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Wait ? WHAT? Rambling Blog - Vol. I

Written by: D.T. Metal
Published: June 03, 2013

Be reasonable, DO IT MY WAY

There is so much stupid and ridiculous stuff going on in this world and with the ever-so-growing acceptance of social media I thought it was high noon to join the ranks of senseless blogging. This feature will include my "what the f*ck" thoughts about some random issues, which are by all means not "First.World.Problems", just some crap that bothers me by just reading about it.

Fair warning - these are MY thoughts - hence, it's a blog feature - but do comment on my ramblings and tell me if I'm too harsh on the offenders or right on the money. If you think I am too harsh though ? well, my Spanish isn't all that good but I would phrase a sentence with the word "cojones" ? moving on!

You all probably have seen those Kickstarter, Indiegogo and other "lets donate to help us out" campaigns going around the internet.

Some are pretty legit, like when the guitar tech from Death Angel got beaten up in Denver (and yes, I was actually there when it happened) and his family was asking for donations to cover some of the hospital bills. While others are outright hmmm - prime example was when the bassist from Chelsea Grin asked for donations to help his dog. This whole thing was posted on the bands Facebook page. REALLY !!!

Soooo, the whole idea for this blog actually resurfaced because of an e-mail I got the other day from a band who uses Kickstarter to fund some costs of their new album.
The good news is we are funding and handling the production and direction of the project completely on our own. This means we call all the shots. It's also good for you since you're able to dictate the direction the album takes!

I donate to your cause and have input on the direction of the album? For real? Anyways, what really caught my eyes was the bold, big, fat header which was used in the intro to the e-mail:

Melodic Death Metal from Denver, CO - including Greg Burgess of Allegaeon (Metal Blade Records)


Hoppla, I actually know Greg! But hey, why not name-drop a band which is singed to a major record label to boost your chances, right? Nothing new, tons of "garage-bands" are probably doing the same thing, whatever works I guess - delete - moving on.

And by the way, the band in question is actually pretty good, so if you feel generous, please donate to their cause right HERE

I believe it was the next day on my Facebook news feed - low and behold Allegaeon joined the ranks of "gimme ur money" with their own campaign.
? Hey friends, Well our transmission is busted, we lost our trailer, and our merch situation is dire?We have this incredible tour coming up and literally no way of going out and rocking for you guys ?

They made a pretty funny video and if you DO want to make sure the band goes on tour, feel free to donate right HERE

This didn't even feel right to type "if you want to make sure the band goes on tour". There are so many things that bother me with this whole thing. First off - if you don't have the means to go out on tour - don't commit to one! How on earth did bands manage in the old days? Well Sherlock, if they didn't have the money - they didn't tour. Done, simple, sorry fans.

Now I do apologize to Greg and Allegaeon for making them the subject of my rant. Greg is actually a good personal friend of mine (hopefully still is after he reads this) and I can't fault the band for taking this route. So many others have done it before them (Goatwhore and Darkest Hour come to mind) and it is a sad trend on how cash strapped the bands really are these days.

Being signed to a major record label doesn't mean dick these days, especially for the underground or better yet not so radio friendly bands. But what to do to help out those younger as well as older established bands?

Go to a show - support your local metal scene since everybody has to start somewhere. BUY some merch, better yet, buy lots of merch at a show since this is how most smaller bands keep afloat. If you do feel inclined to donate to a cause for bringing a band to a town near you - please do so. It's just sad that it really has to come down to your "idols" essentially begging for your money so that they actually CAN go on the road.

In other news ? what the fuck was that Germany? Losing 3:4 to the USA in your "Nationalsport" soccer - hmmm. I didn't watch the game, just the highlight reel.

Now, to soften the bitching about this topic I will close this post with some pictures about cats, bacon, sex and alcohol. Until next time !!!

Written on 03.06.2013 by Former boss lady. Now just a professional concertgoer... dangerously armed with a camera!


