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Misplaced & Hidden: Album Titles That Relate To Lyrics Of A Song From Another Album

The albums in this alphabetical list do not have a regular title track. Instead, their corresponding title can be found in the lyrics of a song from another album of the band. Therefore, they qualify in parts as both “Misplaced Title Track” (album title relates to a song found on another album) as well as “Hidden Title Track” (album title is not based on a song title but only on the lyrics of a song).

Please feel free to suggest more metal/hard rock examples of these “misplaced and hidden title tracks”.

[Updated 17.12.2024]

Created by: Plattner | 03.04.2024

1. Anthrax - Spreading The Disease
Album AMONG THE LIVING (1987), Song AMONG THE LIVING: Disease, disease / Spreading the disease
2. Ayreon - The Human Equation
Album 01011001 (2008), Song THE SIXTH EXTINCTION: We must resolve this human equation / We're already dead if we don't try
3. David Lee Roth - Crazy From The Heat
Album EAT EM AND SMILE (1986), Song GOIN`CRAZY: I'm goin' crazy, / Goin' crazy, / Oh, from the heat.
4. Deep Purple - The House Of Blue Light
Album IN ROCK (1970), Song SPEED KING: Good Golly, said little Miss Molly / When she was rockin' in the house of blue light [Note: The lines from the song are a reference to the song "Good Golly, Miss Molly" by Little Richard]
5. Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory
Album IMAGES AND WORDS (1992), Song METROPOLIS - PART I "THE MIRACLE AND THE SLEEPER": Somewhere like a scene from a memory / There's a picture worth a thousand words. [Note: In addition, the song HOME from the album "Metropolis Pt. 2..." contains line "The city- it calls to me / Decadent scenes from my memory".]
6. Enter Shikari - Take To The Skies
Album COMMON DREADS (2009), Song NO SLEEP TONIGHT: You and me, we`re gonna take / To the skies, for a common sake
7. Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I
Album USE YOUR ILLUSION II (2002), Song LOCOMOTIVE: You can use your illusion / Let it take you where it may
8. In Extremo - Die Verrückten Sind In Der Stadt
Album WOLKENSCHIEBER (2024), Song WECKT DIE TOTEN: Weckt die Toten, weckt die Toten / Die Verrückten sind in der Stadt
9. In Extremo - Verehrt Und Angespien
Album MEIN RASEND HERZ (2005), Song NUR IHR ALLEIN: Ihr nur ihr allein / Könnt ein Teil des Ganzen sein / Aus diesem Grund sind wir erschienen / Wir sind verehrt und angespien
10. Judas Priest - Sin After Sin
Album SAD WINGS OF DESTINY (1976), Song GENOCIDE: Sin after sin I have endured / Yet the wounds I bear are the wounds of love
11. King Crimson - Starless And Bible Black
Album RED (1974), Song STARLESS: Sundown dazzling day / Gold through my eyes / But my eyes turned within / Only see / Starless and bible black
12. Manowar - Into Glory Ride
Album BATTLE HYMNS (1982), Song BATTLE HYMNS: Sound of charge into glory ride / Over the top of the anguished pride
13. Porcupine Tree - Coma Divine
Album SIGNIFY (1996), Song SEVER: Burn down this town, I give it to you / Aero shallow, photograph blind / Stage fright, black light, coma divine
14. Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Album SONGS FOR THE DEAF (2002), Song MOSQUITO SONG: Where will you run? / Where will you hide? / Lullabies / To paralyze
15. Rush - All The World's A Stage
Album MOVING PICTURES (1981), Song LIMELIGHT: All the world's indeed a stage / And we are merely players [note: also a reference to William Shakespeare]
16. Rush - Moving Pictures
Album PRESTO (1989), Song AVAILABLE LIGHT: Trick of light / Moving picture / Moments caught in flight / Make the shadows darker / Or the colors shine too bright
17. Rush - Signals
Album MOVING PICTURES (1981), Song VITAL SIGNS: By external interference / Signals get crossed / And the balance distorted / By internal incoherence
18. Rush - A Show Of Hands
Album HOLD YOUR FIRE (1987), Song PRIME MOVER: Force a show of hands / Rational responses / Force a change of plans / Anything can happen
19. Slipknot - We Are Not Your Kind
Standalone Single ALL OUT LIFE (2018): Old does not mean dead, new does not mean best / No hard feelings, I'm tired of being right about everything I've said / Yours does not mean mine, kill does not mean die / We are not your kind [note: the song is a bonus track on the Japanese album version]
20. Tarja - The Brightest Void
Album THE SHADOW SELF (2006), Song DEMONS IN YOU: My fears of treason / Trying to blind me / The brightest void is sucking me in
21. The Mars Volta - Tremulant
Album DE-LOUSED IN THE COMATORIUM (2003), Song TAKE THE VEIL CETPIN TAXT: It's not over till the tremulant sings
22. The Mars Volta - De-Loused In The Comatorium
Album TREMULANT (2002), Song EUNUCH PROVOCATEUR: Dethroned by the comatorium / De-loused in the comatorium
23. Therapy? - Babyteeth
Album NURSE (1992), Song TEETHGRINDER: Every thought rushes at full speed / This false smile grates through babyteeth

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Plattner ]


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Comments: 21   Visited by: 43 users
03.04.2024 - 20:28
Please feel free to suggest more metal/hard rock examples of these “misplaced and hidden title tracks”.
03.04.2024 - 20:53
If you are running out of ideas for new lists, why not just make combinations of your existing lists?

