Mike Oldfield cover listed as a bonus track? I've only seen it mentioned in a studio report from the recording of the album, but haven't been able to find it on any releases yet and I would really like to hear it
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Posts: 36
Oh wow, just found these guys the other day on accident. I was clicking on related videos for Manticora and "Demon Desire" popped up. Needless to say I was sucked in, and now I cannot get their lyrics out of my head. I got The Shadow Cabinet and was wondering what other albums I should purchase.
Susan Smeghead ElitePosts: 6941  |
SusanSmegheadElitePosts: 6941 
Written by snipo101 on 25.12.2010 at 07:03
Oh wow, just found these guys the other day on accident. I was clicking on related videos for Manticora and "Demon Desire" popped up. Needless to say I was sucked in, and now I cannot get their lyrics out of my head. I got The Shadow Cabinet and was wondering what other albums I should purchase.
Far From The Maddening Crowd is probably their most famous and most successful album. If you already like Shadow Cabinet then this would be a great follow-up. Salt is their 2010 release and it's pretty awesome as well. Whichever you come across first, buy.
Within and To Travel For Evermore are their earlier albums with a different vocalist. They're not bad... just not nearly as powerful or special as Far From The Maddening Crowd onwards.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Posts: 36
Heck, I'll get them both. They deserve nothing less after blowing my mind into another universe.
Thanks for the suggestions.
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Glad you decided to buy both...I would have suggested that very thing
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Posts: 76  |
Personally, I find the vocalist from their first two albums to be downright unlistenable. He just sounds weak, and not just in compariaon to Nils. I do think that recruiting Nils was the best move they've made, though. His vocals combined with Erik's lyrics are just fantastic.
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
I have to agree on the last part about recruiting Nils...he is indeed fantastic combined with Erik, and not too bad on his own either. I don't agree on the first part though as I don't find him unlistenable, but he does indeed sound very weak, especially compared to Nils. It could be awesome if the re-recorded the two first albums with the current lineup
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
GT Coffee!! StaffPosts: 5101  |
GTCoffee!!StaffPosts: 5101 
Finally I found something about the Mike Oldfield cover:
Quote: Hi all,
someone asked about what happened to the song "Discovery" that we recorded during the "Salt" sessions.
Here´s the deal:
This time we hadn´t signed any record deals before we started recording. So besides having to finance it all ourselves, it also meant that we didn´t know the amount of bonus material that would eventually be required.
In the past we´ve usually had to come up with two bonus tracks per album, and so we recorded two this time as well. In the end, when the deals were signed, we had one track too many, namely "Discovery".
So, the track is finished of course - and it´s great - so we´re basically just saving it until we have a use for it.
So time will tell what will happen to the song, but I hope it won´t be too long before you get a chance to hear it.
Hope it'll be featured on something in the near future
Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
This great band is pretty much underrated...just listened to "The Bollard" song after a while - its so awesome
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
Rhiannon Account deleted |
Rhiannon Account deleted
Written by Ellrohir on 09.02.2013 at 00:22
This great band is pretty much underrated...just listened to "The Bollard" song after a while - its so awesome
I agree fully, this band is amazing... They deserve more recognition. That album with 'The Bollard', 'Far From The Madding Crowd', is a power metal classic, one of my favourites ever. I just love every song on that album.
Although their last release (Salt) was quite disappointing for me... Anyone knows if they are planning a new album?