musclassia StaffPosts: 7914  |
13.12.2021 - 13:12Rating: 8
Really digging this - he does a really good job at keeping the songs compelling across those huge lengths; there's something almost ambient about how different tones and tremolos are maintained for huge stretches of time, but those folky and melodic elements on top keep it engaging.
Posts: 707
13.12.2021 - 22:48Rating: 9
Magnificent. The atmosphere and the melody are astounding.
One of the best records of the year.
Posts: 608  |
14.12.2021 - 06:45Rating: 10
Wow....this one blew me right the heck out the door, talk about fantastic
Archie 666
Posts: 329  |
15.12.2021 - 14:52Rating: 9
This is magnificent.
Archie 666
Posts: 329  |
15.12.2021 - 15:00Rating: 9
Limited digi CD sold out damn it. 'To be released December 10th on CD and cassette on Northern Silence records and Throne Records on LP at a later date due to pressing plant backlogs.'(just read it on bandcamp). Will wait for the vinyl
Posts: 6  |
Correction - cassette is coming around march. vinyl probably Q2 2022. thanks so much for the wonderful comments, everyone!
-joseph, ethereal shroud
Posts: 9264  |
15.12.2021 - 20:36Rating: 8
I'll have to check this out. Currently #9 of the year out of all albums on RYM!
nikarg StaffPosts: 7624  |
Album of the year contender. I cannot stop listening to this since it came out, absolutely stunning. Such a shame it's the last one.
Posts: 608  |
17.12.2021 - 19:11Rating: 10
Pitiful how someone can throw out a dozen 1-stars to torpedo bands that compete with their own choices.
Posts: 6  |
Hahaha, that says more about them than it does my record, so i'm ok with it. much love.
Posts: 386  |
17.12.2021 - 21:18Rating: 9
What an incredible record.
Posts: 64  |
17.12.2021 - 21:37Rating: 9
Holy Molly, such amazing album, wet and cold with good taste in the riffs, that's a album of the year for sure.
Posts: 1
Whoa, what a monument !
I don't know what happened but after starting from the first song i am totally blown away how beautiful the musical landscapes are.. on the other hand melodic roughness but also beautiful
Is this really one man show.. Respects for this album !
Posts: 656  |
18.12.2021 - 02:51Rating: 9
My fellow/former reviewer on MetalManic! Congrats man!
Posts: 608  |
18.12.2021 - 03:53Rating: 10
Written by Noctus on 17.12.2021 at 20:58
Hahaha, that says more about them than it does my record, so i'm ok with it. much love.
yeah, but when someone torpedos small-band records, it irritates me. If you do it to a band everyone knows, it's no big deal, but getting a high ranking for an album here might help a band get some well-deserved additional listens
Posts: 9264  |
19.12.2021 - 19:42Rating: 8
Great atmosphere with lots of layers. A little too long for my taste but really well done.
Posts: 370
20.12.2021 - 21:41Rating: 9
Jared Archon
Posts: 79  |
24.12.2021 - 22:55Rating: 8
This album is so sick, glad to see it getting the love it deserves
Posts: 5
26.12.2021 - 07:24Rating: 10
Oh this one is in the running for AotY, great atmoblack/doom combo.
mz Account deleted |
mz Account deleted
Indeed the best atmo black I've heard in a long time. However, the bar is set really low for that genre.
Posts: 608  |
31.12.2021 - 08:16Rating: 10
End of year, Trisagion ended up edging out Veilburner for AotY
damned epic
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5599  |
Clearly in the run in for AOTY.
Posts: 896  |
This is amazing. I thought I already had my albums of the year sorted but this could be a late contender.
BitterCOld The Ancient One AdminPosts: 15311  |
31.12.2021 - 21:05Rating: 9
Back in 2015 I stumbled upon "They Became As The Falling Ash" while stumbling around Bandcamp. Loved it, reviewed and staff picked it to spread the wealth.
Hate to say it but partially forgot about it, the byproduct of getting older, drinking enough booze to get the better part of our readership drunk and listening to hundreds up on hundreds upon hundreds of albums.
This was a kick in the head. A swell, great majestic kick in the head to remind me how awesome the last was as well as how great this one is. Really enjoyed it. And a call back to something Richard said way way way back when we were still an .EE site... "Why should I listen to so may new albums when I have a bunch I already love." Or something to the effect of that. Spend so much time chasing the dragon trying to find the next fix when I should cut a chunk out and spend that time revisiting the great stuff I love. (And keep a better eye out for bands like this, Black Willows or others I reviewed and loved back in the day so I can catch their new shit.)
no one
Posts: 687  |
10.01.2022 - 19:50Rating: 8
Great album
Unable to connect to the database
Alakazam spendin' cheese
Posts: 1218  |
Written by BitterCOld on 31.12.2021 at 21:05
"Why should I listen to so may new albums when I have a bunch I already love." Or something to the effect of that. Spend so much time chasing the dragon trying to find the next fix when I should cut a chunk out and spend that time revisiting the great stuff I love.
Absolutely quoted for the truth. Refining what I owned was one of the best decisions I've made.
Not to be relevant to your message but on the album, after falling asleep to it twice, really was nothing that Hvis Lyst Tar Oss didn't do already in similar formula, albeit keeping a stronger attachment. But who knows, if this was released at the same time what potential momentum it would have had? I don't see why such reception for this is booming when it seems to have trounced Bellum in gossip when it is more unique for the same execution if I recall right? Then again, most modern stuff rarely gets repeated so I've come full circle I suppose.
I may not have the largest collection but I certainly have the absolute best
Posts: 656  |
15.01.2022 - 16:51Rating: 9
If Iotunn - Access All Worlds gets major deduction of points for production issues, I'm afraid that this too should receive nearly equal treatment. Love both albums, but feel that IOTUNN's MS rating is suffering more from said complaints.
Alex F
Posts: 3525  |
21.01.2022 - 20:46Rating: 8
Yeah this shit is good. Great atmosphere and musicianship on all parts. Vocals might be a tad low in the mix for me, but that may be a stylistic choice.
Posts: 6  |
Written by Alex F on 21.01.2022 at 20:46
Yeah this shit is good. Great atmosphere and musicianship on all parts. Vocals might be a tad low in the mix for me, but that may be a stylistic choice.
it is indeed a stylistic choice. the idea was for me to sound almost like a 'ghost' in the mix, trying to break through and be heard through all the noise. rather metaphorical to the subject matter.
Alex F
Posts: 3525  |
24.01.2022 - 17:08Rating: 8
Written by Noctus on 24.01.2022 at 09:45
it is indeed a stylistic choice. the idea was for me to sound almost like a 'ghost' in the mix, trying to break through and be heard through all the noise. rather metaphorical to the subject matter.
Very interesting, thank you for putting that into perspective! Will keep that in mind on future listens.