Anthrax | Spreading The Disease
found on Anthrax | Among The Living
in the opening lyrics of the title track:
"Disease, disease
Spreading the disease"
03.04.2024 - 21:06
Written by Redel on 03.04.2024 at 20:53

If you are running out of ideas for new lists, why not just make combinations of your existing lists?

Anthrax | Spreading The Disease
found on Anthrax | Among The Living
in the opening lyrics of the title track:
"Disease, disease
Spreading the disease"

Thank you for your suggestion and your support, Redel. I have added the album to the list.

Yes, I had found these examples during the search for the other two lists and they did not fit in there. I just wanted them off my desk, I guess. However, I hope that even though this new list is related to the previous two lists, people can find another interesting twist to the naming conventions here.
04.04.2024 - 11:44
The Rush example concerning Moving Pictures was suggested by Blackcrowe in the comments of the "Hidden Title Track" list.

Written by Blackcrowe on 11.07.2023 at 20:42

"Rush Moving Pictures from 1981
Only named the title track on Presto from 1989 the song Available Light

Trick of light
Moving picture🤘
Moments caught in flight
Make the shadows darker
Or the colors shine too bright

But this for other list "
04.04.2024 - 14:16
Nocturnal Bro
This is a very interesting concept. Your lists always make me think differently about the way certain bands decide to structure their lyrics, albums, and titles. I can't come up with any examples for this list except the Judas Priest one you already have and the Anthrax one Redel mentioned.

Here's an idea for another list maybe: bands that reference other bands in lyrics! For example, in Lucifer's Fall's "Homunculus" track from II - Cursed & Damned, Slayer's Show No Mercy is referenced:
"Black-hearted soul, evil-minded swine //
Shows no mercy, the Slayer shall arise"

I'm not sure how often this appears, but you might have fun exploring this idea
04.04.2024 - 14:37
Now thinking about it, you may want to clarify one thing. Does the direction of causality matter for this list? The list title and part of the list description suggest that an album's title refers to lyrics from a song of a different album. But does it also count vice versa, if said lyrics refer to the album title, so album title has been chosen first?
04.04.2024 - 20:05
Written by F3ynman on 04.04.2024 at 14:16

This is a very interesting concept. Your lists always make me think differently about the way certain bands decide to structure their lyrics, albums, and titles. I can't come up with any examples for this list except the Judas Priest one you already have and the Anthrax one Redel mentioned.

Here's an idea for another list maybe: bands that reference other bands in lyrics! For example, in Lucifer's Fall's "Homunculus" track from II - Cursed & Damned, Slayer's Show No Mercy is referenced:
"Black-hearted soul, evil-minded swine //
Shows no mercy, the Slayer shall arise"

I'm not sure how often this appears, but you might have fun exploring this idea

Thank you very much for your comment, F3ynman2000. The mentioned concept (bands that reference other bands in lyrics) sounds very interesting.
04.04.2024 - 21:20
Written by Redel on 04.04.2024 at 14:37

Now thinking about it, you may want to clarify one thing. Does the direction of causality matter for this list? The list title and part of the list description suggest that an album's title refers to lyrics from a song of a different album. But does it also count vice versa, if said lyrics refer to the album title, so album title has been chosen first?

Thank you very much for your comment, Redel. This is a very good question. I had left this out to make the introduction section shorter, but maybe I should add a few words there.

I do not know all the stories behind the creation of the listed links between the album titles and the corresponding lyrics.
However, I have seen different scenarios:
In most cases, the song came first and the title of the following/younger album was chosen later.
Moreover, there are twin albums, where song lyrics and album titles are swapped.
Finally, the third possibility (the one you were asking about) is the case when the album was released earlier than the song with the corresponding lyrics. Indeed, it could be that the song writer directly refers to the title of this older album. However, another scenario is that the song was created around the same time as this album that the lyrics are linked to, but it just was not finished when the album should be released and therefore was included on a later album.

Maybe I will add the corresponding stories to the list when I know them all.

As there seem not to be too many examples, which in addition have different stories, I think that the "direction" / "time sequence" should not matter for this list.
04.04.2024 - 21:37
Written by Plattner on 04.04.2024 at 21:20

As there seem not to be too many examples, which in addition have different stories, I think that the "direction" / "time sequence" should not matter for this list.

Good choice. And no need really to elaborate on that anywhere in the description I guess. I would probably not even have thought about this point if two expressions were absent from the list title ("come from") and the description ("stem from"). Maybe you could just swap these for e.g. "relate to" or "are found in". I guess then no one will stumble upon this.
04.04.2024 - 21:43
Written by Redel on 04.04.2024 at 21:37

Written by Plattner on 04.04.2024 at 21:20

As there seem not to be too many examples, which in addition have different stories, I think that the "direction" / "time sequence" should not matter for this list.

