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2007-  David Eriksson - guitars
2008-2013  J. Dee - vocals
› 2013-  -//- bass, vocals
2009-  Christoffer "Kribbe" Frylmark - guitars
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2007  Jacob (II) - guitars
› 2008-2009  -//- bass
2008-2009  Martin (XVIII) - guitars
2008-2009  Wilhelm - drums
2009-2011  Anton Johansson - bass
2009-2020  Rasmus "Ralle" Jansson - drums
2012-2013  Anton Eriksson - bass
2020-2021  Björn Andersson - drums
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2018-2021  Johan Ericson - organ
2021  Daniel Arvidsson - vocals

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Further brandishing of the severed fox head signals two things for traditionally epic doom: more Anguish and fewer afforded comforts. Between you and the end is a Mountain of unembellished metal as bitter and unrelenting as the winter wind. Archaic style...
Review by R'Vannith ››
Yes. Totally awesome. Old school traditional doom metal with a personality of its own? Hell yes. Despite being somewhat derivative, Anguish managed to have found themselves an incredibly distinct sound.
Review by Doc G. ››

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