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1998-2002  Aort - all instruments
› 2002-  -//- guitars
2010-  Syhr - bass
2010-  Lordt - drums
2011-  Wacian - vocals
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2002-2006  AiwarikiaR - drums
2002-2006  Kvohst - vocals
› 2008-2011  -//-
2002-2006  Vyttra - guitars
2002-2010  Viper - bass, backing vocals
2007-2008  Alsvid - drums
2008-2022  Andras - guitars
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1998-2002  Scott Walton - vocals
2008-2009  Adrian Erlandsson - drums
2007-2008  Heimoth - guitars
2008  Daniel "Dan" Mullins - drums
2008  Ilia Rodriguez - bass
2009-2010  Terghl - drums
2009  Aðalbjörn Tryggvason - choirs vocals
2021  Jesse Heikkinen - guitar solo

Latest reviews

Now this is a comeback album.
Review by RaduP ››
Black Metal without corpsepaint? DEAR GOD!!

Nowadays is an interesting time for the Black Metal listener, in difference of some other genres, Black Metal is pushing boundaries and is becoming one of the most unpredictable and creative sub-genres of Metal....
Review by Undercraft ››

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