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Vintersorg - New Album In March

To the joy of all, Napalm Records has set the release date for Jordpuls, the new record from Vintersorg for March 25th.

According to the accompanying press release, Jordpuls (trans: Earth's Pulse) adds yet another masterpiece to Vintersorg's already impressive discography. The unrelenting visionary allows this particular album to glimpse back at the past. The result is an imposing symbiosis of traditional and modern elements taken from the Swede's characteristic sound cosmos. Folk metal anthems meet icy black metal passages and Nordic melodies. The mix delivers multifaceted and memorable songs that carry the mastermind's unique signature.

The album is completely sung in Swedish and its lyrics borrow from Vintersorg's past themes: Revolving around man and nature, unique phenomena in the wild, and philosophical observations. Vintersorg's unmistakable and powerful vocals-from clean to extreme-reign over each track with resounding force, while his production prowess gives the songs a crystal-clear and potent sound. Jordpuls impressively combines tradition with modernism, while showcasing the best of the Swedish visionary.

Band profile: Vintersorg
Posted: 26.01.2011 by BudDa


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Comments: 7   Visited by: 46 users
26.01.2011 - 00:50
Account deleted
Freakin sweet!
26.01.2011 - 00:55
Account deleted
Can't fucking wait for this, I'm gonna be breaking the bank in March it seems
26.01.2011 - 04:53
Metal Addict
It's about time. Can hardly wait.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
26.01.2011 - 12:03
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Long time no hera this band...biggest band who comes from Skelleteå ok Europe is Europe, but trooly I understand what news means whit nordic
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.01.2011 - 15:31
Account deleted
Sounds impressive.....looking forward to an epic record!!!!!!!!
26.01.2011 - 16:13
Hell yea, Vintersorganic is back
27.01.2011 - 00:03
Hey, awesome sauce. I'm looking forward to it.

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