Streaming New Song
Streaming New Song
Mar 19
Page: 1
Saturday I'm going to see Fleshgod for the first time, I'm excited.
18:24 - Opethian
Bell Witch just announced Stygian Bough Vol. 2. Let's go! :)
18:24 - Opethian
-- shout deleted --
18:15 - no one
@Boxcar Willy that would be about $20 here
16:59 - Boxcar Willy
Robin's Donuts, arguably even lower tier than Tim's. Founded in Thunder Bay though!
16:50 - Vellichor
Tim Horton’s?
15:56 - Boxcar Willy
Yeah this from a cheap fast food chain up here too, nothing fancy. I remember when I was in high school I used to be able to get a coffee and a fritter for a toonie ($2).
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