Good choice. And no need really to elaborate on that anywhere in the description I guess. I would probably not even have thought about this point if two expressions were absent from the list title ("come from") and the description ("stem from"). Maybe you could just swap these for e.g. "relate to" or "are found in". I guess then no one will stumble upon this.

Thank you very much for your useful suggestion, Redel. I have included this small but helpful change. This should work better now.
10.04.2024 - 22:50
M C Vice
Bathory. The song Hammerheart is from the Twilight Of The Gods album, but the previous album was called Hammerheart.
The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you with all its within
And Oden shall heil us bearers of a pounding hammerheart
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
10.04.2024 - 23:30
Written by M C Vice on 10.04.2024 at 22:50

Bathory. The song Hammerheart is from the Twilight Of The Gods album, but the previous album was called Hammerheart.
The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you with all its within
And Oden shall heil us bearers of a pounding hammerheart

Thank you very much for your interesting suggestion, M C Vice.

Because the song Hammerheart (from the album Twilight Of The Gods) has the same title as the album Hammerheart, I had already included it in the “Misplaced Title Track” (title relates to a song found on another album) list.

This list here has songs with lyrics that are linked to the title of another album of the same artist (the song title is different in this case - only the lyrics make the connection, which therefore is even more "hidden" here).

Again, this Bathory example is an interesting find. In fact, it was one of the reasons that I had started the “Misplaced Title Track” list.
11.04.2024 - 09:21
Never mind, that album has a title track. Maybe it fits another one of your lists?
Off the top of my head I can think of the following example:

Nevermore - Nevermore
Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy

Garden Of Grey

I want to feel your flesh enrapture me
And live the politics of ecstasy

11.04.2024 - 12:48
Written by Zap on 11.04.2024 at 09:21

Never mind, that album has a title track. Maybe it fits another one of your lists?
Off the top of my head I can think of the following example:

Nevermore - Nevermore
Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy

Garden Of Grey

I want to feel your flesh enrapture me
And live the politics of ecstasy

Thank you very much for this interesting example, Zap. I will keep it in mind.
20.04.2024 - 08:53
Check the Landmarq discography, where often track from the album is title of the next alnum.
20.04.2024 - 13:22
Written by DarkWingedSoul on 20.04.2024 at 08:53

Check the Landmarq discography, where often track from the album is title of the next alnum.

Thank you very much, DarkWingedSoul. I had included the Landmarq examples (where the album title fits to the song title from another album) in the “Misplaced Title Track” list.
02.09.2024 - 16:53
Written by Zap on 11.04.2024 at 09:21

Never mind, that album has a title track. Maybe it fits another one of your lists?
Off the top of my head I can think of the following example:

Nevermore - Nevermore
Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy

Garden Of Grey

I want to feel your flesh enrapture me
And live the politics of ecstasy

Thank you again, Zap. I have included your Nevermore suggestion in the new list:

“Song Title Drop – Lyrics That Refer To The Title Of Another Song”
27.01.2025 - 13:11
Repression | Prevalence Of Pain |
Album Reloaded (2012), Song RIVER OF TEARS: There is no way out, lost in the prevalence of pain

Edit: Though now seeing that this one is tricky, since the album Prevalence of Pain does have a title track. Hhhm, what to make of this...?
It is probably to be dropped entirely because also the respective song is on the original album, it is what it says, "reloaded", so nevermind.
27.01.2025 - 15:11
Written by Redel on 27.01.2025 at 13:11

Repression | Prevalence Of Pain |
Album Reloaded (2012), Song RIVER OF TEARS: There is no way out, lost in the prevalence of pain

Edit: Though now seeing that this one is tricky, since the album Prevalence of Pain does have a title track. Hhhm, what to make of this...?
It is probably to be dropped entirely because also the respective song is on the original album, it is what it says, "reloaded", so nevermind.

Thank you very much for your suggestion, Redel.

Even though the example does not fit here (the lyrics would have to cite the name of an album without a title track), it does fit in two other lists:

1) The song PREVALENCE OF PAIN is an instrumental title track:

“Albums By Vocal Groups Where The Title Track Is An Instrumental”

2) The song RIVER OF TEARS cites the song title of the instrumental PREVALENCE OF PAIN from the same album:

“Song Title Drop – Lyrics That Refer To The Title Of Another Song”
27.01.2025 - 15:34
Written by Plattner on 27.01.2025 at 15:11

it does fit in two other lists

I knew you would find a place for it, in the end you are the master of your series of (awesome) lists.
27.01.2025 - 17:21
Written by Redel on 27.01.2025 at 15:34

Written by Plattner on 27.01.2025 at 15:11

it does fit in two other lists

I knew you would find a place for it, in the end you are the master of your series of (awesome) lists.

Thank you very much for your kind comment, Redel.

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