Comments: 22   Visited by: 235 users
04.06.2013 - 03:33
Crowdfunding has opened a lot of doors, for better or for worse. Right now, I think we're riding the bubble (especially in the realm of video games) but once enough projects fall through (unfortunately enough), people will calm down and understand its capabilities and limitations. There are a lot of risks on both sides, but I think in the end it will leave an impact in some pretty interesting ways, if it hasn't already.
04.06.2013 - 05:56
D.T. Metal
Written by bj_waters on 04.06.2013 at 03:33

Crowdfunding has opened a lot of doors, for better or for worse. Right now, I think we're riding the bubble (especially in the realm of video games) but once enough projects fall through (unfortunately enough), people will calm down and understand its capabilities and limitations. There are a lot of risks on both sides, but I think in the end it will leave an impact in some pretty interesting ways, if it hasn't already.

Crowd funding sure has opened a lot of doors, not only in the above mentioned scenario but also for non-profits. Some are pretty legit but there is a lot of bogus stuff on any of those sites. It's just sad that everybody wants to do stuff (doesn't matter what it is) and rely or counts on others to help finance it.
04.06.2013 - 20:22
Can't hate on a guy trying to save his dog!
04.06.2013 - 20:31
D.T. Metal
Written by Rupert on 04.06.2013 at 20:22

Can't hate on a guy trying to save his dog!

yes I can since he used the bands official FB site to asked for donation for the operation! Use your own FB profile but don't make the fans of your band feel sorry for your financial commitments!
I feel for him - I have a dog as well and would do ANYTHING if in the same situation. The issue here is HOW he asked for money!
04.06.2013 - 21:09
Written by D.T. Metal on 04.06.2013 at 20:31

yes I can since he used the bands official FB site to asked for donation for the operation! Use your own FB profile but don't make the fans of your band feel sorry for your financial commitments!
I feel for him - I have a dog as well and would do ANYTHING if in the same situation. The issue here is HOW he asked for money!

Ah I see. Though I don't disagree with his method I do understand your point. So when's volume 2?
04.06.2013 - 21:16
D.T. Metal
Written by Rupert on 04.06.2013 at 21:09

Ah I see. Though I don't disagree with his method I do understand your point. So when's volume 2?

... patience you must have my young padawan ...
05.06.2013 - 04:25
For a "rant" consisting of "rambling" this read as pretty on-topic and concise to me xD

It's lame that bands ever would have to do this, that's the way the music world goes I guess, but I agree with the point about touring in the old days..... If you don't have the money for a tour other things should be a priority.

I guess at the end of the day, as long as bands aren't asking for money with the intention of guilt tripping fans there's no harm done. with the explosion of music available because of the internet and the explosion of social media I wouldn't see this kind of thing ending soon.

I mean, people paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in donations for some site to release the Rob Ford crack smoking video. including I'm pretty sure a $10000 donation from someone. Which makes even donating to help someone's dog (while a band page is definitely an inappropriate place to ask for that) seem like a great cause.
05.06.2013 - 04:39
D.T. Metal
Written by Mattybu on 05.06.2013 at 04:25

For a "rant" consisting of "rambling" this read as pretty on-topic and concise to me xD

It's lame that bands ever would have to do this, that's the way the music world goes I guess, but I agree with the point about touring in the old days..... If you don't have the money for a tour other things should be a priority.

I guess at the end of the day, as long as bands aren't asking for money with the intention of guilt tripping fans there's no harm done. with the explosion of music available because of the internet and the explosion of social media I wouldn't see this kind of thing ending soon.

I mean, people paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in donations for some site to release the Rob Ford crack smoking video. including I'm pretty sure a $10000 donation from someone. Which makes even donating to help someone's dog (while a band page is definitely an inappropriate place to ask for that) seem like a great cause.

well - I didn't know what to call the thing - "rambling" seamed the best choice - I am totally open to suggestions to rename it.

And yes, holy crap, people are donating shit tons of money to all kinds of stuff. And they say the economy is in the toilet - apparently not.
05.06.2013 - 15:41
M C Vice
Written by D.T. Metal on 05.06.2013 at 04:39

Written by Mattybu on 05.06.2013 at 04:25

I mean, people paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in donations for some site to release the Rob Ford crack smoking video. including I'm pretty sure a $10000 donation from someone. Which makes even donating to help someone's dog (while a band page is definitely an inappropriate place to ask for that) seem like a great cause.

And yes, holy crap, people are donating shit tons of money to all kinds of stuff. And they say the economy is in the toilet - apparently not.

