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Vastum - Hole Below

Death Metal
Dec 24, 2015
This is dirty, menacing & crushing Death metal of the highest order that grabs your attention from the first note until the last.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: wormdrink414

Dead To A Dying World - Litany

Blackened Crust/Doom
Oct 16, 2015
Despite the long running time, Litany's numerous stylistic influences, great atmosphere & compositional depth keep the listener engaged for the entire duration of the album. In fact, with music this good the challenge isn't really about if you can get to the end without hitting the 'stop' button...but if you can stop yourself from immediately hitting 'play' again!

Anopheli - The Ache Of Want

Post-hardcore , Crust punk
Jul 03, 2015
Having released one of the best EP's of the year in 2014 with their demo A Hunger Rarely Sated, Anopheli have followed this up with an equally brilliant yet slightly more refined debut album The Ache Of Want. This is 40 minutes of cello infused Crust punk/post-hardcore that deserves your attention, so go give it a listen NOW!

Serdce - Timelessness

Jazz-infused Progressive Death Metal
Jul 07, 2014
To put it bluntly, Timelessness is nothing short of a masterpiece!

Don't believe me? Go give it a spin HERE, and decide for yourself.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: R'Vannith, Darkside Momo

Herder - Gods

Sludge / Stoner / Doom
May 15, 2014
You've probably heard some heavy sludge/stoner doom in your time......but Herder is harder!

Listen here.

Benevolent - The Covenant

Mar 18, 2014
Combining djent grooves and progressive death metal with a great use of ambiance, Dubai's Benevolent have really raised the bar as to what we can expect from bands in this region. Despite many songs on The Covenant being around the 7-10 minute mark, it never overstays it's welcome due to the great musicianship showcased throughout as the albums flows back & forth between beauty & brutality.

Listen here.

Black Fast - Starving Out The Light

Progressive Black/Thrash
Jan 01, 2014
A really interesting and engaging blend of Progressive Black and Thrash Metal. Imagine Vektor with a little bit of Death & Enslaved mixed in. Sounds good right?

Go give them a listen.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: wormdrink414, psykometal, !J.O.O.E.!, X-Ray Rod, R'Vannith

Eye Of Solitude - Canto III

Nov 26, 2013
Simply put, this is a great follow-up to last years album Sui Caedere that further solidifies Eye Of Solitude as one of the elite UK death/doom metal acts.

Listen here.

Omb - SwineSong

Progressive / Avantgarde
Oct 13, 2013
If you like your prog to be ambitious, diverse, theatrical & technically proficient, then you are gonna love what these Israelis have in store for you!

Listen here.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Ivor, R'Vannith, Dane Train
Sep 20, 2013
52 minutes of raw, chaotic Black Metal from Iceland that is as haunting as it is hypnotizing. Fantastic songwriting, amazing atmosphere, great debut!

Listen here

Ade - Spartacus

Death Metal
Jun 13, 2013
"Death Metal comes to us all. Press me again, and you shall find yours."
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: psykometal

Apocynthion - Sidereus Nuncius

Post Black Metal
Apr 27, 2013
Following on from my most recent staff pick, Vallendusk, here is another great debut Black Metal release from the Pest Productions label. This time it is of the Post Black Metal variety.

Listen here.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod

Vallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering

Atmospheric Black Metal
Apr 20, 2013
The Indonesian metal scene is more known for its brutal death metal but Vallendusk try and break that mould by showing that the scene has a lot more to offer by serving up some seriously high quality atmospheric black metal. Unlike the majority of atmospheric black metal bands that operate with that more depressive mid-tempo sound, Vallendusk differentiate themselves by employing a faster & more upbeat tempo with undoubted post & folk influences. The standout element of this record is without a doubt the excellent guitar work. Whether it's the melodic hooks or acoustic folk passages, it will grip you throughout.

Black Clouds Gathering consists of 7 tracks with the shortest track being 8 minutes long and is admittedly not the most varied record out there, so it will not suit those with a short attention span. But if epic melody-driven atmospheric black metal is your thing, I seriously suggest you give this a spin.

Listen here.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Abattoir, X-Ray Rod, Susan

Anciients - Heart Of Oak

Progressive Metal
Apr 10, 2013
Anciients employ an extremely varied and eclectic mix of styles, from blues rock to black metal, that combine together so effortlessly to form what is surely one of the best debut albums of 2013 so far. Heart Of Oak is as unique & ambitious as it is memorable, and will undoubtedly be a hit with any fan's of progressive, expansive music.

Listen here.

Xanthochroid - Blessed He With Boils

Epic/Melodic Black Metal
Jan 01, 2013
Interesting, innovative, engaging, diverse & technically proficient. This Epic/Melodic/Progressive Black metal release takes influences from many different genres & combines them together so well to form an absolute gem of a debut album. Xanthochroid are going places, and wherever they go you should follow.

Listen here