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Best Of 2013

I rate albums with rating not less than 8

Created by: PēterisP | 20.02.2013

1. Fell Voices - Regnum Saturni
2013 Murky ambient atmoblack. Close your eyes and you will travel to another dimensions - mesmerizing experience. The guy screams without microphone.
2. Deafheaven - Sunbather
2013 Blackgaze. Not as good as Roads to Judah but I still like this uplifting mood and massive sound.
3. Narjahanam - Wa Ma Khufiya Kana A'atham
2013 Oriental death metal. this is what oriental death metal shall look like !!!
4. Year Of No Light - Tocsin
2013 Post/atmospheric sludge. Brilliant album. Track Gehenne is special.
5. An Autumn - Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love
2013 Happy Depressive Blackgaze. Bittersweet music: both - uplifting and happy, depressive and suicidal - depends on what mood you are on
6. Yellow Eyes - Hammer Of Night
2013 Best what USBM has to offer is compiled here. Influence of Krallice is most notable
7. Progenie Terrestre Pura - U.M.A.
2013 Atmospheric - space black metal. BM mixed with space atmosphere, industrially electronic sounds and movements. Lyrics in Italian.
8. Conniption - Kamikaze
2013 Heavy/Thrash. amazing old school heavy/thrash with great composition skills, mood and vocals comparable to Joeys Belladonna's '80ties.
9. Black Boned Angel - The End
2013 Drone (melodic). Last album of amazing act. Never have been fan of drone but this really kicks ass (especially Part II). Don't check it by skipping some parts - find an hour to travel through it slowly.
10. Rorcal - Világvége
2013 Psyho doom/sludge. Underrated band from Switzerland. Their heaviness, passion and strenght is comparable with Anaal Nathrakh
11. Carcass - Surgical Steel
2013 Just Carcass. They have not lost their skill, although tracks are not so catchy as they were in NDtI and Heartwork.
12. Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
2013 Black metal influenced metal. Pure emotions - sorrow and grief. A lot acoustic sectors, violins.
13. Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory & Injury
2013 Experimental post black. Lacking common riffs/structures etc, just atmosphere. Anyway, I like it - especially A Remedy and a Fever and God Alone
14. Mael Mórdha - Damned When Dead
2013 Irish tribal-folk-war-doom. Not as catchy as Mannanan but still better than Primordial - seriously :)
15. Exivious - Liminal
2013 It's not metal. It's about jazz that is being played by metalheads. "Lighter" instrumential version of Cynic. Leader of Exivious Tymon Kruidenier has been part of Cynic during '08 - '10.
16. Rosetta - The Anaesthete
2013 Sludge
17. Cult Of Fire - मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान
2013 Buddha's black metal ? Whatever this is, the mix of black metal, uplifting mood, dark sounds and Indian language is something like a fresh air.
18. Germ - Grief
2013 Ability of Tim Yatras to mix pop/electronic with depressive black metal is unique. You get kind of happy depressive black metal :D
19. Kauan - Pirut
2013 Russian Kauan to some extent have returned to their Finnish doom roots. Album inspired by the blow of meteorite over Chelyabinsk
20. Evergreen Refuge - As the Fires Burn
2013 Instrumental Cascadian AtmoBlack. Very calm and meditative music. Great at low sound levels.
21. Thou Shell Of Death - Sepulchral Silence
2013 Cold AtmoBlack band from Estonia. Black metal does not fully describes this heavy slow crushing music that really has atmosphere of cold winter. Have seen them live twice - cold/weird shows with no communication with public at all. Even themselves are standing in the dark with faces hidden.
22. Entropia (POL) - Vesper
2013 Post/atmospheric black/sludge Polish band with their debut is crushing the sky.
23. Ash Borer - Bloodlands
2013 Cascadian atmoblack. Very bloody album.
24. The Howling Wind - Vortex
2013 Black. Strongest pure black metal album of the year.
25. Altaar - Altaar
2013 Norvegian progressive post - doom. If you want to hear something really fresh then Altaar is for you. I come back to this album ~ once in a month and every time it travels higher in my top 2013
26. Ignis - Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
2013 Drudkh worshipers. Still amazing album.
27. Eschatos - Hierophanies
2013 Most interesting Latvian act at the moment. Kristiana (female vocal) is beautiful :). Progressive Black n Roll.
28. The Ruins Of Beverast - Blood Vaults (The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer)
2013 Black/Post/Doom. Few tracks are brilliant ("Ordeal" especially) and save the album.
29. The Moth Gatherer - A Bright Celestial Light
2013 Post/prog/death/black. Some tracks are really great.
30. De Arma - Lost, Alien & Forlorn
2013 Post black. Fen'ish influence from The Watcher is notable.
31. Skagos - Anarchic
2013 Cascadian atmoblack
32. Cult Of Luna - Vertikal
2013 Sludge
33. Pestilence - Obsideo
2013 Did I hear old school Pestilence out there ? No innovations, sometimes boring riffs, predictable fusion tricks here and there, but Mameli's vocal is still killer ! And Obsideo is way much better than Ressurection Maccabre and Doctrine. It is almost old good Pestilence.
34. Wild's Reprisal - Defiance Enthroned
2013 Cascadian black. The album seems " light" and production could be much better, but I still like those nature vibes in there.
35. Kataklysm - Waiting For The End To Come
2013 Death metal Hey, I can't believe that there are decent classic death metal out there nova days !
36. Redwood Hill - Descender
2013 Black/sludge. At first you get "wow", but album loses its momentum somehow. Still good album.
37. P.L.F. - Devious Persecution And Wholesale Slaughter
2013 Grindcore. At last ! Album that really reminds me about excellent grindcore albums issued at the beginning of nineties (Brutal Truth "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses is my favourite). Well done. Best grindcore album in long time.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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