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2010-2018  Jeff Wilson - guitars, synthesizers
› 2018-  -//- bass, guitars, synthesizers, vocals
2018-  James Benson - vocals, guitars
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2010-2013  Brian "Bob" Fouts - bass, drums
› 2016-2019  -//- drums
2010-2017  Stavros "Steve" Giannopoulos - vocals
2016-2017  Ken Sorceron - guitars
2016-2017  Rob Hultz - bass
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2019  Jon Siren - drums
2019  Kakophonix - cello
2022-2023  Garry Naples - drums
2012-2016  Wrest - bass
2019-  Dustin Boltjes - drums
2019-  Micah Leonetti - bass
2018  Kim Dylla - vocals

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To be, or not to be? That is the question. To be audacious that is. Chrome Waves, which are basically James Benson from Amiensus and Jeff Wilson (ex-Abigail Williams, Nachtmystium) are indeed audacious.
Review by Dream Taster ››

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