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The 2010s for metal: New movements/genres? Or "stale"? Discussion.

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29.01.2020 - 18:18
delicious dish
So recently I was thinking since i got a bit bombarded with popular music's new movements:
Was metal in the 2010s a bit... stale? As in, what was the big new thing? When I look back on albums I loved from this decade (which I assure you was a lot), I see mostly odd ones out. Maybe interesting takes on already existing genres, or just straight up great records that don't necessarily do anything groundbreaking.
Maybe it's my taste, but have there been any new "genres" popping up as far as you guys can remember it (like all around the 80s and 90s extreme metal genres)? Or a big new movement (2000s new prog waves or dissonant black metal becoming so big)?
It's hard to define what I mean, but maybe you get it even with this poor explaination

I'd love to hear your input - and i guess you can also use this thread to shout out music from the 2010s that you think started something new or will do that leading into the 2020s!
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
29.01.2020 - 19:29
endangered bird
Igorrr, Pryapisme, Hardcore Anal Hydrogen and maybe more for breakcore + metal + lots of funny stuff being randomly thrown into the songs

And I don't know if I can link this to metal, but France is generally pushing a lot of electronic music, with Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, The Algorithm...
Master Boot Record is also on MS for that matter
30.01.2020 - 02:41
Czerny Reiter
In general, the decade seems to have been one of maturation of previous trends rather than the setting of new ones.

Post-Black definitely got a few tentpoles, Alcest's Ecailles de Lune, Fen's Malediction Fields, Deafheaven's Roads to Judah and Altar of Plague's White Tomb all being released around the start of the decade.

Prog/Psych-Black, with Oranssi Pazuzu, A Forest of Stars and Hail Spirit Noir either getting a ball rolling or having the lion's share of their output contained within the decade.

In a grander scheme of Black Metal, the passing of the innovation torch/trendsetting from France to Iceland's scene. Not that this is as clean-cut as some might make it out to be.

But ultimately, if I had to sum up the decade, I'd point to aesthetics and fashion, namely the massive shift from corpsepaint to hoodies/facial obscurity in bands' presentation.
01.02.2020 - 12:15
endangered bird
Mr.Doctor writes "Given such a singular style of playing and composing, we should start talking about "Mories metal".." talking about Golden Ashes, one of the man's numerous projects. It's true that we've been flooded with Mories' music, does that count as a subgenre? Are there bands not related with Mories playing the same kind of music, consequently to his work?
23.02.2020 - 10:34
Account deleted
The question is a bit steep, a bit too black and white. Sometimes I look for stuff and then a prefix for some things would be nice to have. That means that there are slight changes in that sound that groups that stuff togheter - that doesnt mean that its a whole new genre.
The whiteness is that nothing new happened, the blackness is that a lot happened, imo it was more of a grey scale where lots happened. So imo it was as it always have been - death/doom become funeral in the 90s, was that a big change in sound, no. Did we see as big changes as that, yes.

Then again the atmospheric black metal prefix was a big failure and it should be looked at or deleted. Its too broad and I dont think anyone no how that sounds, so its hard to add prefixes.
New prefixes that maybe could be useful in the future would be something for some bands in 1.sludge that plays monolithic, ultra slow sludge with very long pauses between notes. This isnt slower death/doom, its slower sludge and has very little melody compared to death/doom variant. We have such tag already in extreme sludge it just hasnt been used.

It would be interesting to read something Bourdieu inspred abot metal last decade, something like this from someone that knows his work - the field changed and a new group of people came in and saw themselves as avantgarde. The ones that had the power in the field was quite manly males from the working class that had seen the church and religion as their main enemy. The new avantgarde was a bit softer and more feminine males from the bourgeoisie and they mixed the popular music of the bourgeoisie with metal. That meant that some sounds that already had been new a while when this decade started further developed - lyrics became more introvert, traces of heavy metal within the music almost disappeared and was a big no no..... And so on....

This decade the bourgeoisie will completly take over and as todays bourgeoisie is very inspired by marxist movements my guess is that this decade will be even more political, more queer, sustainable and more feminine, all of that will have a big impact on how it sounds. OR, something completly different will happen.

I dont think LTDT did anything that hasnt been done before, but the quality of that one-woman black metal band was something new in itself.

25.07.2020 - 17:05
Written by [user id=173045] on 23.02.2020 at 10:34

The question is a bit steep, a bit too black and white. Sometimes I look for stuff and then a prefix for some things would be nice to have. That means that there are slight changes in that sound that groups that stuff togheter - that doesnt mean that its a whole new genre.
The whiteness is that nothing new happened, the blackness is that a lot happened, imo it was more of a grey scale where lots happened. So imo it was as it always have been - death/doom become funeral in the 90s, was that a big change in sound, no. Did we see as big changes as that, yes.

Then again the atmospheric black metal prefix was a big failure and it should be looked at or deleted. Its too broad and I dont think anyone no how that sounds, so its hard to add prefixes.
New prefixes that maybe could be useful in the future would be something for some bands in 1.sludge that plays monolithic, ultra slow sludge with very long pauses between notes. This isnt slower death/doom, its slower sludge and has very little melody compared to death/doom variant. We have such tag already in extreme sludge it just hasnt been used.

It would be interesting to read something Bourdieu inspred abot metal last decade, something like this from someone that knows his work - the field changed and a new group of people came in and saw themselves as avantgarde. The ones that had the power in the field was quite manly males from the working class that had seen the church and religion as their main enemy. The new avantgarde was a bit softer and more feminine males from the bourgeoisie and they mixed the popular music of the bourgeoisie with metal. That meant that some sounds that already had been new a while when this decade started further developed - lyrics became more introvert, traces of heavy metal within the music almost disappeared and was a big no no..... And so on....

This decade the bourgeoisie will completly take over and as todays bourgeoisie is very inspired by marxist movements my guess is that this decade will be even more political, more queer, sustainable and more feminine, all of that will have a big impact on how it sounds. OR, something completly different will happen.

I dont think LTDT did anything that hasnt been done before, but the quality of that one-woman black metal band was something new in itself.

Pretty cool and awesome.