Maybe it's in the toilet, but no one's flushed yet?
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
06.06.2013 - 00:40
Boxcar Willy
I strongly dislike crowdfunding. If you want to help funding, play more gigs, get some merch made up. Paying for preorders of something that hasn't already been created is something I'll never, ever do.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

06.06.2013 - 11:03
No excuses, but Germany VS USA was a friendly match. Klinsmann was surely fond of beating his old protege, but we all know who makes it to the Semi-finals again next year.
06.06.2013 - 19:21
Au Pays Natal
Rosetta's tour van broke down a couple of years ago. They asked for some money via kickstarter to help pay for repairs. Donors received signed merchandise. Needless to say they "raised" more than enough money. I didn't even blink an eye when they asked for help.
06.06.2013 - 20:15
D.T. Metal
Written by tea[m]ster on 06.06.2013 at 19:21

Rosetta's tour van broke down a couple of years ago. They asked for some money via kickstarter to help pay for repairs. Donors received signed merchandise. Needless to say they "raised" more than enough money. I didn't even blink an eye when they asked for help.

Ok - shit happens, especially on tour. And I am not faulting the bands to take the crowd-funding route - hell, apparently it works and the fans do donate and in most cases the band does offer some sort of "incentives" to sweeten the deal.
But on the other hand, they are asking the fans for money so they can fulfill their dream? 'cause this is what it boils down too.

Again, in the days of no internet, no cell-phones, no instant access to millions of people in a matter of seconds - one wonders how the bands managed back then.
06.06.2013 - 20:32
The Ancient One
Written by D.T. Metal on 06.06.2013 at 20:15

Written by tea[m]ster on 06.06.2013 at 19:21

Rosetta's tour van broke down a couple of years ago. They asked for some money via kickstarter to help pay for repairs. Donors received signed merchandise. Needless to say they "raised" more than enough money. I didn't even blink an eye when they asked for help.

Ok - shit happens, especially on tour. And I am not faulting the bands to take the crowd-funding route - hell, apparently it works and the fans do donate and in most cases the band does offer some sort of "incentives" to sweeten the deal.
But on the other hand, they are asking the fans for money so they can fulfill their dream? 'cause this is what it boils down too.

Signed merch is cool. Other "free" shit the band could do is recognize donors on their site, FB page, and in liner notes. Costs them nothing and is a bit of a "look at this!" perk for supporters.

I "pledged" to support a project which went unfunded. Would have received my name in the album, which would be cool. (still a "dream" of mine to be listed in the thanks section of liner notes. )

last month i spent a few bucks to help fund a local craft brewer get the funds needed to build a proper brew pub. getting a growler for my efforts, and since stretch goals were reached, gonna have a special logo on the growler indicating I was one of those who made it happen.

The great thing about Kickstarter and other similar tools is if it makes it, it makes it, if not no expense. and it is completely voluntary.

if someone is consistently asking for my scratch, they'll be ignored soon enough... and i imagine they'll have a backlash soon enough.

as for the friendly, the day before while on the treadmill at the gym, with Schweinsteiger converting a PK. So he was there, not here... No Schweinsteiger, no Germany A. And no US announcers saying 'Schweinsteiger' either.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
06.06.2013 - 20:39
D.T. Metal
Written by BitterCOld on 06.06.2013 at 20:32

And no US announcers saying 'Schweinsteiger' either.

don't even get me started on that. Every time they pronounce his name over here I am screaming at the television.
06.06.2013 - 20:47
The Ancient One
Written by D.T. Metal on 06.06.2013 at 20:39

Written by BitterCOld on 06.06.2013 at 20:32

And no US announcers saying 'Schweinsteiger' either.

don't even get me started on that. Every time they pronounce his name over here I am screaming at the television.

then it is a good thing you weren't around when I was in Munich earlier this year. my pronunciation was likely cringeworthy for some of the limited German I used. I'm just glad I didn't get in any trouble, given the language is a harsh one, I studied Russian - another harsh language - so after a Maß i sound like i should be in a military uniform on a balcony somewhere shouting at a crowd.

