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Thumbs up: +6
The New Machine Of Classic Death Metal (best Albums 2010 - 2020)

1.Abyssus - Into The Abyss
2.Acephalix - Decreation
3.Ascended Dead - Abhorrent Manifestation
4.Auroch - From Forgotten Worlds
5.Auroch - Taman Shud

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Created by Alexbridger on 07.04.2021

Thumbs up: +5
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (S)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone…

1.S.V.E.S.T. - Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Le Diable Est Ma Raison
2.Sabachthani - Miserable Endings
3.Sabaoth - Les Illuminations
4.Sabaton - Carolus Rex
5.Sabbat - Dreamweaver

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Created by Uxküll on 17.02.2021

Thumbs up: +1
My Best Death Metal Albums

1.Faceless Burial - Speciation
2.At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
3.Death - Symbolic
4.Entombed - Left Hand Path
5.Necrot - Blood Offerings

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Created by Xhall on 28.01.2021

Thumbs up: +2
Sakurabas' Top Death Metal Albums (Top 3 Albums each Year)

1.Death - Scream Bloody Gore
2.Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law
3.Death - Leprosy
4.Autopsy - Severed Survival
5.Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness

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Created by Sakuraba on 11.09.2020

Metal Album 2018 Top 150 - (my Favorites)

1.Dimmu Borgir - Eonian
2.Pestilence - Hadeon
3.Mantar - The Modern Art Of Setting Ablaze
4.Amorphis - Queen Of Time
5.Obscura - Diluvium

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Created by Alexbridger on 17.01.2019

Thumbs up: +2

Heavy, Doom, Black, Death, Thrash, Prog, Power...these are my favorite 100 albums of 2018... STAY METAL!!!

25 Honorable Mentions:

Mortuous - Through Wilderness
Arkheth - 12 Winter Moons Comes the Witches…

1.Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
2.Shylmagoghnar - Transience
3.Altars Of Grief - Iris
4.Horrendous - Idol
5.Sepulcher - Panoptic Horror

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Created by CLITORIUX on 04.01.2019

Thumbs up: +4
Tominator's 2018... Best To Worst

All the 2018 albums I listened to this year. Just like last year I always added the specific genre/subgenre so you can get an idea what might be of interest to you.

1.Sunnata - Outlands
2.Crescent - The Order Of Amenti
3.IAH - ll
4.Rivers Of Nihil - Where Owls Know My Name
5.Riverside - Wasteland

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Created by tominator on 30.12.2018

My Top 30 Metal Albums Of 2018

1.Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram
2.Aborted - TerrorVision
3.Bloodbath - The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn
4.Deicide - Overtures Of Blasphemy
5.Immortal - Northern Chaos Gods

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Created by ANDY V. on 27.12.2018

Thumbs up: +5
Sakurabas' Top Of 2018

1.Akhenaten - Golden Serpent God
2.Akitsa - Credo
3.All My Sins - Pra Sila - Vukov Totem
4.Amorphis - Queen Of Time
5.Antlers - Beneath.Below.Behold.

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Created by Sakuraba on 23.12.2018

Thumbs up: +1
The Best & Worst Metal Albums Of 2018

The best and the worst albums of 2018 in my opinion.

Few notes:
- covering death metal, goregrind, porngrind, deathgrind, grindcore, thrash metal, black metal, crossover, hardcore, stoner whatever.

1.Meat Spreader - A Swarm Of Green Flies Over The Rusty Pot
2.Judas Priest - Firepower
3.Haemorrhage / Hemdale / Meat Spreader - Fallen In Gore
4.Hooded Menace - Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed
5.Cancer - Shadow Gripped

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Created by Obnoxious on 20.11.2018

2018's Great Listens: Contenders For The Crown

Since this is technically not a ranking, I've made this list alphabetical. These albums are all ones I am considering for Top 50 of the year and are worth your time.

1.Aboleth - Benthos
2.Aborted - TerrorVision
3.Æpoch - Awakening Inception
4.Agrimonia - Awaken
5.Alghazanth - Eight Coffin Nails

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Created by SchakFU81 on 19.11.2018

Top 50 Metal Albums of 2018

1.Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram
2.Aborted - TerrorVision
3.Judas Priest - Firepower
4.Deicide - Overtures Of Blasphemy
5.Monstrosity - The Passage Of Existence

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Created by vstojanovski on 12.10.2018

Thumbs up: +2
Best Of 2018 Death Metal

In alphabetical order, by band name with subgenres for easier browsing
Updated when I hear new good shit

1.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
2.Abhorrence - Megalohydrothalassophobic
3.Aborted - TerrorVision
4.Abysmal Torment - The Misanthrope
5.Æpoch - Awakening Inception

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Created by Jaro on 04.07.2018


1.Hate Eternal - Upon Desolate Sands
2.Bloodbath - The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn
3.Pestilence - Hadeon
4.Monstrosity - The Passage Of Existence
5.De Profundis - The Blinding Light Of Faith

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Created by twisted_johnz on 20.05.2018

My Top Albums Of 2018.

My top albums of the year 2018. In no particular order.

1.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
2.LIK - Carnage
3.Tomb Mold - Manor Of Infinite Forms
4.Carnation - Chapel Of Abhorrence
5.Antiverse - Under The Regolith

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Created by Iskander on 24.04.2018