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1989-  Sören Van Heek - drums
1989-  Sven D'Anna - vocals
1989-2003  Michael Maass - guitars
› 2007-  -//-
2013-  Arndt Ratering - bass
2020-  Tommy Hartung - guitars
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1989-2013  Volker Leson - bass
2004-2020  Dano Boland - guitars
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Power metal. Lets be honest, it has never been a particularly cool genre now has it? But even though power metal may have had a rise in the popularity a few years ago with bands like Dragonforce raising awareness of its withering species, times in power-metal-land...
Review by Baz Anderson ››
Ah, the new Wizard release. I've been waiting for this one for quite a while, so a few days after it was released I went to the city to my favourite CD shop and bought it, hoping for the same splendour as on the two previous albums Odin and Magic...
Review by Bas ››
These German wizards are, how it ever might sound, not newbies to our metal scene. They were formed already back in 1989 and this records is their sixth.
Now I know the name of the band sounds very cliché and that you probably will take them for...
Review by Malcolm ››

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