and as a side note, while i don't know fuck all about German football aside from the fact i watched Klinnsman's squad win the Cup, is my buddy Joe, an AZ transplant living in Munich about 5 years now, convinced me to root for 1860. I had better bone up on 2nd Bundesliga!
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
06.06.2013 - 21:06
D.T. Metal
Written by BitterCOld on 06.06.2013 at 20:47

then it is a good thing you weren't around when I was in Munich earlier this year. my pronunciation was likely cringeworthy for some of the limited German I used. I'm just glad I didn't get in any trouble, given the language is a harsh one, I studied Russian - another harsh language - so after a Maß i sound like i should be in a military uniform on a balcony somewhere shouting at a crowd.

and as a side note, while i don't know fuck all about German football aside from the fact i watched Klinnsman's squad win the Cup, is my buddy Joe, an AZ transplant living in Munich about 5 years now, convinced me to root for 1860. I had better bone up on 2nd Bundesliga!

ROFLMAO - yes, german is a harsh language.

And with 1860 - well, at least it's not Bayern München since they are to the Bundesliga what the NY Yankees are to the MLB - overpriced buffoons. I don't watch that much soccer anymore partly since it's not rampantly available on Comcast. I am more a baseball and football kinda gal now - and NO - NOT a fan of the Rockies OR Broncos
07.06.2013 - 18:11
Ag Fox
Angel No More
I like the article and I don't think your rant is harsh (=

Here are my loose thoughts:
1) it's kinda like people used to remember each other's birthday / numbers back when there were no smartphones and facebook. now we have these sort of crowd-funding tools at our disposal, it's natural for people to use it

2) there are beggars on the street. I would give them some spare change if they play some music; there are some bands posting online. I would give them some money if I think their goal is something I'd like to see happen. They have a choice to ask, I also have a choice to not donate. Normally, I'll just buy a finished product that I really like

3) at the end, I guess it's an integrity issue and how low they would be willing to bend...
loves 小巫
07.06.2013 - 18:27
D.T. Metal
Written by Ag Fox on 07.06.2013 at 18:11

3) at the end, I guess it's an integrity issue and how low they would be willing to bend...


And thx for reading!
08.06.2013 - 19:58
Written by D.T. Metal on 06.06.2013 at 20:15

Again, in the days of no internet, no cell-phones, no instant access to millions of people in a matter of seconds - one wonders how the bands managed back then.

That's what I'm wondering, too! Rock, metal, and other styles of bands "toured" all the time. Large and small bands played gigs. Large and small bands released tapes, 45s, 8-tracks, etc. HOW?!!? Let's hope bands today don't lose sight of the "older" tactics for success in addition to the new ones.

I have never donated to one of these but I might, one day. Who knows. I'm a bit tired of seeing 40 new ones each day, though, but I'm not saying I'm opposed to the idea. I just feel like we're on the brink of people starting to RELY on this. "It's cool, we'll just do an indiegogo and get the money!"

Now, I know a few small bands who have done these and recorded a killer album for their fans to have. BUT they also work really hard, play tons of gigs, and put much of their own money into the band. Let's hope all bands running campaigns like this will do it IN ADDITION to working their asses off.

AND THE VAN. Look, vans break down. Like, always. If you don't have a bit in savings, don't go on a van tour without a back up plan! Common sense, dudes....
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
09.06.2013 - 17:51
Au Pays Natal
Written by Susan on 08.06.2013 at 19:58

AND THE VAN. Look, vans break down. Like, always. If you don't have a bit in savings, don't go on a van tour without a back up plan! Common sense, dudes....

I was thinking about this. It just tells me how little money there is in music. We are talking about Rosetta. One of the giants in post metal. They are signed to a record label (a minor one, I know), have traveled to Europe, have fans world wide. I actually met them once and talked to them for quite a while. They only make money on tour selling their merchandise. They sleep in the van or someones house when traveling. The band isn't their full time job. The singer is a middle school teacher and a couple of the other members are still in school. It amazes me how this band doesn't make any money. I love the their music, I think it's brilliant.
25.06.2013 - 23:20
I seriously think though, that people who donated for the broken van, were mostly people who had tickets to the shows. And suddenly, it makes a lot more sense. At least if I paid say 30 bucks for a ticket to a gig of a band I really like, I really wouldn't mind putting in another 20 for making sure I get the show I've paid for. It's just much easier than going to the ticket sales office and getting your money back. Besides, you might get the money for the actual ticket back, but they don't want to pay the delivery fees and whatever other costs there were.

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