The Moody Blues
Posts: 29
Visited by: 20 users
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
13.08.2006 - 12:09 MaidenVarius
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If any band has ever deserved it's own thread,it's surely this band.Not only did they influence rock and roll,but created what would come to be known as progressive rock.Days of Future Passed is quite possibly one of the great albums ever.They have released other timeless classics such as In Search of the Lost Chord and On the Threshold of a Dream. I hope to see comments from prog rock fans on this band,because surely you cannot consider yourself a prog fan and not know of these guys can you? I would like to think not! Anyways let me know what you think about this truly great band.
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
14.08.2006 - 04:26 Kap'N Korrupt
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Great band...I only have the album you gave me there bud...Days of Future Passed...that's a really good album...I love the orchestral arrangments and's quite a mature release for them so early in their career...I didn't really like their 80s stuff....didn't they turn into a Vegas act?
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
14.08.2006 - 08:24 MaidenVarius
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Yeah they sorta did,I'm not as big a fan of their 80's stuff as I am their earlier stuff.Yeah I also believe they were ahead of their time,and as for the orchestral part,I completely agree with you bro.Peter Knight is the man.
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
10.05.2007 - 09:14 Written by [user id=2084] on 14.08.2006 at 04:26 Do you own To Our Children's Children's Children? That is my favorite by them.
---- (space for rent)
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
13.05.2007 - 23:42 Kap'N Korrupt
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I don't own that album, no...I have quite a hard time getting my hands on Moody Blues anyway...I kinda want to hear music like this the way it was supposed to be eh...on vinyl...
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
14.05.2007 - 15:05
I know fiew songs of them, its good band its awsome , band, blues, rock, folkd, country mix and oldies atmosfere I love itr even i knwo fiew songs
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Remus |
07.06.2007 - 00:59
I really like two songs from this band: "Nights in White Satin" and, of course, "Melancholy Man". The latter is just so, well, it makes me feel rather emo ha(k, don't tell anyone i said this). No but seriously, the singing patterns and use of keys are really amazing! Really good band. P.S Damn it, am i the only one posting on this thread without a "Hampster Metal' sig?
---- Procrastinate, NOW!
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
20.06.2007 - 02:23 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by Dane Train on 10.05.2007 at 09:14
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
20.06.2007 - 02:23 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by Dane Train on 10.05.2007 at 09:14 Strangely haha I do own that album, and it is a very good one!
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
09.09.2007 - 04:46 Written by [user id=823] on 20.06.2007 at 02:23 I have been listening to that album over and over the past few days. "Blasting, billowing, bursting forth With the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes Man, with his flaming pyre Has conquered the wayward breezes Climbing to tranquility Far above the cloud Conceiving the heavens Clear of misty shroud" Just love it, man!
---- (space for rent)
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
23.09.2007 - 08:44 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by Dane Train on 09.09.2007 at 04:46 I haven't been on here in awhile, so it's probably been forever since you left that post. I do very much enjoy that album, "Candle of Life" is such an awesome song! It's my dad's favorite song! My favorite album is still either On the Threshold of a dream or days of future passed!
Ellie Account deleted |
08.10.2007 - 10:00 Ellie
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Im so glad someone made a thread for them! Theyre my moms favourite band of all time so we have a ton of their records and I practically grew up on them.
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
09.10.2007 - 01:12 Kap'N Korrupt
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I guess I will be getting To Our Children's Children's Children doesn't say anywhere that it's their best album...apparently it was their poorest selling album...
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
22.10.2007 - 09:32 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by [user id=2084] on 09.10.2007 at 01:12 It's a good album, but not even close to their best, I gave you their best one in my opinion, on the threshold of a dream is probably their second best, again in my opinion.
marillionfan Account deleted |
25.10.2007 - 19:30 marillionfan
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one of the greatest rock bands ever, one of the creators of the prog genre. All albums from their debut to 1972 are brilliant. This is in fact their, let's say " their golden era". One other thing I like about them is that although they lost their progressive touch, their pop rock efforts are enjoyable and catchy, not bad at all. I have listened to their 1999 album "strange times", which I found enjoyable and well crafted.
Sonsofsabbath |
02.11.2007 - 23:31
Love em, saw them live this July in Vancouver, if you think Justin Hayward has lost his magic, youre wrong, he is amazing, he drives the whole band, and his vioce has not aged
bucky01403 Account deleted |
09.11.2007 - 04:28 bucky01403
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We all know that Gentle Giant are the true kings of prog rock.;D
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 09:23 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by [user id=19596] on 09.11.2007 at 04:28 God dammit Buck hahaha, Moody Blues formed years before them and without them GG wouldn't exist but GG is a great band but I'm pretty sure you knew that you mood killing bastard haha
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 09:23 MaidenVarius
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I have been going extremely gay with In Your Wildest Dreams, It is just so catchy hahaha
bucky01403 Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 23:43 bucky01403
Account deleted Written by [user id=823] on 16.01.2008 at 09:23 I knew I'd get that reaction out of you. On a serious note: Innovators aren't always the best, i.e. Black Sabbath. ![]()
bucky01403 Account deleted |
16.01.2008 - 23:43 bucky01403
Account deleted Written by [user id=823] on 16.01.2008 at 09:23 I knew I'd get that reaction out of you. On a serious note: Innovators aren't always the best, i.e. Black Sabbath. ![]()
MaidenVarius Account deleted |
10.03.2008 - 22:23 MaidenVarius
Account deleted Written by [user id=19596] on 16.01.2008 at 23:43 But you seriously don't know that until you have actually listened to a band, and I am positive that you have listened to very little of this band
bucky01403 Account deleted |
11.03.2008 - 03:21 bucky01403
Account deleted Written by [user id=823] on 10.03.2008 at 22:23 Yeah I know, I just mentioned it for the sake of the argument.
Gigginova Account deleted |
26.12.2008 - 17:12 Gigginova
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The Moody Blues are great ![]() My mom likes them too I think, the 'semi-orchestral sounds' can get obnoxious at times, but overall, great!
Crimson Lily Account deleted |
30.03.2009 - 04:14 Crimson Lily
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I'm so very glad there's a topic about The Moody Blues too! I agree with those who wrote they are one of the greatest bands ever! I think so too, absolutely one of my favorite bands ever, though I don't listen to too much prog metal, I must admit! I know it's cliche, but my favorite song has to be ''Nights In White Satin'', since it's my favorite unrequited love song ever and generally one of my favorite songs ever. I've liked them ever since I've read the story behind the aforementioned song.Oh and my mom loves them too, seems like many of our parents like them hehe. Bottomline:simply a superb band.
Gigginova Account deleted |
10.04.2009 - 17:49 Gigginova
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Also.....excellent music for getting high too!! ![]()
JD Account deleted |
24.12.2010 - 16:10 JD
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God i love this song "Nights In White Satin" the only one i heard by TMB, any recommendations?
WickedBuddhi |
25.02.2011 - 03:39 Written by [user id=823] on 16.01.2008 at 09:23 I've been that way with I Know You're Out There Somewhere. Just straight up gay catchiness! But damn is it good.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
20.01.2016 - 23:03 Written by [user id=28526] on 24.12.2010 at 16:10 everybody start whit this song, and yes its catchy many good covers, but whole bands discography if you like such music are good, well was there bad music in that era from such bands? no
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing