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Clandestine Cuts Vol. 14 Issue #2 - Awesome New Demos and EPs

Written by: nikarg, musclassia, X-Ray Rod, Abattoir, Starvynth
Published: March 03, 2024

Clandestine Cuts Volume 14, Issue #2
The Metal Storm Demo/EP Spotlight

Brand New Independent Metal Lives Here.
Welcome to the Clandestine Cuts!

Is independent, unsigned, and underground metal what you seek? Weary traveller of the metal world, rest here a while. Clandestine Cuts are the best demos and EPs from these bands, the heart and soul of metal music. These musicians are slaves to their passions, and their blood keeps the metal machine alive and turning. Support them with a simple listen, and discover the future.

Metal Storm users: you can vote in the poll below to choose your favourite demo/EP of the issue. The winners each year are nominated in our annual Metal Storm Awards, so exercise your rights: this is the one category chosen completely by YOU the readers. Make sure your favourite independent metal is recognized each year!

(Think your band has what it takes to be featured in the Cuts? Email to submit your music.)

In case you're new to this, go back and enjoy our last few issues:

Clandestine Cuts Vol. 14 #1
Clandestine Cuts Vol. 13 #12
Clandestine Cuts Vol. 13 #11

And now to the new music...

Asphalt Grieving - Lack Of Certainty (Chile)
[Black Metal | Death Metal]

Quite what asphalt grieves, I don’t know; I’ll try to lend it some sympathy next time I’m crossing the road. As for Asphalt Grieving, their debut EP is a malevolent mixture of black and death metal that brings the evil that both extreme styles offer. Probably the element that initially stands out most is the exuberant, unorthodox vocal style, which flickers between growls, grunts and more unusual sounds. However, beneath those vocals, there’s a collection of songs that offer vicious death riffs, bleak atmospheric moments, creepy blackened guitar textures, and occasional subtle semi-melodic tremolos, all connected by some quite unpredictable chop-changing writing. It’s an aggressive and fierce listen, but also one that manages to conjure a surprising touch of grandeur in some key moments.

by musclassia

Fatal Visions - Found Dead (USA)

Less than 10 minutes of music may not seem like a lot to brag for. But when the beating is this vicious it is more than enough to make sure people pay attention. Fatal Visions are a hardcore/metal hybrid of the no-bullshit variety. Their main influences come from the likes of Hatebreed and maybe some overseas inspiration like The Haunted. The powerful riffs of these New Yorkers have been injected with thrash undertones and they go nicely together with the brutal pounding of the drums which carry the weight of a shotgun blast. As expected, the vocalist sounds pissed off beyond belief; an attitude that is highly contagious. If there is one thing I must highlight from this short, but fierce release above other things is how impeccable Found Dead sounds. The production is top-notch and shows a band that is ready for a proper full length.

by X-Ray Rod

Detestial - Amongst The Winds Of Twilight (Greece)
[Black / Thrash Metal]

Amongst The Winds Of Twilight is the debut EP of the Greek band Detestial and, damn, this is one blistering introduction! A great specimen of what black thrash metal really is, the EP blends successfully the darkness and the sinister edge of black metal with the intensity and aggression of thrash. Razor-sharp riffs, pummeling drums, raspy and malevolent vocals, and a wild bass that is audible in the mix make for an unrelenting and uncompromising oral assault that carries the flame first lit by bands like Aura Noir and Absu. Featuring members of Resurgency, Temple Of Evil, and Sacral Rage, Detestial are clearly talented, and this EP strikes a deeply satisfying balance of virtuosic playing, menacing vibe, raw energy, and great songwriting.

by nikarg

Silvasolum - Silvasolum (Canada)
[Post-Metal | Progressive Doom Metal]

Silvasolum from Quebec are the continuation of the band Psomb, and with their self-titled debut EP, they are expanding the sound of the old band that was laid to rest. This sound is a post-metal/progressive doom metal hybrid, relying on heavy riffs, while also featuring very lush melodies, and playing successfully with darkness and light. Depending on the mood they want to convey, the vocals take the form of either blackened rasps or grungy/stonery cleans, giving the music an extra ‘instrument’ that helps get the point across. Featuring three tracks that are between six and seven minutes-long each, this is a very well produced EP, with highly competent performances all around, and is sure to please the fans of bands like Cult Of Luna, Elder, Tool, and Alice In Chains.

by nikarg

Crypts Of Dusk - Beyond This Mortal Realm (Belgium)
[Black Metal]

From the Flanders, Belgium, comes the mysterious duo Crypts Of Dusk with its highly arousing black metal attack, in the form of a debut EP, titled Beyond This Mortal Realm. Symphonic, atmospheric, DSBM… whatever you want. The taste of sovereign black metal in its various directions should get your prompt attention. Smothering-sounding, yet intense drums offer a bit more exposure to the all-around striking and raw guitar work that hardly loses its spark through the whole aural journey of this music output. Complementing the sound with either sinister or more mellow-sounding synths, some of the emotional side of Beyond This Mortal Realm is unveiled as well. I’m not exaggerating if I say that, had they composed 2-3 additional songs to make it a full-length, this would most certainly be one of my top black metal albums this year. And, considering that the entire effort was written, recorded, mixed, and mastered in a DIY manner, this is hands-down impressive. Wouldn’t change a thing in this production.

by Abattoir

Jötnar - Eternal Path (Norway)
[Pagan / Folk Metal]

To get into the right mood for Jötnar's blackened folk metal, a quick image search for the band's home region is highly recommended, as the province of Møre og Romsdal is practically synonymous with the wild beauty of Norway, featuring many of the country's most famous natural wonders: the Geirangerfjord, impressive waterfalls, Europe's highest cliff, and the Trollstigen mountain pass, to name but a few. As one would expect, a close connection with the characteristic landscape of the region is reflected in the music of the Norwegian duo - Eternal Path sounds as mysterious as the deep forests of the area and as epic as if each of the four songs were a hymn to the stunning nature. The music thrives on a constant interplay between calm passages and black metal-inspired fury, with this contrast further intensified by alternating vocals of female cleans and male growls. For anyone who has ever wondered how Eluveitie's first album might have sounded if it had been recorded 2,000 kilometers further north, they should definitely pay attention to Jötnar, their first EP, and everything that will come from them in the future.

by Starvynth


What's your favourite new release of this issue?

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Comments: 8   Visited by: 56 users
03.03.2024 - 13:53
This issue is very strong, and with much variety. I like every release featured here, but I have to single out the final track of the Crypts Of Dusk EP, which I suspect will prove to be one of the best black metal songs of 2024.
03.03.2024 - 16:31
i c deaf people
As usual, I have to agree with Nik; the title track of Beyond This Mortal Realm is truly brilliant. The only thing that has prevented me from voting for Crypts Of Dusk is that, for me, a fair price is also part of the overall package. 7 bucks for the first EP of a new band is, in my opinion, a tad too much, especially considering that many labels now offer their entire digital catalog for "name your price" on Bandcamp.

Anyway, I'm happy every time Abattoir contributes to the Clandestine Cuts. He always finds the good stuff.
signatures = SPAM
03.03.2024 - 17:27
Thrash Talker
Another awesome find by nikarg. Again, I just can't help it when it comes to that blend of Black Thrash. Fucking love Detestial especially Throne Bearers Of Hate. Amazing EP, thanks!
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
04.03.2024 - 15:59
Written by Guib on 03.03.2024 at 17:27

Another awesome find by nikarg. Again, I just can't help it when it comes to that blend of Black Thrash. Fucking love Detestial especially Throne Bearers Of Hate. Amazing EP, thanks!

You're welcome mate, glad you like it, it's a very promising start, this EP. I hope they do live shows in the near future.
04.03.2024 - 16:39
I thought I'd commented on this earlier, but evidently not; good bunch this month! I agree with the above that the Crypts Of Dusk final song is solid, but overall I'm a bit more inclined towards Asphalt Grieving, Silvasolum and Jotnar
24.03.2024 - 22:05
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Home country album writer almost won, but then German pagan wizard traveled to Trolland on middle forest of another germanic language group county and found real forest jewel.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.04.2024 - 21:04
i c deaf people
Written by Bad English on 24.03.2024 at 22:05

[...] real forest jewel.

Pleased to hear that you enjoyed Jötnar. We rarely have similar tastes in music, but blackened folk seems to be our common ground. Perhaps folk doom also fits in, which brings to mind Druun, whom I likely wouldn't have discovered without your enthusiasm to flood the entire database with Latvian bands.
signatures = SPAM
04.04.2024 - 00:24
Thrash Talker
Again as I mentioned before with BE. Love him or hate him but you can't deny he floods the place with interesting stuff here and there. Made many discoveries because of him.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here

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