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Great Songs Covered By Metal Bands ^^Rules 2 songs per band but not for the same record^^
The real merit of covering a song is that it has to sound so good that everyone thinks it’s own creation. Some people say that some covers are…
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Created by Blackcrowe
on 09.10.2024
A journey through the limits of Metal music into Amazing Records🔥 When Metal Fusion with Avant-garde, Psychedelic , Prog, Pop, Jazz. Bands outside of regular metal rules. Bands that make something new and different.
An exploration of the metal limits🔥…
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Created by Blackcrowe
on 14.10.2021
Progressive Spiritual Euphoria / Best prog Albums Ever . So here we are again . After many years of dedication and love to this music that we call progressive metal, here are some of the best albums that ever existed and made the earth a better place . Give…
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Created by Hazelnut Nero
on 20.09.2014
A Touch of Prog / Evil Underachievers
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Created by Syk
on 14.12.2013
Best of US THRASH [ without The Big Four ] RANKING CRITERIA :
1. Originality 2. Songwriting 3. Vigorous performance…
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Created by Vasil de Shumen
on 29.07.2012
Top 200 Metal Masterpieces of All Time RANKING CRITERIA :
- Originality [ 35% of the rating ] - Songwriting [ 35% of the rating ] - Performance [ 30% of the rating ] Neither popularity among fans nor commercial success (or unsuccess)…
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Created by Vasil de Shumen
on 10.03.2012
Best Metal Albums of Decade 90s The choice of albums was made according to aesthetic criteria, taking into account only musical merits of the recordings.
Neither popularity among fans nor commercial success (or unsuccess) of the albums…
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Created by Vasil de Shumen
on 03.02.2012
MOST OVERLOOKED Albums of All Time
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Created by Vasil de Shumen
on 01.01.2012
Thrashing Fury I'm not a big fan of Thrash, these are perhaps the only albums I enjoy listening to, and even then only rarely. So enjoy if you can.
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Created by Mikyz
on 14.09.2011
90s: The Essentials In no particular order. Will be expanding as I listen to more albums. Only one album per band, be sure to check the rest of the discography by yourself.
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Created by Mikyz
on 07.05.2010