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Bethlehem - Lebe Dich Leer

7.2 | 30 votes |
Release date: 17 May 2019
Style: Black metal


21 have it

01. Verdaut In Klaffenden Mäulern
02. Niemals Mehr Leben
03. Ich Weiß Ich Bin Keins
04. Wo Alte Spinnen Brüten
05. Dämonisch Im Ersten Blitz
06. An Gestrandeten Sinnen
07. Ode An Die Obszöne Scheußlichkeit
08. Aberwitzige Infraschall-Ritualistik
09. Bartzitter Flumgerenne

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Comments: 2   Visited by: 61 users
27.05.2019 - 07:49
Theodore V
Account deleted
Why release an album on the international scene in German? I don't get it.
27.05.2019 - 12:27
i c deaf people
Written by [user id=124004] on 27.05.2019 at 07:49

Why release an album on the international scene in German? I don't get it.

Well, one could assume that they are striving to get a large slice of the Rammstein pie, but that would be unjust since nobody outside of Germany did ever hear of Rammstein when Bethlehem had already released their first album with german lyrics.
Other people, who are familiar with Jürgen Bartsch, will attest that he believes to be the next Goethe...

But the truth lies somewhere in between: you can hardly call this german anymore. It's more like an artificial language consisting of german terms, common german syllables and word fragments but widely ignoring german grammar.
"Bartzitter Flumgerenne" is a good example, it makes no sense at all. But "Zartbitter Rumgeflenne" is quite a clever pun, figuratively it means something like "#MeToo crybaby".
signatures = SPAM

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